Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Annual Meeting minutes

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Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Annual Meeting, April 22, 2019


Stone Brooke Committe Reports

Architectural Control Committee - Dean McCormick

1. Committee members: Russ Richardson, Nathan Tosten, Candy Schainker, Lyn Watson, Richard Ross,

Dean McCormick (chair). The Board Member Committee Liaison is Lara Hallgrimsdottir.

2. David Williams resigned his position on the committee on November 1, 2018 when he moved from

Stone Brooke.

3. The committee reviewed and forwarded seven requests to the Board of Directors for approval in the

period since May 1, 2019. These requests are summarized in the table below:


Date Received






Meeting Date




4036 Fletcher Blvd.

Deck Replacement




4037 Fletcher Blvd.

Screen in open porch




1523 Stone Brooke Road

Deck Replacement




4134 Stone Brooke Road

Deck Replacement




4210 Stone Brooke Road

Deck Replacement




4034 Stone Brooke Road

Brick patio with gas fire pit




4000 Fletcher Blvd.

Replacement of screens in porch

with storm windows and fixed

glass panels




Building and Maintenance Committee - Dale Tramp


Touch ups:    94

Full paints:    14

Trim paints:    14



Roofs replaced:  5

Roof repairs:      18



Repair projects:        59

Gutter repairs:          18

Gutter replacements:  7

 Clubhouse and Pool Committee - Barbara Faidley

This has been an interesting year for this committee.  My committee members at the beginning of the year were Ken Recker, Jeff Hanover, Beth and Steve Coon, Sylva Williams, Denis and Judy McGee, Lynn Franco and Linda Martin.  Beth, Steve, Sylva and Linda have left Stone Brooke.  My new committee members are Linda Thrailkill, Kim Schrader, and Neta and Nathan Tosten. Thank you all for serving on the committee.


Our committee oversees a number of things.  Everything happening at the club house comes under our committee.  Monthly décor changes and maintenance of the club house on a weekly basis and special maintenance also.  Reservations for the clubhouse are also our responsibility which includes monthly activities of the association and individual reservations from members.  We also oversee the MY LITTLE LIBRARY in front of the clubhouse.  We are also responsible for our pool operation.  We need to have a license to operate. We need a licensed pool operator to have the pool open.  We also have an annual inspection of the pool by Story County Health Dept.  We maintain the flowers around the pool and all the furniture on the pool deck. 


During the year of 2018 there were 8 monthly functions scheduled at the clubhouse that were for the association.  This includes bridge, BUNCO, arts and crafts, game day, book club and the monthly potluck.  The club house was in use 185 days.  There were 48 days with multiple groups in the clubhouse on a certain day.  There were 7 private pool parties during 2018.  The club house was booked for clubs 17 times during the year 2018.  If you have an interest and would like to start a new group for the association please let me know.  We are always open for new ideas.


During 2018 many changes happened.  We had to hire a new cleaning person for the clubhouse.  We had to hire a new pool operator for our 2018 swimming season.  Linda Martin, our long time reservations person was moving out of Stone Brooke and she also needed to be replaced.


Starting in February 2019, Kim Schrader became our new reservations person. Her address is 1612 Woodhaven Circle.  Her number is in the directory.  We also got the news that Anna Hartwig, our pool operator, would be leaving Stone Brooke to move out of state and could not do the pool job this year.  We have found a new pool operator, Vince Simon, who lives in Stone Brooke also.  Now we have to get him trained and licensed before the pool can open.  We hope to start our swimming season on June 1 if not before.  An announcement will be coming to let you know the start date and the hours of pool operation for the pool this year.   Along with this announcement, will come a copy of Policies governing the Swimming Pool.  Please read this.  It will give you details about pool parties, who is allowed in the pool and who has to accompany visitors to the pool.  The biggest thing to remember is that a Stone Brooke Resident is required to accompany any age visitor to the pool and stay while they are using the pool.


At the end of 2018 we started a new way to check for reservations.  All reservations that have been made are entered on our web-site once a week.  People are asked to check this site before calling for a reservation.  It does save time.  When you make a reservation, that reservation goes onto the calendar but is only entered into the website once a week.  Reservations have always been on a first come basis.  If you want to hold a function at the club house, always check with the reservations person before you send invitations.  Your date might already have a reservation on it.  Just as a reminder, Kim will not take reservations for 2020 until July 1 at 9.00 am.  “No exceptions.”    If you have made a reservation and plans change, please call Kim and let her know you are cancelling your reservation.  Clubs for the association should also let Kim know if their meetings have been cancelled.


There will also be a be change at the club house this Spring.  Sometime in May you will be getting a notice that the club house will be closed.  At that time we will be installing a keypad on the door for entry into the club house.  You will each receive a 4 number entry code for your address.  This will be your number to type into the keypad and the door should open.  You should be receiving your keypad number by e-mail.  If you would like to receive your number in a different way please notify me. When the new keypad is installed you will be getting a more complete explanation on its use.  This new entry system will take a little getting used to but it will solve a number of problems we have been having with the club house.


Don’t forget to use the MY LITTLE LIBRARY at the club house.  We have a wide selection of books in the library and also many, many more in the back bathroom in the club house.  We also have puzzles to take and use.  Someone has been kind enough to donate some coloring books and crayons if you need some when visitors are expected.  Just return them when your visitors leave


We would welcome new members to our committee.  If you are interested in checking on the pool during the summer months, please call me or sign up on the list on the table in the vestibule.

Grounds Committee - Andrea Shaffer/D'onore

Land Management Proposal / Strategic Management Committee  Andrea Shaffer/D’onore

I am in the process of collecting information to develop a "Land Management" proposal for our property that would give our grounds committee a long reaching vision for what it is we'd like to see happen over the next 10-20 years.

My hope is that we could incorporate our short term (yearly) land management issues....such as all the water drainage problems.... into a longer term management plan that would solve and prevent future problems from occurring.  


I believe that with some strategic planning, our association could:

-Make a positive difference in our common land to increase property values, neighborhood appeal, and reduce long term maintenance costs.

-. Improve water drainage and run off and resolve our drainage issues through well planned rainwater run-off "gardens"

-Create/establish areas of Iowa Native woodlands and natural prairie areas and sustainably eliminate weeds from prairie areas

-Create urban habitats for more desirable creatures in our prairie, woodlands and waters

-Have our property re-zoned so above areas would qualify for tax benefits/exemptions through Story County  

-Evaluate our current system of paths and determine if other materials (such as boardwalks) could be incorporated in specific problematic areas to resolve cracking, wash out and run off 

- Help educate the Stone Brooke community about the value of common land owned, and how to improve it, and involve our residents in a visionary project that creates value and saves us all money.

-Set an example for our community for what can happen with the right strategic planning and our own amazing property management team

-Develop a financial plan for early establishment, development, and long term maintenance of our goals with the end result being a walkable neighborhood filled with beautiful woodlands, prairies and flowers providing habitats healthy wildlife. My hope is that over time this land be maintained in a higher quality state with lower maintenance expenses.


I do not wish to reinvent the wheel, as I know that there are already plans in place, but I would like to explore options for resolution that may utilize some of the other resources available in our community.  I think it was Chad who told me that ISU did a "master plan" for our property about 10 years ago and would probably be able to grant us another plan.  I think this would be a great place to start.  


I have contacted Mike Todd from Ames High.  His property management company hired an agency to provide them with a long term plan to do exactly the above list which in turn saved his HOA several thousand dollars/year. He is also very interested in increasing student ownership in community projects (such as our pollinator garden and other potential projects) and believes that his students could provide us with assistance long term in the future.  My hope is that we could also utilize resources from ISU and other civic groups, since our grounds are utilized by many Ames residents already.


I also have already placed calls to both Liz CalhounStormwater Resource Analyst and Jake MooreStormwater Specialist, with the city of Ames for input on our water issues.  


I believe it could take a full year to gather the information needed to develop a long term plan for our community. I would like to create a team of 3-4 people to collect data for this strategic project as we continue to manage the current daily ongoing issues.


These are just some of my initial ideas, and I welcome any and all feedback.

Hospitality Committee - Ken and Sally Hartman

Statement of committee responsibilities:

            Members of this committee call on new residents to Stone Brooke and welcome them to the area, answer questions about the association and generally introduce them to the community.  We also host the monthly pot-luck luncheons and periodic social activities.


List of projects:

            During the past year, the Hospitality Committee has called on 19 residential units with members new to the Stone Brooke community.  We have given each one a packet of information about Stone Brooke, which includes the Covenants/By-Laws; Clubhouse/Pool Rules, a list of residents, officers and committee chairpersons, board policies, and social activities.  We take time to visit with them and answer questions.  


During the past year, we hosted 4 social events: Cocktail Hour in June, coffee hours in October and February. We also coordinated the annual Stone Brooke Garage Sale last August.


We are continuing the noon potluck luncheons on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The Thursday potluck luncheons have been averaging 20 - 30.


The next social activity will be the Wine and Cheese Party on April 26. We will again be having a Stone Brooke area coordinated garage sale on August 9 & 10. Our committee will take care of advertisement and promotions.


Groups meeting at the Clubhouse on a regular basis: 

The Couples Bridge group meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm. No reservations required.


The Ladies Bridge group meets the second Tuesday of the month at 1:15. No reservations required. Questions - Call Jean Digmann at 233-3490 for more information.


The Bunco group meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 1:30 pm.  This game is played with dice and can be learned very quickly.  It is fun, social kind of game.  New members are always welcome. 


The Book Club meets on the third Thursday afternoon at 1:30. If you are interested in joining this group, contact Jean Digmann, 232-1903.


The Game Day activity is held at 1:00 pm on the second Monday of the month.


Insurance Committee - Jim Lohr

The Insurance Committee continues to seek full compliance by all ‘Class A’ residents of Stone Brooke to provide to SBHOA annual verification from their insurance companies that they have adequate home insurance, and that SBHOA is listed as an additional insured party on every policy.  To that end, the committee regularly collects and tabulates the insurance documents sent to SBHOA.


As of mid-April, 2019, the committee had yet to receive updated information on 15 residents, 6 residents still have to include SBHOA as an additional insured, and 14 residences appear not to be adequately insured.  Going forward, we will be in contact with these particular residents to discuss and encourage them to provide, through their insurance agents, updated and accurate information to the Board.


Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 23, 2018


Call to Order: The 2018 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Larry Koehrsen.


Verification of Quorum: The secretary reported that members from 63 Class A homes and 4 Class B homes were present.  A quorum as defined by the Association’s covenants had been achieved.


Introductions and Recognitions: President Koehrsen recognized the Board of Directors, committee chairs and those involved with volunteering on committees for their support.  14 new residents have moved into the Association over the past year.  Larry also recognized 8 residents who passed away over the past year.


Appointment of Parliamentarian: Jim Lohr was recognized as the parliamentarian.


MOTION: The final agenda was approved as distributed at the meeting. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


MOTION: The minutes of the 2017 annual meeting were approved as distributed on April 20, 2018. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


President’s Report: 

President Koehrsen highlighted some key points including the following


  1. Expenditures were approximately 99.5% of the budget, which demonstrated a good job balancing the budget.
  2. The budget for 2018 is 358,000, which is 3.5% higher than the 2017 budget.  There is no increase in dues assessments currently built into the proposed budget.  The Board has discussed periodically increasing dues assessments on a more routine basis during each budgeting cycle, but this is dependent on the decisions of future Boards.
  3. There were questions last year regarding whether an audit of our financial records was needed.  A financial review was completed in 2017 and it was determined we are in a satisfactory state of compliance.
  4. An issue involving the covenants was noted and was resolved with a recent restatement of the covenants.
  5. The case involving a paperboy slipping on the ice has been closed with no cost to the Association.
  6. A regular program of maintenance is in place for the grounds and buildings throughout the Association.  A gutter replacement program was initiated in 2017 and will continue.  We are also trying to stay ahead of the Emerald Ash Borer issue.  Walking paths throughout the Association are also being addressed, including implementation of some immediate improvements.  Additional improvements are scheduled for 2018. 
  7. SBHOA is also responsible for a retaining wall at 1531 Stone Brooke Rd.  We will need to plan ahead for a major replacement, likely in the next 5-10 years. 
  8. Larry closed with thanking those who volunteered. 


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard Levine highlighted the first page of the budget, including operating loss and depreciating expenses.  Net income was $9000 for 2017.  Howard also reviewed the financial status in the first quarter of 2018.  He highlighted that we have already spent 104% of the snow removal budget for 2018; therefore, some money allocated to roof expenses will be allocated to snow removal since we are nearing the end of the roof replacement cycle.  Howard then discussed dues assessments and the generally modest increases throughout the history of the Association.  He closed by stating we have $20,000 budgeted for path maintenance in 2018 and that some additional money not currently budgeted could be used for additional maintenance this year. 


One question was raised from the audience regarding responsibilities for the path.  Larry clarified that all paths within the boundaries of the Association are our responsibility.  The other portions outside the Association boundaries are the responsibility of the City of Ames. 


One question was raised from the audience regarding roofing and the status of the roofing replacement cycle.  Chad Marty at PSA clarified that we need to continue replacing 7-8 roofs/year.  MOTION:  Treasurer’s report was accepted. 


Property Services Agency (PSA) Report:

Chris and Chad Marty introduced themselves and gave a brief outline of what PSA does.  Chad works with the maintenance committee and has been working on the retaining wall and path issues.  The annual inspection has been completed and mostly minor repairs are needed.  The gutter replacement program will continue in 2018 (approximately 15 gutters, primarily by age of the homes).  Seven roofs will be replaced in 2018.  Chris works with the Grounds Committee.  Hawcott will be performing lawn care for the common grounds as well as homeowners’ grounds again this year.  Landscapes by Design will continue to perform snow removal.  If there is damage from snow removal, PSA will help ensure it is addressed appropriately by Landscapes by Design. 


Committee Reports: Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report. Full reports are on file for all committees except investment and insurance.

Architectural Control—Candy Schainker

Building Maintenance – Dean Axland

Clubhouse and Pool—Barbara Faidley

Grounds—Steve and Rose Wilson

Hospitality—Ken Hartman

Investment—Ken Recker - $13,000 return (8%) in 2017.   

Insurance – Jim Billings – Summarized insurance requirements for Class A townhomes


Old Business: none


New Business:

Report from Nominating Committee for members of the Board of Directors, Beth Coon, chair: Jim Billings, Mary Beth Oostenbrug and Ron Schnoes were nominated for three openings on the Board of Directors to replace Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert and Lee Griffin.


MOTION: The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors: Jim Billings, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, and Ron Schnoes for their first term.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Questions and Discussion from the Floor:  One recommendation was raised during the Clubhouse and Pool report regarding whether signage could be posted to help ensure the door between the pool and clubhouse is closed.  There was another recommendation during the Grounds report to notify Hawcott to mow some of the pampas grass near the paths to avoid it coming up through the asphalt. 


Good of the Order:

Larry announced that committee sign-up sheets are available and there would be a short meeting of the 2018-2019 Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 8:00.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary


Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 24, 2017


Call to Order: The 2017 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at

6:30 p.m. by President Bob Blattert.


Verification of Quorum: The secretary reported that members from 49 Class A homes and 8 Class B homes were present.  A quorum as defined by the Association’s covenants had been achieved.


Recognition of Deceased Members: Glenn Kappelmann read a statement in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year.


Introduction of Board Members: President Bob Blattert introduced the current board members.  Bob Swanson, who is leaving the Board, spoke about the advantages of living in Stone Brooke.


MOTION: The final agenda was approved as distributed at the meeting. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


MOTION: The minutes of the 2016 annual meeting were approved as distributed on April 23, 2017. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


President’s Report: 

President Blattert stated that Stone Brooke has been cited as a co-defendant in a lawsuit from winter of 2015 related to a paperboy slipping and becoming injured. 


He then discussed dues being due on the 5th of each month, but they aren’t taken out of the bank until the 10th.  He also clarified that garbage collection is for garbage only, not lawn waste.  Arrangements may be made with Chitty for lawn waste, but these must be handled by the individual homeowner. 


Bob then discussed that 2011 was a threshold year for SBHOA.  Several things occurred.  We restated our covenants, changed accountants, changed tax status, and ordered a reserve study. The initial declaration of the covenants occurred in 1984.  In 2011, the attorney working for SBHOA filed a restatement getting 2/3 of the signatures of the association at the time; however 100% of the vote was needed.  We will need to get an additional 45 signatures to be certain our covenants are valid. 


When we changed accountants, we changed to LWBJ and have used them since.  Our dues must be at least 60% of our total income.  We must spend at least 90% on the HOA. The only tax we pay is capital gains.  Depreciation from our clubhouse may be used to offset capital gains from investments. 


Bob then discussed the Board’s fiduciary responsibility to the Association.  We must get better control over managing this responsibility.  A purchase order system has been implemented to correct this issue. 


There was also a question about performing an audit of SBHOA finances.  If there’s not suspicion of criminality, an audit is not the best option.  A financial review may be more appropriate and will be undertaken.   A report will be generated after this review is completed and will advise us if any significant problems are identified.  Bob indicated if there are significant problems, an audit may be appropriate, but not necessary at this time.  It was asked what an official audit would cost.  They vary based on the complexity of the company.  They may be approximately 7-8 thousand dollars.


Bob then discussed path maintenance.  The paths are currently at the point where tree roots are distorting the asphalt and problems exist with the surface at some locations.  We need to address these issues to avoid becoming negligent


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard started by saying he was honored to hear about the nice things stated about his budgetary model.  Howard summarized the financial sheets prepared for the meeting.  The Vanguard account has approximately $150,000, cash on hand is $73,000 which will be spent on townhome and common area maintenance.  Howard then discussed lawn and snow removal along with overhead which aren’t included in either of these.  These are covered in the administration budget.


Bob then discussed path maintenance.  They are currently at the point where tree roots are distorting the asphalt.  We need to address them to avoid becoming negligent.


Administration includes PSA and LWBJ.  Howard emphasized this is a simplified budgeting procedure and provides an easy way for the Board to manage the budget.  Howard discussed Income from Dues on the sheet, which specifies how dues are collected.  They are collected based on square footage of siding and roofing.  There was one question about gutters and if they are applied to siding or roofing.  Howard responded they are a specific line item within the townhome budget.  Howard discussed that gradually increasing the dues will allow for savings to ensure any potential crises could be managed. 


Larry discussed deficits in the budget over the past few years.  At the meeting last year, the consensus was to raise dues by 7% per year over a three year period.  This 7% increase will be performed again this year.  We are working toward a balanced budget based on these dues increases.


Property Services Agency (PSA) Report:

Chris and Chad Marty introduced themselves and gave a brief outline of what PSA does. They work alongside the Stone Brooke committees, supervise any work being done, and take care of phone calls and emails from homeowners. Chris works with the Grounds Committee. Chad announced the annual inspection will occur in 1-2 weeks and will take about 3 weeks to complete.  After that, contact PSA if any questions about whether anything was identified during the inspection.  For those that have new roofs, residents may contact PSA to confirm they are eligible for discount on homeowner’s insurance.  Generally, the oldest roofs are replaced first.  Also, if there are roofs with multiple reports of leaks, those may be prioritized.  Chris primarily works with the grounds committee.  Hawcott will be performing lawn care for the common grounds as well as homeowners’ grounds this year.  Contact Chris if there are any questions about the grounds.  Inspection has been performed to evaluate damage due to snow removal.   515-233-1922 is office number. is the e-mail.


Committee Reports: Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report. The full reports are on file.

Architectural Control—Candy Schainker

Insurance – Lee Griffin for Charlie Martinson, chair

Building Maintenance—Larry Northup

Clubhouse and Pool—Barbara Faidley

Investment—Howard Levine – 1 sale made in 2016. 

Grounds—Steve and Rose Wilson

Hospitality—Ken Hartman


Old Business: none


New Business:

Report from Nominating Committee for members of the Board of Directors, Beth Coon, chair: Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Dean Axland and Dave Schrader were nominated for three openings on the Board of Directors.


MOTION: The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors: Lara Hallgrimsdottir and Dean Axland for their first term and Dave Schrader for his second term.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Recognition Awards:

Bob Blattert recognized Charlie Martinson for his outstanding service to the Association.


Good of the order:

Ken Hartman announced that committee sign-up sheets are available.  Bob Blattert announced there would be a short meeting of the 2017-2018 Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 8:25.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 25, 2016


Call to Order: The 2016 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Bob Blattert.


Verification of Quorum: The secretary reported that members from 49 Class A homes and 4 Class B homes were present.  A quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had been achieved.


Moment of Silence: Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence and read a statement in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year.


Introduction of Board Members: President Bob Blattert introduced the current board members. 


MOTION: The final agenda was approved as distributed at the meeting. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


MOTION: The minutes of the 2015 annual meeting were approved as distributed on April 9, 2016. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


President’s Report: 

President Blattert discussed the status of homeowner’s insurance for members of SBHOA.  Many homeowners didn’t have updated insurance information relayed to the accountant.  It was requested that homeowners confirm insurance information is updated and on file with LWBJ.


When people move, it was requested that homeowners notify the Board when they plan on moving and let the Board know who is moving in (or notify the realtor to let the Board know).  This will help avoid any conflicts with payment of dues or collections associated with garbage pickup. 


Some complaints have been received regarding parking vehicles on streets.  It was requested that homeowners try to park in driveways or parking lots within the association, whenever possible. 


Dues were previously removed via automatic billing on 5th of the month.  This was recently changed to the 10th of the month to allow time for Chitty to reconcile garbage collection bills.


President Blattert stated this was a taxing year attempting to keep up with maintenance issues.  This included an unexpected $4000 bill related to a water line leak and repair.


We are striving to keep the reputation as one of the best areas in Ames and an attractive area to live.


Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Swanson stated SBHOA is in good shape financially even with a decreased cash position in comparison to the previous year.  The decreased cash position was mostly related to siding replacement and catch-up of maintenance activities.


Property Services Agency (PSA) Report:

Chris and Chad Marty introduced themselves and gave a brief outline of what PSA does. They work alongside the Stone Brooke committees, supervise any work being done, and take care of phone calls and emails from homeowners. Chris works with the Grounds Committee. Hawcott will be performing lawn care for the common grounds as well as homeowner’s grounds this year. More frequent care of common grounds planned for this year, including maintenance of flower beds, etc. previously managed by volunteers.  Email Chris if weeds (Creeping Charlie) are noted.  Wild parsnip noted in prairie area behind Waterbury Circle, question about whether this is controlled by city or Stone Brooke.  Chad works with the Building Maintenance Committee.  Landscapes by Design was used for snow removal.  They have made most of the repairs as a result of issues noted following snow removal during walk-arounds.  Noxious weeds were also discussed.  Bob Blattert advised calling Barb Cobb to get the best advice on how to handle these.


Committee Reports: Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report. The full reports are on file.


Architectural Control—Bob Bergmann

Insurance – Charlie Martinson

Building Maintenance—Woody Hart for Larry Northup

Clubhouse and Pool—Barbara Faidley

Investment—Howard Levine

Grounds—Steve and Rose Wilson

Hospitality—Ken Hartman


Old Business: none


New Business:

Report from Nominating Committee for members of the Board of Directors, Charlie Martinson, chair: Beth Coon, Eileen Tramp and Howard Levine were nominated for three openings on the Board of Directors.


MOTION: The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors: Eileen Tramp and Howard Levine for their first term and Beth Coon for her second term.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Dues discussion included definition of terms such as total current assets, total reserves, total revenue, and total expenses.  Bob Blattert stated that SBHOA does not have enough revenue coming in to cover required townhome maintenance and path repair costs on an annual basis.  As a result, dues need to be increased.  A 20% increase in dues is needed to cover the costs.  Two options were presented.  The first option involved raising the dues 7% per year over three years.  The second option involved raising dues 10% per year over two years.  A general show of hands was requested to get a general idea of which option the members of the association preferred.  The general majority of people favored a 7% per year increase over three years.


Recognition Awards:

Bob Blattert presented Art Pohm and Dallas Rust with Certificates of Appreciation from the Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association.


Good of the order:

Bob Blattert announced there would be a short meeting of the 2016-2017 Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 8:10.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 27, 2015


Call to Order: The 2015 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Charlie Martinson.


Verification of Quorum: The secretary reported that members from 71 Class A homes and 10 Class B homes were present and 75 members were represented by proxy (some members who had turned in proxies were present but not as voters on the proxy issues). A quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had been achieved.


Moment of Silence: Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence and read a poem in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year.


Introduction of Board Members: President Charlie Martinson introduced the current board members. He also introduced Jim Lohr as parliamentarian for the meeting and Ken Hartman, Dean Nelson, and Dean Sampson as tellers to undertake counting of proxies and ballots.  The tellers opened all proxy ballots.


MOTION (Dave Haynes, Bob Anderson): The final agenda was approved as distributed at the meeting. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


MOTION (Sandi Austin, Steve Coon): The minutes of the 2014 annual meeting were approved as distributed on April 20, 2015. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


President’s Report:

Two years have gone by quickly and I have enjoyed working with wonderful group of Directors who are dedicated to doing what is best for Stone Brooke and our members.  I have established many new friendships among the Stone Brooke neighborhood.


The project of planting beds of ornamental grasses, stones, and boulders has greatly enhanced the beauty of Stone Brooke.  Favorable remarks have come from homeowners and visitors alike.  Thanks go to Lee Griffin for leading this effort that was completed by Central Landscapes.


Dan Carter, Eileen Tramp and I went before Ames City council to alert them to the flooding problems with the creek on the eastern boundaries of Stone Brooke.  It brought about another study of the situation by the engineers, but I fear few solutions.  No formal report has been given to me.  Our path that intersects Fletcher Blvd near our parking lot on lower Fletcher began sinking into a void created beneath it near Fletcher.  The City found a large sinkhole that developed around the storm sewer, which was the cause of our problem.  The City filled the sinkhole and repaired our path.  While doing that the City also provided us with a 10 inch tap on the City storm sewer for attaching the 10 inch Stone Brooke storm sewer that collects surface water runoff from the behind the homes on the Northwest side of the 4000 block of Fletcher Blvd.  The developers of Stone Brooke had unfortunately connected the storm sewer to a 6 inch sump collector line on Stone Brooke Road. We are now legal and hopefully drainage and sump pump issues in the area are a thing of the past.


The Board of Directors endorsed a plan to try to save the more important mature ash trees on common grounds from the Emerald ash borer.  We have contracted for prophylactic chemical treatments that hopefully will protect many of our ash trees from this devastating pest.  The grounds committee has found that care of the non-turf, non-woodlands vegetation on our common grounds has become too much for an aging volunteer group.  Bids were sought from commercial companies, but the committee recommended hiring Bill and Barb Cobb to do some of the work as private contractors.  Their efforts are quite evident already.  We will still have volunteer days to help them.  Plans for path and parking lot surface maintenance were tabled to 2015 because problem tree removal had to come first.


Stone Brooke remains the #1 desired spot for relocation in Ames, thanks to 100% owner occupied residences, wonderful neighbors, a great clubhouse and pool, 17+ acres of beautiful common grounds, attractive and well-maintained homes, a healthy Homeowners Association, and a responsive Board of Directors.  Thanks to the members who have made this job so easy.


Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Swanson reported that Stone Brooke is in great shape financially. He reported that we don’t need any increase in dues.  As of 4/27/2015 the cash and equivalents were $307,738.


Property Services Agency (PSA) Report:

Chris and Chad Marty introduced themselves and gave a brief outline of what PSA does. They work alongside the Stone Brooke committees, supervise any work being done, and take care of phone calls and emails from homeowners. Email is the best way to get hold of PSA: The best number to call is 515-233-1922. Chris works with the Grounds Committee. Hawcott will be weeding/feeding the common grounds as well as homeowner’s grounds this year. Chad works with the Building and Maintenance Committee. The Building Maintenance Committee is working to implement a 12-year whole house painting schedule and a 6-year trim painting schedule.


Committee Reports:

Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report. The full reports are on file.


Architectural Control—Ron White for Bob Bergmann

Building Maintenance—Larry Northup

Clubhouse and Pool—Beth Coon for Barbara Faidley

Investment—Bob Telleen

Grounds—Art Pohm

Hospitality—Ken Hartman


Old Business: none


New Business:

Report from Nominating Committee for members of the Board of Directors, Beth Coon, chair: Robert Blattert, Larry Koehrsen, and Lee Griffin were nominated for three openings on the Board of Directors.


MOTION: (Bob Anderson, Bob Swanson) The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors: Bob Blattert and Larry Koehrsen for their first term and Lee Griffin for his second term.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Household Garbage Service: Lee Griffin presented the many benefits of having only one household garbage service provider for all members of Stone Brooke, including safety, less noise, fewer days with garbage cans on the curbs, and very significant savings.  The excellent reputation of the lowest bidder for the service was noted.  Lee Griffin, Charlie Martinson, and Ron White, who were involved in the negotiations with Chitty, answered numerous questions from the membership.


MOTION: (Lee Griffin, Forrest Barnes) The Stone Brooke Homeowners Association authorizes the Board of Directors to enter into a contract with a private garbage service provider (Chitty Garbage Service) for exclusive household garbage service for all Association members who shall pay for this service with a monthly dues assessment increase of $13.00 for one collection per week or $17.00 for two collections per week. The Association recognizes that future uncontrollable costs to the service provider may require amendments to the contract that will increase assessments for this service. MOTION CARRIED  (138-8).  Written signed ballots were used.


Resolution for carryover of unused membership dues from 2015: Charlie Martinson


MOTION: (Bob Anderson, Art Pohm) The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, Inc. desire to act in full accordance with the rulings and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service and hereby resolve that any excess of membership income over membership expenses for the year ending December 31, 2015, shall be applied against the subsequent year member assessments as provided by IRS Ruling 70-604. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Recognition Awards:

Charlie Martinson presented Robert Telleen with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association for his creation of and careful management of the Investment Portfolio for the Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association. The portfolio has grown from an initial balance of $100,000 in August, 2008 to over $160,000 as of April, 2015. Robert has also has provided dedicated service on the Board and numerous committees.


Good of the order:


While ballots were being counted Mary Ann Barnes and Jim Patton made public interest announcements.


Homeowners were encouraged to sign up for a committee.


Charlie Martinson announced there would be a short meeting of the 2015-2016 Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 7:55.


Respectfully submitted,

Dallas Rust, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 28, 2014


Call to Order: The 2014 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Charlie Martinson.


Moment of Silence: Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence and read a poem in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year.


Introduction of Board Members: President Charlie Martinson introduced the current board members. He also introduced Jim Lohr as parliamentarian for the meeting and Ken Hartman and Lee Griffin as inspectors to undertake counting of proxies and ballets.


Verification of Quorum: The secretary reported that 51 Class A homeowners and 5 Class B homeowners were present or represented by proxy, and that a quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had been achieved.


MOTION (Art Pohm, Irv Melcer): The agenda for the April 28, 2014 annual meeting of Stone Brooke Homeowners Association is approved as published and previously distributed. MOTION CARRIED


MOTION (Dave Haynes, Sandy Austin):The minutes of the April 29, 2013 annual meeting of Stone Brooke Homeowners Association are approved as published in the meeting announcement. MOTION CARRIED.


President’s Report:

Martinson shared several items. In his words:


•    It’s been a busy year for the board and me. I’ve have many chances to meet members of the Stone Brooke Community for the first time, sometimes not under the most pleasant circumstances, but I find all of our neighbors are great.


•    The Board of Directors and I have been unanimous in upholding our Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, By-laws, and Board Policies. We are so fortunate to have an excellent set of governing documents and no variances have been granted. The most common variance sought has been to convert homes to rentals.


•    Kathy Glatz called early in the spring and suggested that we place a Little Free Library somewhere in Stone Brooke. The Board and Clubhouse committee supported the idea. Ken Hartman, Glenn Kappelmann, and Charlie Martinson were builders and you can now enjoy borrowing and sharing books, with Barb Faidley as our librarian and our Little Free Library contact.


•    We signed a perpetual easement with the City of Ames for the purpose of storm sewer, and surface water flowage above, underground, through, over, or across Outlots A of both the Second and Third Additions to Stone Brooke. The City needed this before they can correct problems associated with the creek that runs along the eastern edge of Stone Brooke. We learned that although we own the creek, its use is regulated and controlled by the City, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and the Army Corps of Engineers. We are hoping the sinkhole and flooding problems associated with the creek will be corrected. We can’t do anything to impede water flow, e.g. damming, but are encouraged to stabilize the banks with plantings that do not impede flow greatly.


•    Walker, the walking fish, made his debut in 2013. Thanks to Monty Parrish, Jan Payer, and Lee Griffin for their help to obtain him. He fits in well with the extensive grounds beautification being done under the supervision of Lee Griffin’s ad hoc committee. Walker is displayed in a prime setting and is probably the most viewed piece of art in Ames. We had hoped to get another free art piece this year, but lost out in the competition with other neighborhoods.


•    Ron White led an ad hoc committee that looked into the need and feasibility for adding onto the clubhouse. They surveyed the homeowners with a well-designed instrument that was completed by about 55% of the homeowners. The data were extensive. The conclusions forwarded to the board by the ad hoc committee indicated that there was insufficient support by the homeowners for enlarging the clubhouse. The clubhouse and pool committee was advised that maybe enhancement of party facilities associated with pool, e.g. a cabana with picnic tables, etc., would make the pool more useful for pool parties. The Board thanked the committee for the excellent efforts and report and the membership for their participation.


•    We were advised by our accountants that a legal address was needed for our corporation. Instead of a P.O. Box, the postmaster suggested we place a locked mailbox at the curb in front of the clubhouse. Our official address is now 3816 Fletcher Boulevard.


•    For those of you interested in statistics, our path system consists of about 8,200 linear feet of asphalt, bridges, and concrete. We have about 10,600 sq. ft. of asphalt parking and own a street (Fletcher Ct) that has about 3400 sq. ft. of asphalt. We jointly own 12 separate parcels of land totaling 17.31 acres that you all can enjoy.



Treasurer’s Report:

Lee Griffin reported that the financial stability of Stone Brooke is very strong. As of 3/31/2014 the cash and equivalents were $333,532 ($161,000 in checking/savings, $173,000 in investments). Our major expenses were siding and roofing and continuation of the pool improvements.


Property Services Agency (PSA) Report:

Chris and Chad Marty introduced themselves and gave a brief outline of what PSA does. They work alongside the Stone Brooke committees, supervise any work being done, and take care of phone calls and emails from homeowners. Email is the best way to get hold of PSA: or The best number to call is 515-233-1922. Chris will meet with the Grounds Committee regarding the damage to the grass from the hard winter. Chad works with the Building and Maintenance Committee.


Committee Reports: Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report. The full reports are on file.


Architectural Control—Bob Bergman

Building Maintenance—Larry Northup

Clubhouse and Pool—Barbara Faidley

Investment—Bob Teleen

Grounds—Glenn Kappelmann

Grounds Tree Subcommittee—Larry Northup

Hospitality—Ken Hartman

Grounds Beautification ad hoc Committee--Lee Griffin


Old Business: none


New Business:

MOTION: (Dave Austin, Barb Faidley): The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors: Bob Swanson and Woody Hart for their second term and Dave Schrader for his first term. MOTION CARRIED.


MOTION: (Bob Anderson, Dave Haynes) The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, Inc. desire to act in full accordance with the rulings and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service and hereby resolve that any excess of membership income over membership expenses for the year ending December 31, 2014, shall be applied against the subsequent year member assessments as provided by IRS Ruling 70-604. Motion Carried.


Recognition Awards:

Martinson recognized Jane Ringwald for her dedicated service on the Stone Brooke Homeowners Board. She served on the Board for six years, two of those as Vice President.


Martinson recognized Bob Anderson for his dedicated leadership of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, attention to the needs of the membership, and authorship and support of our Governing Documents.


Additional Comments from the President:

Martinson gave a brief overview of the accounting system. There are basically 4 separate accounts. Both Class A and Class B Homeowners pay into the Common Area and Clubhouse Account. The Townhome Roofing account, the Townhome Siding-Painting account, and the Townhome General Account are paid into by only Class A homeowners. Each of the accounts should show some reserves or carryover, but unfortunately the roofing account has shown a negative balance with no reserves for the last few years. Mortgagees and prospective homeowners often ask to see our financial statements and negative reserve balances can be troublesome. He explained that we have a challenge in how we budget and assess dues. Although the Common Area and Clubhouse account show what some feel is an excessive reserve, we have needs in the next few years that could greatly deplete those reserves. We will need to address path and parking lot repair and/or replacement, tree removal and replacement, and possibly replacement of the bridges over the creek.


Good of the order:

Martinson announced there would be a short meeting of the Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 8:17.


Respectfully submitted,

Dallas Rust, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 29, 2013


Call to order:  The 2013 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Monte Parrish.


Moment of silence:  Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year.


Introduction of board members: President Monte Parrish introduced the current board members.


He also introduced LeVern Faidley as parliamentarian for the meeting and Ken Hartman as inspectors to undertake counting of proxies and ballets.


Verification of quorum: The secretary reported that 89 Class A homeowners and 6 Class B homeowners were present or represented by proxy, and that a quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had been achieved.


MOTION (Sandy Austin, Art Pohm): The agenda for the April 29, 2013 annual meeting of Stone Brooke Homeowners Association is approved as published and previously distributed.  MOTION CARRIED


MOTION (Art Pohm, Glenn Kappelmann):The minutes of the April 23, 2012 annual meeting of Stone Brooke Homeowners Association are approved as published in the meeting announcement. MOTION CARRIED.


President’s report:

Monte Parrish welcomed all the homeowners in attendance.  He shared several items:

·      Lee Griffin is chairing a committee to beautify Stone Brooke.  One of the first things the committee did was acquire some standing art.  Walker (a fish) will be displayed at the entrance of Stone Brooke.

·      Thanks to Ken and Shirley Shaw for their leadership during the pool beautification this year.

·      Dues for many people were reduced this year in trying to get roofs/siding estimates and costs in line.

·      Snow removal budget was substantially reduced this year.

·      Stone Brooke Board addressed issues concerning adequate reserves and taxable income. In doing this, the accounting duties were turned over to LWBJ.  Andra Reason, our representative with LWBJ, was introduced.

 ·      Monte praised Stone Brooke saying he was delighted with such an involved and responsive group of people.  He praised the fact that we are financially stable and that we have great leadership.


Treasurer’s report: 

Lee Griffin reported that the financial stability of Stone Brooke is very strong. He thanked Andra Reason for her help in financial issues, tax issues, and accounting.


As of 12/31/2012 the total assets were $446,000 ($128,000 in checking/savings, $157,00 in investments, and $232,000 in Clubhouse and Common Grounds).  Total liabilities were $14,000. Our total equity was $432,000. Our major expenses are siding and roofing and in 2012 we spent money renovating the pool and pool area.


Lee had copies of the 2012 Financial Report for anyone who wanted one.


Property Services Agency report:

Chris Marty introduced himself and gave a brief outline of what PSA does.  They work alongside the committees, supervise any work being done, and take care of phone calls and emails from homeowners. The lawn care contract for 2013 is with Hawcott Lawn Service.  Snow Removal was with Grounds Keepers and PSA fielded quite a few complaints.  Stone Brooke is a bigger contract that many snow removal companies want to take on.  This year PSA sent out emails informing SBHOs about snow removal schedules.


Committee reports: Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report.  The full reports are on file.


Architectural Control—Bob Bergman

Building Maintenance—Larry Northup

Clubhouse and Pool—Barbara Faidley

Investment—Bob Teleen

Insurance—Bob Anderson for Jim Lohr

Grounds—Glenn Kappelmann

Hospitality—Ken Hartman


Old Business:  none


New Business:

MOTION: (Dave Haynes, Eileen Tramp): The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors: Charlie Martinson for his second term, Beth Coon and Ron White for their first term. MOTION CARRIED


MOTION: (Art Pohm, Bob Swanson) Any excess of membership income over membership expenses as defined by Internal Revenue Service Code Section 277, for the year ending December 31, 2013, shall be applied against member assessments for the tax year ending December 31 as provided by Internal Revenue Service Ruling 70-604. MOTION CARRIED


MOTION: Owners hereby authorize the board of directors to contract with one local trash removal company to pick up all owner’s trash either once or twice weekly at the owners discretion; owners will be assessed for trash removal and the association will pay the trash removal company monthly.  Monte stated that consolidating the trash companies so that only one company would service Stone Brooke is something he was familiar with in a former homeowner association. Monetary savings, the “green” factor, and reduction of noise would be benefits. Members of the association brought up choice, special services (picking up cans at garages, picking up yard waste), and snowbird migration were detriments. After discussion, the motion was tabled (Bob Anderson, Sandy Austin). MOTION TO TABLE CARRIED


Recognition awards.

Monte thanked Ken and Shirley Shaw for their guidance during the renovation of the pool and pool space.


Good of the order.

Monte announced there would be a short meeting of the Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 8:00.


Respectfully submitted,

Dallas Rust, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 23, 2012


Call to order: The 2012 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, at Ascension Lutheran Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Monte Parrish.


Moment of silence: Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year.


Introduction of board members: President Monte Parrish introduced the current board members.


He also introduced Jim Lohr as parliamentarian for the meeting and Ken Hartman and Jan Anderson as inspectors to undertake counting of proxies and ballets.


Verification of quorum: The secretary reported that 61 Class A homeowners and 7 Class B homeowners were present or represented by proxy, and that a quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had been achieved.


MOTION (Art Pohm, Bob Anderson): The agenda for the 23 April 2012 annual meeting of Stone Brooke Homeowners Association is approved as published and previously distributed. MOTION CARRIED


MOTION (Bob Anderson, Steve Coon):The minutes of the 25 April 2011 annual meeting of Stone Brooke Homeowners Association are approved as published in the meeting announcement. MOTION CARRIED.


President’s report:

Monte Parrish welcomed all the homeowners in attendance. He shared that he had served on various homeowner associations in several different states, but he was amazed with the participation in our homeowners association. He praised fact that there are 9 active board members, the 9 working committees, and lots of people taking part in all sorts of homeowners activities.


He informed the homeowners that the board had commissioned a Reserve Study for the association this year. The Reserve Study is a 30-year evaluation of reserve funds and improvements for which SBHOA has maintenance responsibility. Monte outlined five reasons to do this: 1.) Property appearance and value, 2.) Budget and financial plans, 3.) Board of Fiduciary Responsibility, 4.) State Law(s), and 5.)Requirements by lenders (FHA, VA). The initial results have been received but are still under scrutiny. They will be presented to the Board at the May meeting.


Treasurer’s report:

Lee Griffin praised the work of Dean Axland and his help to Lee regarding the Stone Brooke budget. He also thanked Dave Klatt and Aaron Klatt for the services they have provided us over the years.


As of 12/31/2011 the current assets were $163,000 in checking/savings and $185,000 in other investments (CDs, etc.). This is a $7,000 increase over 2010. We have fixed assets of $162,000 (land, Clubhouse, pool). Our total assess are $501,000. Our major expenses are siding and roofing.


Lee had copies of the 2011 Financial Report for anyone who wanted one.


Property Services Agency report:

Chad and Chris Marty introduced themselves and gave a brief outline of what they do with PSA. They work alongside the committees, supervise any work being done, and take care of phone calls and emails from homeowners. They have completed their annual inspection of all units for maintenance and have planned the maintenance to be performed. Painting will begin soon. There will be some repair to the paths and fences along the paths. They thanked Sharon Axland for all her help and guidance in the past. They look forward to working with Glenn Kappelmann as the new Chairperson of the Grounds Committee.


Committee reports: Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his/her report. The full reports are on file.


Old Business: none


New Business: none


Election of Board members:

The incumbents agreed to serve 3 more years on the Board of Directors; Dallas Rust and Monte Parrish for a second term on the board and Lee Griffin for his first full term after filling in for Dean Axland for the past 5 months.


MOTION (Shirley Shaw, Beth Coon): The members of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association cast a unanimous ballot for the three nominees to serve three-year terms on the board of directors. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Transfer of unspent income at the end of a year to the Association’s Capital Reserves:


MOTION (Monte Parrish, Bob Bergman): Any excess of membership income over membership expenses, as defined in Internal Revenue Service Code Section 277, for the year ending December 31, 2012, shall be deemed distributed back to Association Members by transfer to the Association’s Capital Reserves as an addition to capital, as provided by Internal Revenue Service Ruling 70-604. MOTION CARRIED


Recognition awards.

Monte presented LeVern Faidley with a memento from the Association for his commitment as a Board member and his wonderful work as Secretary of the Board. Monte will deliver an award to Dean Axland for his service as board member and Treasurer and to Sharon Axland for her work as Chairperson on the Grounds Committee.


Good of the order.

Residents were encouraged to sign up for committees to maintain the smooth functioning of the association.


Monte Parrish announced there would be a short meeting of the Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Adjournment at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Dallas Rust, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association

Minutes of Annual Meeting held on 25 April 2011



Call to order. The 2011 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at the Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Bob Anderson. 


Moment of silence.  Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year. 


Introduction of board members.  President Bob Anderson introduced the current board members and thanked the retiring members, Dan Carter, LeVern Faidley and Phyllis Seim, for their service to the association as Board members. 


He introduced Jim Lohr as parliamentarian for the meeting and Dave Austin, Dean Nelson, Joannie Tedesco, and Sylva Williams as inspectors to undertake counting of proxies and ballots.


Verification of a quorum.  The secretary reported that 141 Class A homeowners and 23 Class B homeowners were present or represented by proxy, and that a quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had therefore been achieved.


Approval of the agenda.  President Bob Anderson requested that an item concerning the transfer of unspent income at the end of a year be added to the agenda under other business. MOTION (Art Pohm, Leonard Tipping): The agenda as published in the meeting announcement, with the addition of the item concerning the transfer of unspent income at the end of a year under new business, be accepted. MOTION CARRIED.


Minutes of 2010 annual meeting. MOTION (Ted Tedesco, Art Pohm): The minutes of the 26 April 2010 annual meeting as previously distributed be approved. MOTION CARRIED.


President’s report. President Bob Anderson indicated that it had been a pleasure to serve as President of the Board of Directors for the past three years.  He noted that since the new by-laws limit the term of the President to two consecutive years, he had removed himself from consideration for the Office of President for the coming year, but would continue as a Member of the Board for two more years.


He noted that the primary accomplishment of this year’s Board of Directors had been to develop revised drafts of the Association’s Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, and the Bylaws.  He expressed appreciation for the active participation of the Bylaws Committee and many association members in finalizing the draft documents for consideration at the annual meeting. He noted that the process had included three informal, Saturday morning meetings at which many Association Members had participated.  He clarified the procedure for approving each of the governance documents as follows:


i)          To adopt the revised Articles of Incorporation, at least two-thirds of the 167 Class A Members (112 members) and at least two-thirds of the 25 Class B Members (17 members) needed to agree in writing via a ballot or proxy for the revised Articles of Incorporation to be adopted.  For this action, Association Members were allowed one vote per Stone Brooke address.


ii)         To adopt the revised Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions at least eighty percent (80%) of the 192 Class A and Class B Members combined (154 Association Members) needed to agree by providing their notarized signatures. For this action, the notarized signature of all legal owners is required (e.g. if the Stone Brooke property is owned jointly by husband and wife, both must provide notarized signatures). He noted that notaries were present and if members had not provided their signatures prior to the meeting, he encouraged them to do so during or after the meeting.


iii)        To adopt the revised Bylaws, a majority of the Members present in person or represented by proxy needed to agree in writing via a ballot or proxy for the revised Bylaws to the adopted. With 164 Class A homeowners and Class B homeowners being present or represented by proxy, 83 votes in favor was required for approval of the revised Bylaws.


He noted that vote counting was being undertaken by the 4 inspectors and the status of the adoption of the revised governance documents would be reported under new business.


Treasurer’s report.  Dean Axland reported that copies of the Annual Review prepared by Henkel & Associates, P.C. were distributed in electronic form to residents and were available in printed form upon request.  He noted that the total cash and investment of the Association at the end of 2010 was $341,000 compared to $338,823 at the end of 2009, an increase of about $2,500.  He indicated that as reported in the Annual Review, total revenue for 2010 had been $310,242 compared to total expenses of $325,360.  He noted that the net 2010 surplus from townhouse operations of $15,006 was used to partially cover the deficit of $27,411 under townhouse siding and townhouse roofing, with the remaining deficit being covered through a reduction in the siding reserve.  He noted that the surplus revenue of $1,859 from common area operations was used to increase the clubhouse and pool reserve.  He indicated that the overall financial position of the Association remained strong, although total assets of the association declined in value to $509,828 in 2010 compared to $513,174 in 2009. 


In response to a question, it was clarified that detailed information on the specific areas of expenditure in 2010 were provided in the Review Report prepared by the independent accountants.


Property Services Agency report.  Chad and Chris Marty reported that during the past year PSA worked closely with the Board of Directors and its committees.  They noted that Landscapes by Design had removed snow the past two winters and the Association now had the opportunity to have a 3-5 year contract with Landscape by Design at a fixed annual cost, rather than paying an hourly rate.  They noted that an annual rate would make it easier to budget for snow removal, and avoid large over expenditures during winters of heavy snowfall, but could also result in the Association losing some potential savings if snowfall was light.  They indicated that PSA would prepare a cost comparison of the snow removal options for the consideration by the Grounds Committee.  They noted that the current Association policy was that snow be removed when snow accumulation was more than 2 inches, and it was the homeowner’s responsibility if individual residents wanted snow of less than 2 inches removed.  They noted that in cooperation with the city snow this winter had been piled in designated areas and later removed by the city at no cost to the Association.  They indicated that Landscapes by Design had been repairing damage that occurred during snow removal, and if Stone Brooke residents had any damage that had not been repaired, they should contact the PSA office.


They noted that contracts for cleaning the clubhouse and maintaining the swimming pool had recently been signed with the same people who had done this work in the past, and that an invitation to bid for mowing and lawn care for 2011 had been sent to a number of lawn care companies last fall and after reviewing the bids with the Grounds Committee it was decided to recommend continued using Hawcott Lawn Care, the current contractor.


They noted with regard to siding replacement that removal of Masonite siding and its replacement with HardiePlank was nearly complete and two large siding projects and several small siding projects were planned to 2011.  They indicated that roofing work planned for this year was being finalized, and the list of homes would be released in the near future.  Residents were requested to inform PSA if their houses were not included on the list and they felt work was needed. 


In response to a question concerning how to contact PSA, it was noted that the PSA E-mail is or and the phone is 233-1922.


Committee reports.  Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his or her report.  The full reports are on file. 


With regard to building maintenance, several queries were made concerning replacement of roofs.  It was noted that if roof repair or replacement is the result of damage covered by insurance, the homeowner is responsible for the deductible portion of the cost.  Concerning a question of shingles lasting less than their rated life, it was noted that shorter shingle life is often the result of inadequate attic ventilation, and it was clarified that homeowners would be required to correct ventilation problems resulting from faulty construction when the association was replacing their roof.


Old Business.  None.


New Business


Election of Board members.  LeVern Faidley, Chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that the Board of Directors had endorsed the committee’s recommendation nominating Woody Hart (Class A member), Bob Swanson (Class A members) and Art Pohm (Class B member) for three-year terms on the Board.  He noted that biographical information on the three candidates had been included in the meeting announcement.


He indicated that with 164 association members in attendance or represent by proxy, 85 positive votes were required for election.  He noted that the Inspectors had completed counting the ballots and proxies for election of Board members and that Woody Hart had received 150 votes, Bob Swanson had received 145 votes and Art Pohm had received 155 votes and extended his congratulation to the candidates on their elected to the Board of Directors. 


Revision of the Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association Articles of Incorporation; Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions; and Bylaws. The secretary reported that the proxies and ballots for approval of the revised Articles of Incorporation totaled 134 from Class A members and 20 Class B members, and the proxies and ballots for approval of the revised Bylaws totaled 133 from Class A members and 19 from Class B members.  In addition, proxies and ballots supporting approval of the revised Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions totaled 133 from Class A members and 19 from Class B members. 


Bob Anderson noted that the number of affirmative votes required for adoption of the revised Articles of Incorporation was 112 from Class A members and 17 from Class B members, therefore the revised Articles of Incorporation were adopted.  He also noted that the number of votes required for adoption of the revised Bylaws was 83 from Class A and Class B members combined and therefore the revised By-laws were adopted.  He encouraged those who had not yet done so to provide their notarized signatures to approve the revised Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and expressed appreciation to association members for their support for the revision of the governance documents.


Transfer of unspent income at the end of a year to the Association’s Capital Reserves.  Bob Anderson noted that association members were asked to record their approval for the transfer of unspent income at the end of 2010 and 2011 to the Association’s Capital Reserves in accordance with Internal Revenue Service code and rulings. MOTION (Ken Hartman, Art Pohm): Any excess of membership income over membership expenses for the years ending December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2011, as defined in Internal Revenue Service Code Section 277, shall be deemed distributed back to the Association Members by transfer to the Association’s Capital Reserves as an addition to capital, as provided by Internal Revenue Service Ruling 70-604.  MOTION CARRIED.


Recognition awards. Bob Anderson presented a certificate of recognition for exemplary volunteer service to the association to Eldon Weber.  Bob Anderson was also recognized for his long service as President.


Good of the order

Bob Swanson noted that reserves of the association currently exceeded $300,000 and proposed that $200,000 of the funds in these reserves be returned to association members. During discussion several members supported the proposal, while other expressed concern about removing funds from reserves, which included funds for replacement of (i) siding, (ii) roofs, (iii) the clubhouse and pool and (iv) tress and paths, without knowing the level of reserves needed for the association to operated effectively.  It was noted that the roofing reserve was nearly exhausted and had required adjustments in the 2011 dues to address this problem.  Several members indicated that they are or had been members of other homeowners associations that suffered from inadequate reserves requiring special assessments to meet immediate needs, and wanted Stone Brooke to avoid this situation.  Several members suggested that an assessment be made of the annual dues and reserve levels needed for the effective operation of the association before making any reduction in the level of reserves. MOTION (Bob Swanson, Jeannie Weber): To take $200,000 from association reserves and return the $200,000 to members. MOTION WAS DEFEATED.


Residents were encouraged to sign up for committees to maintain the smooth functioning of the association.


Bob Anderson announced there would be a short meeting the new and old Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

LeVern Faidley, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association

Minutes of Annual Meeting held on 26 April 2010


Call to order. The 2010 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at the Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Bob Anderson. 


Moment of silence.  Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year. 


Introduction of board members.  President Bob Anderson introduced the current board members and thanked the retiring member, Russ Richardson, for his service to the association as a Board member.  He introduced Jim Lohr as parliamentarian for the meeting.


Verification of a quorum.  The secretary reported that 74 Class A homeowners and 10 Class B homeowners were present or represented by proxy, and that a quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had therefore been achieved.


Approval of the agenda.  There being no request for addition or amendment to the agenda, the agenda as published in the meeting announcement was accepted.


Minutes. MOTION (Art Pohm, Leonard Tipping): The minutes of the 27 April 2009 annual meeting as previously distributed be approved. MOTION CARRIED.


President’s report. President Bob Anderson reported that the Board had continued and expanded its effort to increase communication of Stone Brooke Association activities to association members and to do so at reduced expense.  This included informing residents by e-mail of the agenda of monthly Board meetings and distributing “President’s Notes” within 48 hours of each Board meeting to provide more timely information about Board activity.  In addition, Board minutes were provided to all 192 association members, 177 receiving these by e-mail and 15 receiving them in hard copy from a neighbor.  He indicated that distribution by e-mail had saved hundreds of dollars in printing costs and postal delivery expenses.


Bob Anderson noted that during 2009 and early 2010, the Board of Directors had spent significant time and energy developing or revising association policies and procedures including: Policy on Responsibility for a Moisture Barrier (e.g. Tyvek®) Beneath Siding (22 June 2009); Policies Governing Use of the Clubhouse (27 July 2009); Policies Governing the Use of the Swimming Pool (24 August 2009); Policy on the Responsibility for Cleaning Gutters and Downspouts (28 September 2009), and Policy/Procedure to Hire and Manage Contractors (22 March 2010).  He noted that these and other approved policies of the Association, as well as the Association’s annual balance sheet and statement of revenues and expenditures, had been made available on the Stone Brooke website at


Bob Anderson reported that during the year, the Board had created two subcommittees: a Health and Wellness Subcommittee of the Hospitality Committee (28 September 2009), chaired by Phyllis Crouse and an Investment Subcommittee of the Finance and Insurance Committee (26 October 2009), chaired by Bob Telleen with members Gene Harris, Monte Parrish and Bob Swanson.  He noted that to provide guidance to the Investment Subcommittee, the Board had approved specific authorities related to the work of the subcommittee.


Bob Anderson announced that John McKinney had been engaged as the association’s attorney on an as-needed basis.  He also indicated that he had instituted a “President’s Process” for the approval of association contracts aimed at ensuring that both the appropriate association committee chair and the Property Service Agency reviewed and recommended approval of all contracts before being submitted to the president of the Board for signature.


Treasurer’s report.  Dean Axland reported that copies of the Annual Review prepared by Henkel & Associates, P.C., were distributed in electronic form to residents and were available in printed form upon request.  He noted that a review is not as rigorous as an audit and is much less expensive.  As reported in the Annual Review, total revenue for 2009 was $336,802, including a one-time payment of siding insurance claims of $26,486, compared to total expenses of $315,676.  He noted that net 2009 revenue from townhouse operations of $10,778 was used to complete repayment to the roofing reserve of a 2007 loan for extraordinary snow removal costs that year and that net 2009 revenue of $11,533 from common area operations was used to increase the clubhouse and pool reserve and the tree and path reserve.  He indicated that the overall financial position of the Association remained strong, with total current assets of about $342,000 in 2009 compared to $309,000 in 2008. 


Dean Axland noted that the Board of Directors is examining a possible change to the association’s year of operation from a calendar year to a fiscal year, as this would allow a more accurate budget estimate for snow removal and avoid preparation of the annual review during the busy tax season.  It was noted that changing the fiscal year would require amendment of the current governance documents of the association.


Property Services Agency report.  Chad and Chris Marty reported that during the course of 2009, good working relations had continued with committee chairs and board liaison officers.  They noted that to provide easier access to PSA, a dedicated e-mail address had been established for use by Stone Brooke Homeowners and a database was set up to track requests for assistance and PSA responses, as well as for other work undertaken by PSA on behalf of the association.  They noted that while PSA is available to assist committees in their work, including the identification and evaluation of contractors, the committees had the responsibility to make final decisions and recommendations to the Board of Directors.


It was noted that during 2009, contractors replaced 6 roofs and undertook 19 siding projects, with PSA providing supervision to assure proper installation and workmanship.  It was announced that for 2010, 6 roof replacements and 7 siding projects had thus far been identified.  Chris Marty indicated that the painting contractor would start work in May and that homeowners were requested to inform PSA of work they felt was required.  Following the difficult winter, residents were also requested to inform PSA if repairs to lawns or other property damaged during snow removal had not yet been repaired.  In response to questions, it was clarified that: repair of damage to curbs needed to be negotiated between the homeowner and the city; the painting/replacement of doors was the responsibility of the homeowner as was any work required on skylights; and where siding required replacement, Hardy Plank siding was being used as it was better suited to conditions in Iowa than other products.


Committee reports.  Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his or her report.  The full reports are on file. 


With regard to the report on Building Maintenance, a number of questions were asked concerning shortened shingle life due to the lack of adequate attic ventilation. It was noted that shingles on houses with poorly ventilated attics often last approximately half as long as those with well ventilated attics.  PSA noted that poor ventilation is often the result of blocked soffit vents and inadequate roof venting. In addition, moisture problems can result from bathroom fans venting into attics rather than outside. A suggestion was made that townhomes should be inspected to determine the status of their attic ventilation.  A recommendation in this regard was taken up under the agenda item New Business.


Old Business.  None.


New Business


Election of Board members.  LeVern Faidley, Chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that the Board of Directors had endorsed the committee’s recommendation and was nominating Bob Anderson, Charlie Martinson and Jane Ringwald for three-year terms on the Board.  He noted that biographical information on the three candidates had been included in the meeting announcement.  MOTION (Dean Axland, Leonard Tipping): A unanimous ballot for the three nominees be cast.  MOTION CARRIED.


Inspection of townhomes for adequate attic ventilation.  Noting that frequent replacement of shingles is a financial burden to all townhome owners and that adequate attic ventilation is important for longer shingle life, the Board of Directors was requested to investigate the feasibility of townhomes being inspected for adequate ventilation.  MOTION (Jim Lohr, Jerry Hall): The Board of Directors investigate the respective costs of drive-by reviews and of individual inspections and decide whether or not the Association will pay for these reviews.  MOTION CARRIED.


Recognition awards. Bob Anderson presented certificates of recognition for exemplary volunteer service to the association to Jane Johnson, Kay North, Ted and Joanne Tedesco and Roy Zingg.


Good of the order


Residents were encouraged to sign up for committees to maintain the smooth functioning of the association.


Bob Anderson announced there would be a short meeting of the new and old Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

LeVern Faidley, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowner’s Association

Minutes of Annual Meeting held on 27 April 2009


Call to order. The 2009 annual meeting of the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association, held at the Stonebrook Community Church, was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Bob Anderson. 


Moment of silence.  Glenn Kappelmann led a moment of silence and shared a poem in memory of residents who had passed away during the past year. 


Introduction of board members.  President Bob Anderson introduced the current board members and thanked the retiring members, Kay North, Bob Telleen and Gretchen Van Houten, for their service to the association as Board members the past several years.  He also introduced Jim Lohr as parliamentarian for the meeting.


Verification of a quorum.  The secretary reported that 87 Class A homeowners and 8 Class B homeowners were present or represented by proxy, and that a quorum as defined by the association’s covenants had therefore been achieved.


Approval of the agenda.  MOTION (Dan Carter, Leonard Tipping): The agenda as published in the meeting announcement be approved. MOTION CARRIED.


Minutes. MOTION (Dean Axland, Kay North): The minutes of the 28 April 2008, annual meeting as previously distributed be approved. MOTION CARRIED.


President’s report. President Bob Anderson noted that 2008 had been relatively uneventful compared to previous years.  He reported that the plan for the Property Services Agency (PSA) to re-measure siding and roofing of all townhouses’ by 1 July 2008, as was announced at the 2008 annual meeting, was accomplished, and townhouse assessments were adjusted accordingly.  Those whose assessments had gone up had their dues increased effective 1 July 2008.  Those whose assessments had gone down had their dues retroactively adjusted to 1 January 2008 and received refunds for the overpayments.


Bob Anderson also reported that following the recommendation of the finance and insurance committee, the Board transferred $100,000 from matured Certificates of Deposit to the Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund and authorized the Board president and another Board member to act on behalf of the Board in the management of these funds.  In this regard, Bob Anderson and Bob Telleen were authorized to transfer $30,000 from the money market fund, with $20,000 to go to the Vanguard Wellington Fund and $10,000 to the Vanguard Global Equities Fund.  From 18 August 2008 to 20 January 2009, three transfers totaling $20,000 were made to the Wellington Fund; however, no transfers were made to the Vanguard Global Equities Fund.  He noted that as a result of the global financial crises and stock market decline between August 2008 and April 2009, the Vanguard Wellington Fund had declined in value by 11% and the Vanguard Global Equities Fund by 40%.  With the dividends and interest earned on the Vanguard accounts, the balance in these accounts on Friday, 24 April 2009, totaled $98,712, a decline of $1,288 or 1.3% from the time the accounts were opened.  He noted that both the Vanguard accounts and the stock market continued to be closely monitored. 


Bob Anderson described a number of new initiatives to increase the sense of community among Stone Brooke residents.  He noted that photos and brief biographical information for each board member was included in the annual association directory as a way of helping residents get to know who was serving them on the Board of Directors.  He also noted that the hospitality committee sponsored a number of new events for residents.  A particularly important development was the implementation of more effective electronic communication with all residents.  This included neighbors printing electronic messages and delivering them to those who do not have email.  As a result, the timely flow of information from the Board to residents had been significantly increased.


He also noted the improved working methods of the Board. One improvement is that each Board member who is a liaison to a committee is to circulate a brief written report prior to each Board meeting, thereby helping to keep meetings of the Board as short and efficient as possible.  By doing so, the Board had been able to concentrate on issues requiring its discussion and decision. 


Treasurer’s report.  Gretchen Van Houten reported that copies of the Annual Review prepared by Cline, DeVreis and Allen, LLP, were distributed in electronic form to residents and were available in printed form upon request.  She noted that a review is not as rigorous as an audit, and is much less expensive.  She indicated that dues payments and other income of the association during 2008 had exceeded expenditures by about $27,200, compared to a deficit in 2007.  The improved financial situation mainly resulted from the 2008 dues increase approved by the Association.  She noted that in 2007, it had been necessary to borrow money from the siding/painting reserve to cover snow removal costs.  As a result of savings in townhouse operating expenses during 2008, $13,597 of the 2007 loan had been repaid to the siding/painting reserve.  She also noted that because of the non-profit tax status of the association, the carryover of savings from one year to the next could only be used for capital expenditures.  In this regard, $13,619 savings in common area funds during 2008 was transferred to the tree and path reserve.  In response to a query from the floor, Gretchen Van Houten clarified that the funds borrowed from siding/painting reserve were exclusively used to cover the extraordinary snow removal costs incurred in 2007.


Property Services Agency report.  Chad and Chris Marty reported that during the course of 2008, most residents directed their inquiries to Property Services Agency, and PSA answered questions and handled complaints and concerns from residents. They also maintained close contact with committee chairs and liaisons within the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association.  Several meetings were held with Art Mann concerning siding lawsuit issues and all Masonite claims have been filed.  Payment of some claims was received, while others are awaiting a second inspection.  To insure the correct calculation of roofing and siding/painting dues, PSA measured roof and siding areas of all townhomes, using guidelines provided by the Association, and re-measured any with large differences compared to earlier measurements.  They reported that during 2008, contractors replaced five roofs and undertook 18 siding projects, with PSA providing supervision to assure proper installation and workmanship.  They noted that some of the siding projects were completed so late in the year that painting had to be delayed until spring.  PSA also checked with contractors to make sure they met specified guidelines and carried the proper insurance.  Small maintenance problems were corrected by PSA or referred to Kevin at Brace Construction.  During 2008, PSA held consultations with board and committee members to familiarize themselves with the Association Covenants and By-laws and to clarify the expectations of the Association in contracting with PSA to provide management services.  Joint work was undertaken with the grounds committee to finalize the requirements and guidelines for snow removal and to get the 2008-09 contract in place.  The shingles, siding and paint of all units were inspected in fall 2008, and a list was compiled of those requiring repair or replacement during 2009.  In this regard, a work schedule was prepared in consultation with contractors for 2009, and it is expected that about 7 roofs will be replaced, siding will be replaced or repaired on about 20 units and trim replaced or repaired on an additional 12 townhouses.  They noted that the International Residential Code for Roof Ventilation and for Bathroom Venting had changed since the construction of many Stone Brooke townhouses.  As a result, homeowners are required to make modification in the venting and ventilation of their houses to bring them into compliance with the new code when roofs are replaced.  In response to a query, it was clarified that fertilizer applied to lawns in Stone Brooke was phosphorous-free.  PSA was thanked for the services they are providing to the association.


Committee reports.  Each committee chair/representative briefly summarized his or her report.  The full reports are on file. 


Two suggestions were made with regard to the committee reports. The first was to look into the feasibility of changing the fiscal year of the association from 1 January - 31 December to 1 July – 30 June.  The second was to consider if current market conditions warranted moving additional funds from Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund to the Vanguard Wellington Fund.


Old Business.  None.


New Business

Election of board members.  LeVern Faidley reported for the Nominating Committee, whose members included Joanie Tedesco and Phyllis Seim, that the board had followed the committee’s recommendation and was nominating Dean Axland, Monte Parrish and Dallas Rust for three-year terms on the board.  He noted that biographical information on the three candidates was included in the meeting announcement.  MOTION (Bob Swanson, Steve Coon): A unanimous ballot for the three nominees be cast.  MOTION CARRIED.


Recognition awards. Bob Anderson and Jane Ringwald presented certificates of recognition for exemplary volunteer service to the association to Ed Lewis, Bob Lewis and Jo Ann Brown.  Kay North, Bob Telleen and Gretchen Van Houten were also recognized for their contributions to the homeowners association as members of the Board.


Good of the order


Residents were encouraged to sign up for committees to maintain the smooth functioning of the association.


Bob Anderson announced there would be a short meeting the new and old Board members immediately following adjournment of the annual meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

LeVern Faidley, Secretary

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