Stone Brooke Home Owners Association
Board of Directors meeting minutes
Orientation Meeting
May 9, 2022
4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse
Present: Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Doyle Kepley, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson, Fred Johnson, DevanIddings, and Kathy Rathe
Absent: Aaron Keller, Linda Thrailkill, Jim Twedt
-It was moved, seconded, and approved to accept Doyle’s offer to stand in for Jim Twedt during Jim’s medical leave.
-Discussion on using Google Docs. Questions were asked with a few answers unavailable. Most people were aware of the program and were willing to try it out. Jim B proposed that Cheryl send out a practice document to run through the process.
Assignments of Liaisons. Two positions were available for new leadership; Grounds and Clubhouse. It was determined that Kathy would be the Hospitality Liaison and Devan would be Clubhouse Liaison. This left Grounds unassigned. Marlene volunteered to add Grounds to her assignment of the Architectural Control Liaison.
Board Binders were reviewed. It was determined that another binder was needed to be created for Kathy. Marlene will assume this task.
Past directors met up with their replacement to share any specifics about their job.
Adjourned at 6 p.m.
Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary of the Board
March 28, 2022
4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse
Board Members Present: Doyle Kepley, Cheryl Martin, Jim Billings, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Linda Thrailkill, Marlene Johnson, Fred Johnson
PSA Representative Present: Chad Marty
Absent: All present
Stone Brooke Residents Present: Sharon & Dean Axland, Betty Kepley, Loren Donaldson, Dallas Rust, Kathy Glatz, Char Hulsebus, David Martin, Trudy Dirks, Dana Schinader, Jean Marsden, and John Wilson.
Call to Order - Determination of quorum: Confirmed
Summary of February 28, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes: Highlights of the last meeting were read by Cheryl Martin. The February minutes were approved via email March 15, 2022 and posted March 20, 2022.
Treasurer’s Report:
-The income in the month of February was $37,541.41 with total expenses of $46,607.19. The snow removal for the month accounts for the difference of $10,409.97.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson
-The Committee has reviewed the design of the proposed gazebo designated near the Clubhouse and pool. The design is acceptable to follow the architectural standards of the HOA.
-The committee is asking that these comments be considered when deciding whether to approve this project. 1- The materials used should be durable in nature to limit maintenance and should ask input from the Building and Maintenance Committee. 2- The final location should consider the impact on the neighboring homeowners from a noise and disturbance standpoint. 3- The location should also consider other amenities that may want to be added by the HOA in the future.
-No other projects were submitted for approval this month.
Building Maintenance - Jim Twedt
-The Gutter Policy Draft will be revised taking into consideration the discussion and recommendations from the board on how to handle lack of maintenance of gutters and the ensuing damage. This draft will be presented to the board at the April meeting.
Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill
-Jarnigan’s attorney has contacted Stone Brooke’s attorney for setting up an inspection time of the pool.
-Upcoming committee meeting is April 7, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse.
Investment - Fred Johnson
-Investment holdings were reviewed with no recommendation for a change. A note to remember is that currently all dues are directly applied to the appropriate budget areas.
Insurance: Jim Billings
-Twelve letters have been sent out to those residents that their townhouse is insured below the replacement value. Jim pointed out that to make it more affordable a homeowner could lower the deductible and raise the replacement value on their insurance.
-Talking to your personal insurance agent would be helpful in figuring out your situation.
-Townhouse owners should check with their common wall neighbor and talk about replacement value on each other’s units.
Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer
-With guidance from Julia Badenhope, SBHOA resident and ISU Professor of Landscape Architecture, the grounds committee selected a wide variety of both trees and shrubs to be planted on common grounds. The tree and bush names are written on flags in a variety of locations seen from the walking paths.
-Volunteers will be needed to help remove invasive honeysuckles before the plantings can take place.
-The master plan from Iowa State University’s Dept. of Landscape Architecture concerning stormwater mitigation may incorporate plans for the paths as one means of addressing stormwater runoff. Drafts hopefully will be completed this summer.
-Jeff and Jean will meet with Aaron to decide the best place within the budget to save donated money for tree planting.
-Jeff and Jean will meet with Chad to better align snow removal and lawn care with the SBHOA Board Approved Policy on “Procedures to Hire and Manage Contractors” (approved March 22, 2010) and PSA’s role.
Hospitality - Jim Billings
-Jim gave a reminder of the upcoming events.
May 2 is the Ice Cream social at 5:45 p.m. with the Annual HOA Membership Meeting following at 6:30 p.m.; both events held at the Stonebrook Community Church.
May 7 Overflow Thrift Store will pick up donations from Stone Brooke from 9 a.m. - noon at the Clubhouse parking lot - no furniture at this time.
Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Celebration
Welcome - Jim Billings
-There are a few pages in the Welcome packet that have been updated along with the Stone Brooke Map.
PSA Report - Chad Marty
Reporting back on previous questions:
-Greensboro Neighborhood Assoc. shared that at this time there have been no maintenance costs concerning their gazebo. They do incur a $265.00/year liability insurance cost.
-Fletcher Court approach and unit #3915 driveway’s curb and gutter is still on Dave Steinbeck’s schedule for this spring.
-PSA contract will be ready in April and sent to the secretary.
New questions and actions:
-An Ad Hoc contracts committee will work with Chad on protocol of all contracts.
-Maintenance schedules for this summer: 12 gutters estimates for replacements, 10 unit estimates for painting, six unit roofs planned this June. When amounts are determined, the residences will be notified.
-Chad will get the PSA Contract to the secretary, Cheryl Martin, in April.
-PSA will put together a spreadsheet or chart of all the SBHOA contracts and keep track of inception, due dates, and costs. Contracts of garbage, Clubhouse cleaning lady, PSA, pool caretaker, lawn care, snow removal, tree care, etc. will be listed and a copy will be sent to the secretary. It will be reported to the board monthly, and an update sent to the secretary with any change.
Old Business:
-Reserve Study - Aaron
Aaron reported the receipt of a draft Reserve Analysis study and has reviewed it for accuracy of assumptions. The preparers of the report, Continuum-Hardy, have been asked to modify the draft. Aaron suggested a committee to review the report prior to the full board review. Since this study is driven by expenditures, the liaisons/chairs of the Building and Maintenance (Sharon Axland), Grounds (Jean Marsden & Jeff Borgmeyer), and Clubhouse (Dave Martin) Committees will be the logical members of the Reserve Ad Hoc Committee. This Ad Hoc Committee will have time to go over the Reserve Study before discussion is held at the April Board Meeting.
-Transition and Orientation of New Board Members. Three new board members need to be elected in April at the Annual Meeting. Orientation of the new board directors will occur in May before the regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
-Contract for PSA
-Chad Marty is to submit a contract proposal for review to the secretary before the April Board Meeting.
New Business
-Board Member Notebooks - Marlene
Each Director of the Board received a notebook containing important guiding information in general and information for their position on the board. Further discussion will take place at 4 p.m. before the April Board Meeting begins at 4:30 p.m..
-Friendship Ark - Jennifer Ellis, Executive Director, shared safety concerns for their residents crossing Bloomington at Fletcher. She was interested in knowing if Stone Brooke’s residents would show interest in supporting some action by the city to improve this intersection. There is a City Council meeting on April 12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Comments From Audience: No comments at this time.
Comments From the Board: No additional comments.
Adjourn: 6:52 p.m.
Next Scheduled Meeting: April 25, 2022, 4:30 p.m., at the Clubhouse.
Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors
February 28, 2022
4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse
Board Members Present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Linda Thrailkill, Marlene Johnson, Fred Johnson
PSA Representative Present: Chad Marty
Absent: Jim Billings and Cheryl Martin
Stone Brooke Residents Present: Sharon Axland, Betty Kepley, Loren Donaldson, Joyce Hardisty, Dallas Rust, Kathy Glatz, Char Hulsebus and John Wilson
Call to Order — Determination of quorum: Confirmed
Summary of January 24, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes: Highlights of the last meeting were read by Jeff Borgmeyer (temporarily filling in for Cheryl Martin).
The January minutes were approved via email February 1, 2022 and posted February 4, 2022.
Treasurer’s Report:
-Due to an illness, the treasurer's report will be submitted for inclusion in the March minutes.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson
-Dean McCormick explained to Marlene that due to the conceptual state of the gazebo plans he gave no response to Kathy. The issue was resolved during discussion at board meeting: Now that the gazebo plans have advanced to architectural drawings, Kathy Glatz and Char Hulsebus will submit the plans to the committee.
Building Maintenance - Jim Twedt
-The draft of the Gutter and Downspout Policy has been sent to the residents and a number of responses were returned. The committee reviewed the responses and amended the policy by adding greater clarity to address residents' responses. A vote to approve changes to the policy was moved and seconded. The motion was carried 7-0. Revised policy will be sent to the residents for further comments.
Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill
-The primary item discussed was the need to seek new bids for 2022 pool sanding and painting. Doyle Kepley indicated that the pool contractor Jarnigan who painted the pool last summer, had responded via a letter through their attorney requesting to inspect the pool. Request is pending advice from SBHOA State Farm attorney.
Investment - Fred Johnson
-The January statement for investments indicated an unrealized loss of $3,996.33 in January. Ending balance as of January 31, 2022 was $118,605.00
Insurance: Jim Billings
-No report
Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer
-Grounds chairs and liaison met with Julia Badenhope on Feb 18 to discuss updates with respect to the long-awaited survey. Julia has converted the survey to an electronic format so that residents can fill out surveys online. Survey was reviewed and minor edits suggested. Next steps: survey needs approval from ISU, expected in March (Julia is optimistic the survey can be sent out at the end of March), analysis of the survey is to be done by the Center for Survey and Statistics and Methodology (CSSM) of ISU, and the results will be communicated in April.
-Julia presented a topographic map developed by the ISU dept. of Landscape Architecture showing Stone Brooke’s water infrastructure along with surface water flow. This map will serve as an important resource for future proposals for storm water mitigation designs prepared by the department.
-Julia presented an early draft of a Design Guidelines Publication for Stone Brooke. Publication would contain recommended native bird friendly plant lists along with example landscaping designs that residents could make use of in their own yards.
-Feb 24th snow event. Snow accumulation was in the 3-4 inch range. Snow began in the afternoon and continued into the early evening hours. Landscapes by Design crews arrived in the overnight hours completing snow removal activities prior to dawn. Everything went relatively smoothly.
Hospitality - Jim Billings
-No report
Welcome - Jim Billings
-No report
Old Business
-Update on Fletcher Court Approach. Chad Marty reported the work is still on the agenda for spring. Date not determined yet.
-Reserve Study. Aaron Keller reported the reserve report is expected the first week of March.
-Transition and Orientation of New Board Members. Three new board members need to be elected in April at the Annual Meeting. Orientation of the new board directors will occur in May before the regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
New Business
Gazebo - Kathy Glatz and Char Hulsebus
-Purpose: To inform the board of progress on a proposal for a gazebo tentatively planned for the Clubhouse grounds, as well as to seek input from the board. Kathy and Char have met with several Stone Brooke committees including the Clubhouse and Grounds seeking their input. A detailed schematic drawing is now available. Proposal calls for a 16 x 16 ft. gazebo with a 24 x 24 ft. concrete slab. The design is patterned after the gazebo located in the Greensboro neighborhood in Ames. The gazebo would have capacity for 50 chairs with a speaker, or a 30-40 person potluck capacity with tables and chairs. The proposal has been sent out for bids by PSA. A good estimate for construction costs is not known yet. Landscaping will be needed as well. Grounds committee has been engaged on this topic. Funding is fluid until costs are known. Current plan is to seek informal pledges from residents. A presentation will be made at the Annual Meeting in April. Board approval would be sought after sufficient pledges are obtained to cover costs.
-The presentation generated significant interest from both the board as well as from residents in attendance. A sampling of the discussion topics is captured below.
-Public grant: The city of Ames offers grants through the neighborhood improvement project (NIP) for up to $5,000. To qualify, some public access opportunities to the gazebo would need to be provided. This could include inviting the public to presentations sponsored by the grounds committee for example a topic related to ecology, etc. The issue of Stone Brooke liability was raised. Doyle Kepley volunteered to seek input from State Farm. The presenters did not seek a motion at this time from the board with respect to the board's position on seeking a public grant but will continue to seek resident input.
-Maintenance: Questions were raised with respect to ongoing maintenance expenses. Chad Marty volunteered to seek information from the Greensboro Neighborhood Association as they are a PSA property.
-Trash: Discussion around potential trash issues. Neighbors in close proximity to the Clubhouse have experienced some trash issues from other Clubhouse events. It was acknowledged this is an important consideration that needs attention. Presenters were very appreciative of the feedback and want to make sure this is satisfactorily addressed for Clubhouse events irrespective of the addition of a gazebo.
Written Responsibilities of Board Liaisons and Committee Chairs Due March Meeting
-Insufficient time to address
Contract for PSA
-Chad Marty to submit a contract proposal for review.
Timeline/Calendar of Contract renewal Dates
-Insufficient time to address.
Comments from Property Service Agency: Chad Marty
-Roofing: Estimates will be obtained from TMJ on eight units, planning on six units for June.
-Gutters: Estimates for replacements of 12 units are forthcoming.
-Painting: Painting costs have increased significantly. Getting estimates for just 10 units. Will need to discuss future plans based upon increased pricing and budget.
-Once work orders are approved, e-mails will be sent to residents.
-Spring Inspections: Should be starting in the next two weeks. Hoping to have them completed prior to the annual meeting.
-Cost of Fletcher Court Rebuild: Not reported at this time.
Comments From Audience: Comments captured in gazebo discussion
Comments From the Board: No additional comments
Adjourn: approximately 6:30 p.m.
Next Scheduled BOD Meeting: March 28, 2022, 4:30 p.m., Stone Brooke Clubhouse
Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors
January 24, 2022
4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse
Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Jim Billings, Linda Thrailkill, Marlene Johnson, Fred Johnson
Stone Brooke Residents present: Marilyn and David Haynes, Sharon and Dean Axland, Loren Donaldson, Betty Kepley, Steve Johnson
Call to order:
Summary of November 22, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Highlights of the last meeting were read by the secretary. The Minutes were approved via email January 10, 2022 and posted on the website January 17, 2022.
Treasurer’s Report:
-The Treasurer provided the following summary of the financial statements of the HOA through December 31, 2021. The balance sheet reflected a total of $417,044 in assets with liabilities and equity of equal amount.
-The operating statement for the period ending December 31, 2021 reported $17,318 excess townhome revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date $36,962 excess townhome expenses over revenues.
-Additionally the statement reports $2,578 excess Common Area expenses over revenues for the month and year-to-date $5,556 excess Common Area revenues over expenses.
-Non-operating results were reported as $6,582 non-operating revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date results of $20, 590 non-operating revenues over expenses.
-Total results for the month are $21,322 total revenue over expenses and year-to-date $10,815 total expenses over total revenues.
-The report was moved, seconded, and approved.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson
-No report. Kathy Glatz reported frustration concerning feedback from this committee. Information has been sent to Dean McCormick about the proposed gazebo and no feedback has been received. Doyle will give Dean a call to check on the status of this communication.
Building & Maintenance - Jim Twedt
-The draft of the Gutter and Downspout Policy has been sent out to the residents with a number of responses returned. This committee will go over the comments and make adjustments to the policy to reflect these concerns before the board rereads and it is then again sent out to the residents for their review and comment.
Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill
-Doyle talked to an attorney about Jarnigan, Inc. not guaranteeing their pool maintenance job they performed in spring 2020. The board had voted to hire an attorney to send letters to three parties involved. The purpose is to recover at least some of the expense. Jarnigan, Inc. is to respond by the end of January. In the meantime the committee continues to search for a new contractor for spring work on the pool.
Investments - Fred Johnson
-The December statement for investments indicated an unrealized gain of $6,582.35 and a year-to-date unrealized gain of $19,799.77.
Insurance - Jim Billings
-There are 90% of the Townhouses that have complied with homeowner insurance requirements. Jim will put a reminder in the January Stone Brooke Connection.
Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer
The Chairs along with the Liaison will meet informally to plan for spring activities before regular meetings begin in March. The January 14 and 15 snowstorm dropped 12.6 inches of snow. Landscapes By Design started the clean-up Friday night and it continued until Sunday evening. There were several challenges but all was taken care of with Jeff being in communication throughout the process. Any damages were evaluated by LBD and will be corrected once spring thaws the grounds. Acknowledgements were given to the crew for digging Stone Brooke out from a major snowstorm under very difficult conditions. Also to Kathy Glatz for continuing to distribute updates from the Liaison to the community in a timely manner while traveling.
Hospitality - Jim Billings
New people have joined the committee. The planning of new activities is in the works with different people in charge of each. One idea is to plan for an ice cream social offered by the ISU Creamery before the Annual Meeting in April. This would be a free-will donation.
Welcome - Jim Billings
There is one Townhouse on Stone Brooke Road up for sale at present.
It was noted that Association Covenants, By-Laws, Articles, and Policies are not present in the Welcome Packets, but new homeowners are encouraged to go to the Website to read the most current information.
Old Business:
-Gutter replacement schedule: Sharon said that the Building and Maintenance Committee has a list of gutter replacement for 2022. The number of townhomes finished will depend on the money available. A resident should be able to email Chad Marty with questions or concerns about townhouse maintenance or repairs.
-A resident representing those living on Fletcher Court is desiring a “big picture” plan for the maintenance of the approach and drive that connects the four driveways to Fletcher Blvd. Chad from PSA was not available to report on a rough estimate to accomplish the “big picture” plan.
-The paving contractor has not yet completed the work on the Fletcher Court entryway curb and gutter.
-The 2022 Budget discussion continued. Aaron presented the 2022 budget with a change in presentation by combining the professional fees together under the Common Area section. Moved, seconded, and approved. Sharon and Dean Axland commended Aaron on his care in explaining the budget.
-The board will look at the Reserve Study results to help guide the Paths Committee and the Bridges Committee.
-The draft of the Reserve Report will be available in the middle of February. The rationale used in having this study done is the need to have a procedure for handling money needs on big projects.
New Business:
Comments from Property Service Agency: Chad Marty was unavailable for a report.
Appoint nominating Committee:
- There are three possible openings available on the board to be voted on this April at the annual meeting. Jim Billings volunteered to head the nomination committee. Please let him know if you are interested in helping on the committee or interested in being a nominee for serving on the board.
Transition and acclimating new board members:
-There will be an orientation meeting held in May before the regularly scheduled Board Meeting to transition board members into their new positions. Jim B. moved, Aaron seconded, and approved. The officers will still be selected at the Board Meeting that follows the Annual Meeting.
Comments from Audience: Audience members made no comments.
Comments from Board: No additional comments.
Adjournment: 6:22 p.m.
Next scheduled Board of Directors meeting February 28, 2022
Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors