Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on November 28, 2016
Present: Bob Blattert, Howard Levine, Larry Koehrsen, Woody Hart, Eileen Tramp, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader.
Absent: Lee Griffin, Bob Swanson
Visitors: Steve Wilson, Loren Donaldson, Irv Melcer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of October 24, 2016 were approved as distributed on November 23, 2016 with the following addition in the Building Maintenance Committee Report recommended by Howard Levine in bold as follows: Bob Blattert clarified that neither the Board nor BMC are requesting PSA to repair items in a manner that shows favoritism to certain homeowners. Additionally, Woody Hart recommended adding the following based on discussion at the October 24th board meeting: It was decided that because of past billing problems, the board would not accept roofing bids from Waddle Construction for the remaining roofing projects for this year.
Discussion was held regarding how the roofs mentioned in the October minutes were replaced. The roof at 1615 Woodhaven Circle was replaced by Wirtzy Construction. It was discussed that the roofs on 1810 and 1814 Waterbury Circle could have been done separately since they were at separate elevations, when it was initially assumed these needed to be done at the same time. It was discussed that closer communication between the board and construction is needed to ensure there is a protocol in place when financial issues come up that may have an impact.
Announcements: None
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine provided the balance sheet. Current assets at the end of October include $36,292 in checking/savings. Other current assets are $144,055. Total cash assets are $183,088. An additional $56,440 of income is projected in November and December. Howard provided an overview of the budget preparation sheet and proposed budget for 2017 to be discussed later in the meeting. Eight roof replacements are in the budget for 2017. Woody Hart mentioned that a good amount of the money originally allocated to painting in 2016 was used for other home maintenance items. It was also discussed that townhouse gutters will be added to the budget. It was originally discussed that 11 gutters will be replaced in 2017. There is potential to replace additional gutters if money is available. Irv Melcer asked about whether money for lawn maintenance includes reseeding bare patches. This will be taken up with the grounds committee.
Investment Committee Report: Howard Levine provided a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account. At the close of business on November 25, 2016, the SBHOA Vanguard account had a balance of $144,719.30. This is a substantial increase from the previous month.
Building Maintenance Committee Report: Woody Hart stated that maintenance activities are wrapping up for 2016. He also stated that there are still concerns that bills are being assigned to the wrong budget category. Bob Blattert stated that this will be helped with the implementation of a purchase order system in 2017.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report: Beth Coon mentioned that the pool maintenance person is expecting a raise for work performed in 2017. This will be put on the agenda for the next meeting to confirm what she was paid in 2016 and determine what the raise should be. Beth will e-mail a summary of this information to the Board and this will be discussed at the next meeting in January.
Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp reported there was no new information from the architectural control committee.
Hospitality Committee Report: Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman indicating there were 35 people at the November pot luck.
Grounds Committee Report: Steve Wilson summarized the grounds committee minutes, with the most critical discussion associated with repair of the path system. There has been some discussion with Manatts regarding path repair, but discussion with other contractors will occur prior to making a final decision on how to proceed. Additionally, some discussion took place about the use of concrete rather than blacktop. Costs will be studied before decisions are made.
Insurance Committee Report: Bob Blattert announced that SBHOA was being sued by an Ames newspaper deliverer for a fall on an icy sidewalk with a subsequent broken leg he suffered in 2016. The SBHOA lawyer will be handling the lawsuit. Liability insurance is available to cover expenses such as this.
Old Business: None
New Business:
The proposed 2017 budget was submitted, discussed and generally agreed upon at the meeting. Furthermore, formal approval of the balanced budget was recorded by members of the Board via e-mail following the meeting.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, January 23, 2017 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on October 24, 2016
Present: Bob Blattert, Howard Levine, Larry Koehrsen, Eileen Tramp, Beth Coon, Lee Griffin, Dave Schrader.
Absent: Woody Hart, Bob Swanson
Visitors: Chad Marty (PSA), Larry Northup, Bob Grathwold
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of September 26, 2016 were approved as distributed on October 22, 2016.
Announcements: No specific announcements.
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine provided the balance sheet. Current assets at the end of September include $11,154 in checking/savings. Other current assets are $162,633. Other accounts receivable was higher this month due to an overpayment to Waddle Construction of $14,864. Total cash assets are 176,531.
Investment Committee Report: Howard Levine provided a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account. At the close of business on October 21, 2016, the SBHOA Vanguard account had a balance of $141,086.64.
Building Maintenance Committee Report: Bob Blattert introduced Chad Marty from PSA to discuss the timeliness of response to requests for maintenance items on townhomes.
Chad referenced use of door hangers to indicate they attempted to contact homeowners for maintenance issues. They’ll continue this practice, but the door hangers may not be the most effective. They will also make sure homeowners are contacted by phone as a follow-up. Some concerns have also been expressed regarding showing favoritism for correcting maintenance issues. Chad explained that items are typically prioritized by severity of the issue. Occasionally, people see maintenance done at a neighbor’s house, which may lead to people thinking they are showing favoritism. Bob Blattert clarified that neither the Board nor BMC are requesting PSA to repair items in a manner that shows favoritism to certain homeowners. Also, there was reference to more frequent attendance by PSA at Board meetings, which could be included in the renegotiated contract which expires in January 2017.
An issue was brought up regarding a request for replacement of roofs for 3 townhomes this fall rather than as originally scheduled in 2017. 1615 Woodhaven Circle was scheduled to be replaced in Spring 2017, but appealed to be completed yet this year due to a leaking roof. The twin unit at 1810 and 1814 Waterbury Circle is also requesting replacement due to leaking issues. If the roof replacements for those townhomes are moved to this year, the quantity of roofs that will be replaced in 2017 will be reduced. Larry Koehrsen suggested potentially holding off payment, if possible, for remaining roofs until January 2017 to reduce the impact on the 2016 budget.
Lee Griffin moved with a second from Eileen Tramp to complete the 3 roofs in 2016 rather than as originally scheduled in 2017 and reduce the amount of money in the roofing budget for 2017 (estimated $30,000) to account for the additional money spent in 2016 unless payment is deferred to 2017 based on discussion with the contractor. Motion passed.
Gutter replacement was also discussed. Gutter replacement will be performed by Professional Gutter Systems in Story City. Lee Griffin moved with a second from Larry Koehrsen to replace approximately 11 gutters in 2017 and budget for this expense in the budget for 2017. Motion passed.
Utility line maintenance was brought up for discussion. There is a general need for guidelines on how repairs to lines will be paid (Stone Brooke, city, homeowner). The Board agreed that further evaluation of the policy drafted by the building maintenance committee will be performed prior to any further action.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report: No report.
Architectural Control Committee Report: No report.
Hospitality Committee Report: Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman indicating there were only about 20 at the social on the 15th. We had 25 at pot luck last Thursday. We have noticed a decline in the involvement of residents in social activities this past year. We are cancelling Game Day until Jan or Feb and considering doing away with the Sewing and Craft group. The Book Club attendance is also poor.
Grounds Committee Report: No report.
Insurance Committee Report: 10-11 homeowners’ insurance policies still need to be addressed to ensure they meet Stone Brooke standards. Bob Blattert and Lee Griffin will address these with specific homeowners.
Old Business: None
New Business:
-Snow Removal – Charlie Martinson will be the snow czar for the upcoming season.
-Purchase Orders – The gap between knowledge of the purchase of an item or service and payment by the accountant is significant. Bob Blattert indicated additional controls should be in place to address this. Bob indicated a policy for purchasing is in the process of being drafted. Bob and Howard Levine will be responsible for drafting this policy and the Board was in general agreement that this should occur. A draft is anticipated yet this year for application to 2017.
-Ames DPW Report – City regulations are being followed regarding the traffic concern at the intersection of Fletcher Blvd and Bloomington Rd previously brought up by Dave Haynes during the September SBHOA board meeting. Yellow lines exist which indicate a restriction from parking near the intersection.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, November 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on September 26, 2016
Present: Bob Blattert, Eileen Tramp, Howard Levine, Larry Koehrsen, Bob Swanson, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader.
Absent: Woody Hart, Lee Griffin
Visitors: Dave Haynes
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of August 22, 2016 were approved as distributed on September 23, 2016.
Announcements: Bob Blattert indicated he received an estimate for $16.17/ft for preparation and repaving of trails. There is approximately 8,800 linear ft of pavement which Stone Brooke is responsible for. Repaving the trails will likely be a five year program budgeted at approximately $30,000 per year. This topic will be discussed further at future meetings.
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine provided the balance sheet. Current assets at the end of August include $16,522 in checking/savings. Other current assets are $171,738. Total cash assets are 190,268.
Investment Committee Report: Howard Levine provided a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account. At the close of business on September 23, 2016, the SBHOA Vanguard account had a balance of $144,376.12. Holdings in Abbott Laboratories and AbbVie were sold for just under $25,000. This money was used to pay for roofing expenses.
Building Maintenance Committee Report: $25,000 yet to spend on pending invoices throughout the rest of the year. Siding and roofing activities are generally wrapping up this year. Small repairs are ongoing.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report: Beth Coon indicated the pool will be cleaned within the next week to close out the season.
Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp indicated a request was submitted to enclose a covered porch at 4305 Stone Brooke Rd. The request is pending review by the committee.
Hospitality Committee Report: Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman indicating about 30 people attended the September potluck. Additionally, a cocktail hour social is planned for October 15th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Wine and soft drinks will be provided while members will be asked to bring an appetizer to share.
Grounds Committee Report: Larry Koehrsen indicated the committee met in September. There was nothing that requires board attention at this point.
Insurance Committee Report: Bob Blattert stated there are 31 members whose insurance policies are not up to Stone Brooke standards (HO5 level policy). Bob sent a letter to those members requesting them to discuss this with their insurance agents. 14 out of 31 members have responded. This will need to continue to be addressed with the additional 17 members.
Old Business: Eileen Tramp indicated current subcommittee members have been updated on the Stone Brooke website.
New Business: Howard Levine has been pursuing discussions with PSA to get on the list for maintenance items at his home. He has been contacting PSA representatives throughout the summer but has not received a response. Other situations similar to this have been noted throughout the Association. Bob Blattert indicated he will be in contact with PSA to discuss the concerns.
Dave Haynes expressed concern regarding cars parked along and near Fletcher Blvd, especially near Bloomington Rd. There is not currently a restriction on parking. Bob Blattert indicated he would pursue a discussion with the City of Ames.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on August 22, 2016
Present: Bob Blattert, Eileen Tramp, Howard Levine, Larry Koehrsen, Lee Griffin, Bob Swanson, Dave Schrader.
Absent: Beth Coon, Woody Hart
Visitors: Laura Hallgrimsdottir
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of July 25, 2016 were approved as distributed on August 20, 2016.
Announcements: None
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine provided the balance sheet. Current assets at the end of July include $41,828 in checking/savings. Other current assets are
$173,760. Total cash assets are 217,572.
Investment Committee Report: Howard Levine provided a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account. At the close of business day on August 19, 2016, the SBHOA Vanguard account
had a balance of 172,395.
Building Maintenance Committee Report: Woody Hart provided a summary of the August 17th committee meeting through e-mail. Bob Blattert discussed that a plan will be put
together by Woody and Larry Northup for addressing replacement of gutters. There was also brief discussion regarding the painting of remaining mailbox posts that have not yet been painted
white. This will be further discussed in the next board meeting.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report: No report
Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp reported installation of a handrail at 4029 Fletcher was approved. A screened-in porch for the residence at 1711 Woodhaven
Circle was approved.
Hospitality Committee Report: Dave Schrader provided a report by Ken Hartman indicating there was a good response to the garage sale. We have sent out a survey and have
gotten many responses so far. The Hospitality Committee will evaluate to decide the date and times for next year. We had about 30 at potluck last week.
Grounds Committee Report: Larry Koehrsen reported the committee met last week. Larry Northup resigned as tree committee chair and the Donaldsons have replaced him as
co-chairs. Barb Cobb provided an estimate for replacement of a tree near the Cobb’s house that was damaged during a recent storm and removed. The first estimate provided was $1000.
Additional bids will be obtained prior to making a decision on replacing the tree.
Insurance Committee Report: Bob Blattert reported that 31 letters have been sent to homeowners whose insurance policies do not cover all of the requirements specified in the
Old Business: None
New Business: A request was submitted to use the clubhouse to host a “lunch and learn” session to be provided by Bethany Life in Story City. Initially, there was
discussion regarding hesitation to use the Association e-mail distribution list to notify Stone Brooke members of this service. Secondly, there was further concern this could be perceived as a
marketing opportunity. A motion was initiated by Bob Swanson and a second provided by Lee Griffin to deny this request due to it being potentially perceived as a commercial opportunity.
Eileen Tramp initiated discussion regarding the Stone Brooke website. Purchase/sale of homes and currency of information on the website are two major concerns related to website.
Subcommittees are not necessarily updated in a timely manner. Committee chairs are likely all that is needed. Subcommittees will either be removed or updated to reflect current
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on July 25, 2016
Present: Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Eileen Tramp, Howard Levine, Woody Hart, Larry Koehrsen, Dave Schrader.
Absent: Lee Griffin, Bob Swanson
Visitors: Sharon and Dean Axland
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of June 27, 2016 were approved as distributed on July 24, 2016.
- Bob Swanson is in the hospital and will receive therapy at Northridge Village after he’s out of hospital.
- Sharon and Dean Axland expressed concerns regarding the condition of the landscaping on the property adjacent to them (4227 Stone Brooke Rd). They provided photographs that demonstrated evidence of their concerns. Bob Blattert will visit with Steve and Rose Wilson to organize getting the property cleaned up by an independent landscaping firm. They will work together to find firms that can assess what is needed, obtain estimates, and get a timeline for getting the work done. A letter with a deadline for cleaning up the property has already been sent to the homeowner. The owner will be financially responsible for cleaning up the property.
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine provided the balance sheet. Current assets at end of June include $50,582 in checking/savings. Other current assets are $169,423. Total cash assets are 221,851.
Investment Committee Report: Howard Levine provided a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account indicating a balance of 171,512.34 at the close of business on July 22.
Building Maintenance Committee Report: Woody Hart provided a spreadsheet indicating the status of building maintenance work that has been done in 2016 and what pending work needs to be done. Woody will contact Chad Marty at PSA to request that he responds by e-mail or phone to ensure homeowners are notified that requests for maintenance have been added to the list with a general timeframe.
Woody provided a summary of activities of the July BMC meeting. No concerns were noted.
Woody provided a summary of recommendations for how to proceed with Eagle View roofing measurements. Bob Blattert mentioned other points to consider with these measurements. It was discussed that all 167 units were intended to be measured with an approximate cost of $6,000. An interim report has been received from Chad Marty at PSA for 30 of the units. About 57% of units had increase in square size. Most had an increase of 6% or less, but a few were 10% or higher. About 20% had a reduction. The rest had no change. Since dues assessments are impacted by roof size, Woody proposed the following: At the end of the 3-year period where 7% dues increases are applied annually to SBHOA members, all of the remaining Eagle View measurements should be performed to allow for a proper adjustment of dues of all townhomes based on the results of all measurements. This was agreed to by the members of the Board.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report: Beth Coon indicated there was no new information to report.
Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp reported that the construction of a handrail was approved for 1511 Stone Brooke Road. An additional proposal for a handrail at 4029 Fletcher is pending review and approval by the committee.
Hospitality Committee Report: Bob Blattert indicated Charlie Martinson is working with Ken Hartman to complete the paper version of the directory to be distributed to SBHOA members. Dave Schrader indicated that Ken Hartman provided a report of 38 people who attended the July potluck. Additionally, the annual Stone Brooke garage sale is the weekend of August 12-13. An advertisement will be placed in the paper and signs will be posted on the days of the sale.
Grounds Committee Report: Larry Koehrsen reported the committee met on July 8th. There was no new business that requires the Board’s attention at this time.
Insurance Committee Report: Charlie Martinson is working with Lee Griffin to obtain updated insurance information from the homeowners.
Old Business: None
New Business: Bob Blattert requested assistance from someone on the Board to help gather information for the SBHOA website. Eileen Tramp volunteered to perform this function. Bob Blattert will send information to Eileen pertaining to this function.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, August 22, 2016 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on June 27, 2016
Present: Bob Blattert, Larry Koehrsen, Woody Hart, Eileen Tramp, Howard Levine, Beth Coon, Lee Griffin
Absent: Dave Shrader, Bob Swanson
Visitors: Irv Melcer, Jan Petre
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM
Minutes: The minutes were approved as written and distributed June 22, 2016
Announcements: Dave Schrader’s wife Kim is having surgery today. Bob Swanson continues to recover at home.
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine reported current assets to be $167,550. Year to date net income is $36,866. General Revenue spent in May $1,489 down $2,674 from last month.
Investments Report: Howard said the portfolio saw an increase of $1,891.63 and is at $165,724.95 as of May 31, 2016.
Building Maintenance Committee: Woody Hart reported the Committee met June 21 with the following items discussed:
Four roof replacements have been completed this spring by Waddle Exteriors with five more to go.
Dutchman Painters and Home Painters are responsible for siding and trim repairs and painting and are assigned specific units to work on. Some 60 small repair and painting jobs have been completed at this time.
Siding has a negative balance of $14,607 at this time and roofing has a small positive reserve.
A discussion of Eagle View, a company hired by the committee, is using a satellite camera to photograph the Stone Brooke roofs (to measure roof size and set a standard for roof sizing), has completed 23 townhouses. Some of the roofs were found to be larger than the old way of measuring in square footage and several are smaller. This will affect the homeowners by a small increase/decrease in dues in the future.
Larry Koerhsen questioned the need to spend more money measuring roofs than the costs recovered, but Woody argued that in fairness to the homeowners, it is important to have an accurate assessment. In the long run, the costs will be paid off and a small profit could be accounted for.
The replacement of gutters and the development of a budget line for gutters is now in the planning stage. The committee has evaluated the ages of all the townhouses from +30 years to +15 years. The thinking at this time is to complete the job of replacing all the gutters in 15 years, which would mean replacing eleven (11) units (each unit consisting of 2 residences per year. Chad will be contacting possible gutter contractors to assess the costs per unit and per year. At this time he estimates cost could be in the $10,000 range. Other aspects to be considered include the size of the gutters, if there are gutter covers and heat tapes on the roofs (expenses of the homeowners) and the costs to the homeowners to replace these items. Woody explained that there would be more planning and discussion considering gutters in the near future and Larry Northup will be preparing a gutter replacement plan at the end of July.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee: Beth Coon reported Committee Chair Barbara Faidley reminded all Stone Brooke members the Club house was for them, not friends and relatives unless the member makes the reservations, gets the key and participates in the event. The member is responsible for making sure the rooms are cleaned and garbage disposed of before leaving the premises. Reservations for 2017 are now being made with Linda Martin, the clubhouse calendar coordinator. A lost and found is located at Barbara’s house. She has a number of items you may be looking for. Please call or email before arriving unannounced at her home. Phone: 233-3874 or email
Architectural Committee: Eileen Tramp introduced Jan Petre who attended the meeting to report she was having a stairway constructed at the outside entrance to her house. She was requesting permission to have the job done. While permission can be granted by the Architectural Committee, the Board appreciated Jan’s inquiry and explanation of her plans.
Hospitality Committee: In Dave Schrader’s absence, Bob reported that a successful social event, Beverages and Blossoms, held on a hot Sunday afternoon, was enjoyed by all the attendees!
Grounds Committee: Larry reported the mowers were only spot mowing at this time because of the lack of rain. Steve Wilson walked the paths and grounds with Mantas to evaluate the walks and bridges for damages that will be repaired in the future.
Insurance Committee: no report
Old business: Bob introduced a discussion of trees in the common ground areas. He commented on the work done by Frye’s Tree Service. The removal went well in most areas but some damage was done by the large trucks and equipment driven behind several of the houses. Grass and flowers were crushed by the tires and the logs left behind on the common grounds for several days. He said he would be discussing this with Frye’s.
Utility easements were explained and Bob was continuing to work with the city on this.
Mailbox discussion was tabled to be discussed in July.
New Business: none
For the Good of the Order:
Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM
Respectively submitted, Beth Coon (acting secretary)
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on May 23, 2016
Present: Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Woody Hart, Lee Griffin, Howard Levine, Eileen Tramp
Absent: Dave Shrader, Bob Swanson
Visitors: LeVern Faidley, Erv Melcer, Les Uhlmeyer
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m.
Minutes: The minutes of the April General Meeting were approved as distributed on May 23.
Announcements: Bob Swanson was hospitalized on May 3rd with a hip fracture. Instead of coming home on May 23rd, he went to Northridge Village to finish his rehabilitation. He has an X-ray on the 17th and hopefully he will be able to put weight on his right leg and return home.
Eileen Tramp was appointed liaison to the Architectural Committee. She will meet with the new committee this month.
Beth Coon will take minutes at this meeting in absence of Dave Shrader
Treasurer’s Report: Howard Levine reported the Current Assets according to LWBJ are $247, 814. The monthly spending totals $48,490.
Investments: Howard Levine said he would report exact amount of investments at the end of the month. He said there has not been much change.
Howard began a discussion of the 2016 Budget and the future of Five Year Plan he is developing. As background he referred to Charlie Martinson’s work on a Three Year Plan which had been discussed for several sessions at board meetings.
He distributed a worksheet explaining the “Actual Trial Budget Plan” which details the amount of money needed for the next three years to achieve a balanced budget.
The details can be found in the worksheets Howard distributed to the Board members and guests.
He said he considered it a working budget and is subject to change as necessary.
Building Maintenance Committee: Woody Hart distributed several reports including the recent committee members list, the latest PSA jobs and completions, negotiations with roofer and siding and painting contractors to schedule unfinished projects this season, and future plans for developing a financial line for the replacement or repair of gutters, which will be implemented as soon as the other major jobs are completed. He also included the 2017 budget for the building maintenance committee.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee: Beth Coon reported the plans for a committee meeting this week. Chairman Barbara Faidley and Clubhouse Reservationist Linda Martin have concerns they will present to the committee then to the Board concerning members making reservations for friends and groups not associated with Stone Brooke.
The Swimming Pool will open Saturday, May 28 and rules and regulations for use of the facilities have been posted on the wall of the clubhouse for all to read.
Architectural Control Committee: Eileen Tramp will assume the duties of representing the committee. She will meet with the new chair and committee in the next few weeks.
Hospitality: No report.
Grounds Committee: Larry Koehrsen reported the grounds committee is involved with invasive weeds, tree removal and mowing getting on schedule. Steve and Rosemary Wilson reported their activities with Hawcott, Manatts, and Ames public relations representative.
A walk through on the path to discuss the needs and plans for the walkways and bridges is to be scheduled with a planner from Manatts.
Insurance Committee: Lee Griffin volunteered to assist with the home owners insurance certifications. Some 31 residents have not completed reporting to the committee. Charlie Martinson formerly held this position and may also continue to help.
Old Business: Bob Blattert discussed the budget situation at the General Meeting at the end of April. The residents were told Stone Brooke needed to increase rates to home owners in order to pay bills.
In a show of hands the attendees preferred a 7% raise for each of the next three years in order to keep up with inflation and continue maintenance and care of the homes.
The problem was discussed, including the fact the Board is allow to raise the dues no more than 7% per year and a raise will be discussed each year before implementation by the Board. The following motion was made: Howard Levine moved and Beth Coon seconded that the Board will increase the 2016 dues by 7% for all residents, Class A and B, beginning July 1, 2016.
The motion carried.
The home owners will be notified by mail at least 30 days before implementation. LBWJ will send a letter to each residence with this information.
Other old business, mailbox maintenance, home owner’s insurance certificates and Stone Brooke Connection #3 are tabled until the next meeting in June. New business, electric utility easements and conflict resolution issues will be brought up next month, too.
Good of the Order:
The meeting is adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Coon, Acting minute’s recorder
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on April 25, 2016
Present: Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Eileen Tramp, Beth Coon, Bob Swanson, Woody Hart, Howard Levine, Lee Griffin, Dave Schrader
Absent: None
Visitors: None
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 8:15 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of March 28, 2016 were approved as distributed on April 24, 2016.
- Eileen Tramp and Howard Levine were newly elected to the Board, replacing Charlie Martinson and Ron White, whose terms expired. Additionally, Beth Coon was re-elected to the Board for her second term.
-Proposed dues increase will be further discussed at the next board meeting.
- The SBHOA board meeting will continue to occur on the 4th Monday of the month at 4:30 pm.
Treasurer’s Report: Report provided at Annual Meeting.
Committee Reports: Reports provided at Annual Meeting.
Old Business: None
New Business:
MOTION (Larry Koehrsen, Beth Coon): The 2016-2017 Board and Association Officers: Robert E. Blattert, President; Elwood Hart, Vice President; David Schrader, Secretary; Howard Levine, Treasurer, be approved: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, May 23, 2016 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on March 28, 2016
Present: Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Charlie Martinson, Beth Coon, Bob Swanson, Woody Hart, Dave Schrader
Absent: Lee Griffin, Ron White
Visitors: Steve and Rose Wilson, Howard Levine
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2016 were approved.
Announcements: None
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Swanson reported we have $212,338 in total cash and Vanguard investments. It was discussed that it is preferred to keep at least $200,000 in the bank to ensure timeliness of bill payments.
Investment Committee: A statement was sent out by Howard Levine following the meeting showing a balance in the Vanguard account of $162,924.85 on March 31, 2016.
Building Maintenance Committee: Woody Hart provided a report indicating Waddle Construction will continue to perform roof replacement for townhomes in 2016. Additionally, PSA has initiated the spring 2016 survey of unit problems that need attention this year. They have also been involved in negotiations with the painting and roofing contractors to make certain that we have sufficient commitments to do the work without stretching it into the fall months unnecessarily. It was also discussed that gutter replacement will constitute an additional expense in the future.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee: Beth Coon indicated there was no new activity to report.
Architectural Control Committee: Ron White provided a message indicating there was no new activity to report.
Hospitality Committee: It was discussed that a wine and cheese party would be held at the clubhouse on April 8th.
Grounds Committee: Steve and Rose Wilson reported they met with Hawcott Lawn Service to discuss a proposal for grounds maintenance for the upcoming year. The proposal was accepted and signed. The primary focus will be on areas visible from the street. The secondary focus will be on areas along the path system. Additionally, the Wilsons reported they walked around Stone Brooke with PSA to evaluate snow removal damage. PSA will repair any damage to grassy areas in April.
Insurance Committee: Charlie Martinson indicated there was no new information to report.
Old Business: Board approved motion to deny the request for further reimbursement of expenses associated with the bat problem at 1515 Stone Brooke Road (motion by Charlie Martinson, second by Beth Coon).
New Business:
2016 Budget
-Board approved motion to initiate working with accountant LWBJ to discuss a reserve policy and establishing a 5-year operating plan, which will include a summary of expenses that are expected to occur over the next 5 years (motion by Beth Coon, second by Charlie Martinson). This should provide the basis for budgeting moving forward.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED following the Stone Brooke Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on February 22, 2016
Present: Charlie Martinson, Beth Coon, Bob Swanson, Woody Hart, Dave Schrader
Absent: Bob Blattert, Lee Griffin, Ron White, Larry Koehrsen
Visitors: Steve and Rose Wilson
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by Vice President Martinson.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of November 23, 2015, as distributed on January 6, 2016, were approved. It was noted that the mailbox painting policy passed in the November meeting needs to be distributed to the Association.
Announcements: New potential Board members will need to be nominated. Nominations will need to occur soon in advance of the annual meeting in April.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Swanson reported we have $212,338 in total cash and near cash.
Investment Committee: A statement was sent out by Howard Levine showing a balance in the Vanguard account of $155,371.54 on February 29, 2016.
Building Maintenance Committee: Woody Hart indicated there was no new activity to report.
Clubhouse and Pool Committee: Beth Coon indicated there was no new activity to report.
Architectural Control Committee: Ron White provided a message indicating there was no new activity to report for the past 2 months.
Hospitality Committee: Ken Hartman reported 25 people attended the February potluck and coffee hour. The Game Day has been going well with 13 people attending in February. Beginning in March, Game Day will move to 1 pm on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Grounds Committee: Steve and Rose Wilson reported that Bill and Barb Cobb will not be able to perform grounds maintenance in 2016. The committee will follow up on options to pursue for grounds maintenance for the upcoming year.
Insurance Committee: Charlie Martinson indicated there was no new information to report.
New Business: The following corrections to the draft 2015 financial report were approved:
1. Take $2,824 from Equity 307, roof reserve, to pay for the overrun on 742 town house roof expense (motion by Woody Hart, second by Beth Coon).
2. Take $79,219 from Equity 305 to pay for overrun 741 siding expense and 743 painting expense (motion by Woody Hart, second by Beth Coon).
3. Transfer the expense of $2,748 from 709 common area ground maintenance to 746 expense common area improvements (motion by Beth Coon, second by Woody Hart).
4. Take $11,163 from Equity 309 common area reserve to pay for all of the expenses in 746 common area improvements (motion by Beth Coon, second by Woody Hart).
Board approved motion to file income tax return using Form 1120H (motion by Bob Swanson, second by Woody Hart).
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 pm.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED for 4:30 PM, Monday, March 28, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Schrader, Secretary