Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on November 26, 2017


Present:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Howard Levine, Dean Axland, Eileen Tramp


Absent:  None


Visitors:   Irv Melcer, Bill Good, Jim Patton, Loren Donaldson, Chad Marty


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Larry Koehrsen.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of October 23, 2017 were approved unanimously by the Board.


President’s Report:  Bill Good and Jim Patton completed the financial review previously requested by the Board.  An in-depth review was performed to determine whether receipts and disbursements of the Association are being handled in accordance with the SBHOA Covenants.  No major issues were noted; however, five observations were brought to the attention of the Board and included in the final report.  Some highlights of the discussion are as follows:


It was discussed that expenses should be tracked by individual categories (as they are) that are the basis for dues assessments.


It was also discussed that it may be appropriate to consider a reserve fund for the pool, and other large unexpected expenses.   SBHOA may be responsible for a street (small driveway off of Fletcher); another consideration for reserve funds.    Larry did highlight the existing money currently in the Vanguard accounts is available for use in case of an emergency (this reserve is maintained at approximately 50% of one year’s operating costs).  Bob Blattert discussed the potential for creating “operational reserves” and “capital reserves”. 


Jim mentioned the possibility of simplifying the treasurer’s report, but highlighted these reports are well done.  He also mentioned the possibility of inviting the accountant to our annual meeting. 


Bill and Jim were thanked for their work.


Larry asked for feedback from the Board for discussion at a later date.  The report will be posted to the SBHOA website and distributed to the Association.


Lee moved and Howard seconded to accept the financial review report. 


Larry proceeded with the President’s report, specifically regarding start/stop orders for trash collection.  Lara Hallgrimsdottir asked why the trash collection billing couldn’t be included with association dues.  Bob stated the covenants don’t allow this.  Howard Levine asked the accountant the quantity of units that request the starting/stopping of trash collection.  The accountant stated 12-15 units use this service.  Howard moved and Lee Griffin seconded to halt requests for stop orders starting January 1, 2018.  All members will be billed for garbage starting January 1, 2018.  Larry will notify the membership of this change.  The Board unanimously approved this policy change.


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard provided the report stating we currently have $165,615 in Vanguard accounts plus accounts receivable.  He stated there are no issues with payment of dues or payment for trash collection based on discussion with the accountant.  He also presented the year end estimate of expenses vs. budget based on numbers from previous months extrapolated to the end of the year.  Howard highlighted a change in the balance sheet to specify five accounts as equity.  Eileen Tramp moved and Beth Coon seconded to accept the treasurer’s report.


Budget discussion – The proposed 2018 budget of $358,100 is 3.5% higher than the 2017 budget based upon the dues increase implemented in July 2017.  Lawn maintenance budget will increase based on the new contract with Hawcott.  Painting budget will increase as well based on the needs within the Association.  Larry also highlighted that costs associated with path maintenance may run more than budgeted, but a modest overrun will be handled the same as in the 2016 budget by taking some funds from our reserves.   Lee moved and Dean Axland seconded the proposed 2018 budget.  Howard and Eileen then amended the motion to include revisiting the budget prior to the annual meeting to re-evaluate the need for an additional dues increase.  Lee and Dean agreed with the amended motion and the Board unanimously approved it.  A copy of the approved budget is attached.


Investment Committee Report:   Ken Recker sent the November report to the Board stating $161,101.84 is in the Vanguard account.


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Chad Marty discussed the latest update associated with the Eagle View roof measurements.  Precise roof measurements are now available for approximately 40 homes.   The new data will be used to determine the amount each homeowner will be assessed based on roof size.   Howard and Larry will notify homeowners with dues assessment changes.  These changes will become effective in early 2018.  


Chad stated there were some problems with the roof and trim on a sunroom addition at 3916 Fletcher.   These concerns will be expressed to the homeowner who will have to look to the contractor to remedy the problems.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  No new items to report.


Architectural Control Committee Report: No new items to report.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Ken Hartman sent a report to Dave Schrader stating there were 30 people that attended the November potluck and the December potluck will be held on the 21st.


Grounds Committee Report:  No new items to report.


Insurance Committee Report:  Lee checked into the legal need for a telephone in the clubhouse.  The insurance agent stated there is no requirement for a phone if we post a notice that there is no phone available.  The subject will be revisited at the next Board meeting. 


Old Business:  The issue of additional signatures for the Covenants was mentioned.  Bob has all of the background on the issue and has had all of the contact with the attorney.  Larry stated he is looking to Bob to take the lead to complete the process. 


New Business:   None


Comments from the Board:  None


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.


NO MEETING IN DECEMBER.  THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, January 22, 2018 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on October 23, 2017


Present:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Howard Levine, Dean Axland


Absent:  Eileen Tramp


Visitors:   Loren Donaldson, Chad Marty, Steve Wilson


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Larry Koehrsen.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of September 25, 2017 were approved unanimously by the Board.


President’s Report:  Larry thanked those who offered information for the preliminary budget.


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard Levine reported there is $95,726 in checking and $161,836 in Vanguard/accounts receivable.  There is $257,562 total in liquid and semi liquid assets.  Howard also highlighted some changes to the profit and loss sheet generated by the LWBJ accounting firm to accurately re-categorize some line items as administrative rather than common area.  Additionally, Howard will follow up with LWBJ regarding an increase in accounts receivable noted by Dean Axland.  Bob Blattert moved and Beth Coon seconded to accept the treasurer’s report.


Larry provided a copy of the preliminary 2018 budget for discussion.  There was some discussion regarding designation of the percentage split of the townhome budget and common area budget and developing a policy for how closely this should align with the percentage of dues collected within the townhome and common area categories.  No determination was made at the meeting, but will potentially be considered in the future.  Lee Griffin will follow up with the insurance company to determine whether the phone line can be removed from the clubhouse and potentially be removed as a budget line item.  Larry asked the Board members to evaluate the proposed budget and vote to approve at the next meeting.  Dean also emphasized that PSA was quite helpful with the budgetary process.


Investment Committee Report:   Howard reported that the Vanguard account was about $159,000 as of Friday, October 20th. 


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  The minutes of the October building maintenance committee meeting were provided by Dean.  Key points included confirmation that all gutters scheduled for replacement in 2017 have been completed, remaining scheduled painting will be completed in October and November, and PSA recommendations for scheduled work in 2018 were approved by the committee.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Beth had nothing additional to report other an e-mail she sent to the Board regarding a potential contractor to oversee pool maintenance in 2018.


Architectural Control Committee Report: Dean mentioned a different color shingle recently installed on one of the townhome patios (3916 Fletcher).  Dean will notify Eileen Tramp, Architectural Control Committee Board liaison, for further evaluation. 


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader was provided a report from Ken Hartman stating that 40 people attended the coffee hour on October 7th.


Grounds Committee Report:  Steve Wilson recommended that the Board approve a new 3-year contract with Landscapes by Design for snow removal.  Lee moved and Howard seconded to approve the contract.  The Board unanimously approved the motion.  A fall leaf pickup will be performed by Hawcott in November.  Loren Donaldson indicated the asphalt path south of 4001 Fletcher will be replaced.  Concrete overlay (150 ft) will also be done north of the path near 4001 Fletcher.  Joints will also be replaced.  The total cost will be about $23,000.  Loren also suggested to send an e-mail to the Association regarding the work to be performed.


Insurance Committee Report:  Lee will follow up on the insurance requirements involving the phone line in the clubhouse.   Files from Charlie Martinson have been turned over to Jim Billings.


Old Business:  Retaining walls – We are continuing to gather information to better understand the walls north and south of Stone Brooke Rd and how they should be managed.  The issue with drainage near one of the walls will be addressed next year to help maintain the stability of these walls. 


Covenants – Bob Blattert has asked the attorney to provide a statement of purpose and affidavit for the additional 39 homeowners to sign.  Furthermore, Larry and Bob will develop a list of questions and a request will be made from the attorney to obtain a letter providing options for how to proceed after the signatures are obtained.


New Business:   There will not be a SBHOA Board meeting in December.


Comments from the Board:  None


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, November 27, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary



Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on September 25, 2017


Present:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Eileen Tramp, Howard Levine, Dean Axland


Absent:  None


Visitors:   Loren Donaldson, Chad Marty, Aaron Keller


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Koehrsen.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of August 28, 2017 were approved unanimously by the Board.


President’s Report:  President Koehrsen commented on the Building Maintenance Committee situation.  It has been confirmed that Larry Northup has resigned as chairman and member of the BMC.  He also wanted to thank Larry Northup for his many years of work on the committee and his dedication to SBHOA.  Dean Axland and Larry Koehrsen met with Woody Hart and he is willing to assist and act as interim chair of the committee until a permanent replacement has been identified. 


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard Levine reported $97,500 in checking and $158,000 in the Vanguard account plus accounts receivable.  Total liquid/semi-liquid assets as of August 31 is 256,015.  Howard stated he would speak with Lisa at LWBJ to clarify definition of administrative expenses.  About $82,000 has been spent so far this year on townhome maintenance, with about $94,000 additional budgeted to be spent yet this year.  About $13,000 has been spent on grounds, tree, and path maintenance so far this year with about $33,000 left to spend this year.  Lee moved and Beth seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. 


Investment Committee Report:   Howard reported there is approximately $154,000 in the Vanguard account.


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Dean Axland provided the spreadsheet with a summary of the work that has been completed.  Four more roof replacements are planned to be completed yet this year.  Six small siding repairs and one large siding repair are scheduled to be completed yet this year.  All old gutters on Woodhaven Circle have been replaced.  Painting is also ongoing with approximately 4-6 weeks left in the painting season.  The water leak at 4021 Fletcher has not yet been addressed.  The issue has been turned over to Cooper Excavation to locate the water curb box. 


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Beth Coon stated there was nothing new to report.


Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp stated there was nothing new to report.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman stating there were 32 people present at the recent potluck.  Only one home in the Association is currently listed for sale.  A fall coffee hour is also being planned.


Grounds Committee Report:  Loren Donaldson reported that Dan’s Custom Landscapes has been working on the prairie area with several trees cut down and trimmed.  Bushes were also planted near the front of the clubhouse.  A lot of cleanup activity has been occurring between bridges on the east side of the creek and behind Stone Brooke Circle.  The work of Dean and Vivian Nelson as committee members was also highlighted. 


Regarding trails, Scott Renaud and Chad Marty have been asking for quotes on path work for this year.  We’ve received quotes from two contractors, both of which are higher than what was expected (between 40 and 50 thousand dollars).  We are looking at performing repairs in one section only this year, which is expected to be closer to $20,000, but need to obtain quotes first.  The trails update was provided by Larry Koehrsen. 


Insurance Committee Report:  Jim Billings and Bob Blattert agreed to join the committee.   Jim will be the chair. 


Old Business:  Retaining walls – Two large retaining walls are near Stone Brooke Rd.  Neither are in danger of collapsing, but we will need to determine a strategy for managing these walls.  First, it’s not clear whether the walls are on private property or common grounds.  Secondly, the covenants do not mention retaining walls as a common ground repair item.  Eileen mentioned a document (Planned Residence Development) that might provide some insight into the planning of the development and the installation of the walls.  Chad Marty will get a quote for a land survey.


New Business:   2018 Budgeting – Larry presented a summary of the proposed budgeting process and schedule.  Larry, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, and Howard will be on the budget committee to develop the first pass budget for 2018. 


Comments from the Board:  Liability insurance for Kay Drevs will be paid through the end of September.  Lara will follow up with someone she knows to identify a potential pool maintenance person for next year.


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary


Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on August 28, 2017


Present: Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Lara Hallgrimdottir, Dean Axland, Howard Levine, Eileen Tramp


Absent: Dave Schrader and Lee Griffin


Visitors: Irv Melcer, Committee Representatives - Steve Wilson and Loren Donaldson, and PSA - Chad Marty


Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by President Larry Koehrsen


Minutes:  The minutes of the last meeting were approved pending a request for a fresh copy.


President's Report: Larry Koehrsen reported the Financial Review directed by Jim Patton and Bill Good is ongoing but should be completed by the end of September.


Dean Axland requested the October 2016 minutes be rescinded concerning the roofing budget and the changes made at the July meeting. Larry stated we overrode the decision by the new motion, thus the October minutes were moot.


Treasurer's Report: Howard Levine reviewed spending expenses and the new balance. The total assets ending July 31, 2017 were $268,480.00. Approximately 41% of the town house budget has been spent for the year and 28% of the Common Ground budget has been spent.


Howard questioned spending for trails during the current budget year. This opened the discussion of retaining walls at 1531 and 1532 Stone Brooke Road. Chad Marty reported he had been in contact with companies that might do wall repair or replacement and he hoped to hear back from them in the next few weeks.



Building Maintenance Committee Report: Dean reported work continues on roofs, gutters and painting.


Grounds Committee Report:  Steve Wilson reported minor damage from the last thunderstorms. Cleanup was completed. Loren and crew battled a killer cicada wasp infestation in the northwest common ground area. Their nests were underground and each nest had to be treated.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Pool Manager Kaye Drevs has resigned. The County Health Department rules were changed four years ago and are now enforced to have pools in Associations larger than 15 units check the chemicals in the pool every four hours each day. According to Kaye, this is impossible for a part time pool caretaker to do.  Stone Brooke will be looking for a new pool manager, knowing, according to Beth Coon it will be difficult to find someone to check the pool that often.


The Board's decision to pay for Ms. Drevs personal liability insurance is now in question. Beth suggested we cancel the insurance if possible. We have already paid $70 of the yearly bill, but following the last day of work, Kaye will be informed, along with her insurance company, that we are cancelling the policy. The Board was in agreement.


Architectural Control Committee Report: No report


Insurance Committee Report: Jim Billings is now a member of the Insurance Committee.


Old Business: The Covenants rewriting continues reported Bob Blattert. Some 145 residents will be contacted and asked to sign an affidavits for the update.  Lara asked that a deadline be set to complete this project.


New Business: Scott Renaud, an engineer with Fox Engineering, presented the plans for the work to be done on the Stone Brooke paths, trails, bridges and retaining walls over the next three to five years. He reviewed drawings of the 8320 linear feet of trails and grounds with emphasis on what needs to be done from an engineering point of view.


Essentially, Scott discussed drainage issues, handicap accessibility, (not in the plan) and construction equipment problems. The detailed map drawings indicated those issues of servicing the trails with large equipment tearing out protected areas. Other thoughts included the use of concrete and asphalt where concrete trucks could not go near the trails, the repair of bridges and the replacement of the damaged retaining walls.


Scott suggested consideration of early attention to retaining walls, especially the one at 1532 Stone Brooke Road. The Board did not provide a directive in this regard, pending review of the entire retaining wall question.


Larry and the Board thanked Scott for his excellent presentation, but was left with multiple questions to discuss at later board meetings and with the residents, according to comments from members.


The final maps and plans for the trails improvements will be available in the Club House for all residents to review when they are completed.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:53.


Respectively submitted,

Beth Coon, substitute secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on July 24, 2017


Present:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Eileen Tramp, Dean Axland, Howard Levine


Absent:  Lee Griffin


Visitors:   Loren Donaldson, Irv Melcer


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Koehrsen.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of June 26, 2017 were approved by the Board.


President’s Report:  Larry addressed the passing of former Board President Charlie Martinson.  Charlie also served as Building and Maintenance committee liaison for two years before serving as President and other activities for the Board. He was a champion for Stone Brooke and spent many hours working for the betterment of the community.


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard Levine reported the 7% increase in dues began on July 1, 2017.  He distributed the Balance sheets and Profit and Loss statements and discussed the monthly details.

Total Expenses from January through June:  $83,968

Total Fixed Assets: $138,237

Total Current Assets: $250,906

Total Assets:  $389,143


A discussion of the roofing budget, which has been a subject of debate for several months was introduced by Howard and Larry.  Three extra roofs had been installed in November of 2016.  The roofs were leaking and repairs could not be postponed until the spring of 2017.  These had not been budgeted for and the Board voted to pay part of the bill in 2016 and the remainder in 2017.    However all three additional units were paid for out of the 2016 budget.  The impression left with some of the members was that fewer roofs would be completed in 2017.  The Budget for roofs for 2017 is $96,000.  Eight roofs were planned for replacement.  That is a typical yearly number of roofs completed in a year.    Howard suggested since the first two roofs had been completed under $11,000 eight roofs could still be completed.  Bob Blattert offered that we should consider waiting until the end of the season, October or November to select the final roofs for replacement to ensure we have the money if another event occurs (leaking roofs) this year.


Bob Blattert moved and Eileen Tramp seconded the Board spend the $96,000 budgeted for roofing and wait until the end of the season to finish the last two roofs.  The motion passed.


Investment Committee Report:  Howard reported they considered the volatility of the market and decided to liquidate three holdings and about 60% of a money market account into Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class B stock.  The committee considered this a more prudent investment at this time.


Jim Patton and Bill Good are an ad hoc committee doing an internal analysis of our financial systems and results over the past several years.  They are well into their project and met with Howard and Larry to review guidelines and approaches for their studies.  More detailed results will be presented at subsequent meetings. 


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Dean Axland reported that Kevin Brace, our handyman, is retiring.  The committee is searching for a new maintenance man.

Dean reported that numerous jobs dealing with roofing, painting and gutters have been contracted for the summer and fall.  Wirtzy Construction is reroofing right now.

Gutter installation will be handled by All American Gutters and began at the end of July.

Dutchman Painters has contracted for six full jobs and two trim jobs.  Iowa Home Construction is planning on seven full paint jobs and trim paint on six.  PSA contacted the homeowners with Class 4 shingles to check with their insurance agents to see if they can apply for discounts with the longer lasting shingles.  PSA will provide the contact information.  Gutter installation includes a 3’10” downspout which comes with the service. Any additional length or extensions will be the homeowner’s responsibility.  Special cases will be considered.  No new policy changes are recommended for the mailboxes at this time.


Policies regarding mailboxes and utility service lines have now been presented to the entire membership of SBHOA for review and comment.   Comments received were considered by the committee but no changes in the policies as distributed were recommended    Bob Blattert moved and Dean seconded that both policies be accepted.  The motion passed.  The policies will be posted on our web site.


Dean requested the date be added to the monthly spread sheet for easier identification.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report Beth reported the ongoing attempt to have Kaye Drevs (pool maintenance) acquire liability insurance.  Kaye offered to quit instead of buying the insurance.


The board discussed her general attitude and a motion was made by Bob and seconded by Howard for the Board to pay the bill of $281 for the year.  The motion passed.  It was also understood by the Board that Kaye would likely not continue offering her services after this fall. 


Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen reported the approval of a new deck and windows for 1809 Waterbury Circle.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman stating the garage sale weekend went well with 20-25 houses participating.  25 people attended the July potluck.


Grounds Committee Report:  Loren Donaldson reported for Steve Wilson that Fox Engineering is evaluating the Stone Brooke paths for repair and replacement.  The report will take several weeks to complete.  The committee has been working at 4001 Fletcher on a drainage problem and doing some landscaping at 4300 Stone Brooke.

Hawcutt has not been able to mow for several weeks because of the dry weather.

There was some damage from a fast moving storm in mid-July that required some brush clean up in the streams and downed limbs.  Dan’s Custom Landscape continues to cut trees and limbs where needed and produce wood chips for the home owners.


Insurance Committee Report:  Larry sent an e-mail stating we need members for the committee.  Lee is the contact person.


Old Business:  Covenants review status:  Bob Blattert stated there are 2 issues.  The first issue involves the invalidity of the current covenants.  Bob provided a summary e-mail.  Bob recommends to obtain the 47 signatures from the homeowners at the addresses that did not previously sign for affidavits to verify that the covenants are accepted.   The attorney will prepare the affidavits and must be observed by a notary.   It was decided this is how we’ll proceed.  The second issue is the covenants themselves.  Bob provided an additional email from Brian Torresi.  He highlighted an item on that email regarding use of dues, which was stated by Brian as follows:


“For the assessments collected from Class A Members, those assessments are to be used (in accordance with Article VII) for all similar items on all lots owned by Class A Members, and not only for individual lots in accordance with the dues contributed by that lot.  In other words, dues paid by a Class A Member go into the Class A account and is then used, at the discretion of the Board, for repair and maintenance of any item noted in Article VII, not just for the lot from where the dues came.”


Larry stated a document should be presented to the Board that provides a policy regarding use of dues so it is clear from a budgeting standpoint moving forward.  Larry stated he will plan on working on this document with other Board members. 


New Business:   None


Comments from the Board:  Eileen asked for direction from the Board regarding how to approach requests for installation of fire pits.  City code is in place to handle this. 


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, August 28, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary


Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on June 26, 2017


Present:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Eileen Tramp


Absent:  Howard Levine, Dean Axland


Visitors:   Loren Donaldson, Larry Northup


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Koehrsen.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of May 15, 2017 were approved unanimously by the Board.


President’s Report:  Larry Koehrsen started by discussing the financial review previously authorized by the Board.  Jim Patton and Bill Good are currently working on this.  A report should be available by the July 24th Board meeting. 


Distribution of roster of membership – Larry sent a memo to all residents asking for any comments/concerns regarding information on the roster.  The roster was then sent electronically after concerns were addressed. 


The notification letter for the 7% dues increase was sent to all residents.  No major concerns were received.


Two policies associated with mailboxes and utility lines were distributed.  These will be discussed at the next Board meeting after any feedback is provided. 


Treasurer’s Report:  Howard Levine e-mailed a report to the Board prior to the meeting.  Bob Blattert stated approximately $272,000 is currently in the bank.       


Investment Committee Report:  Bob reported the general market is up and investments have increased by approximately $1500 from the previous month. 


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Following the annual general inspection of townhomes, Larry Northup stated fewer general repairs were required than in previous years.  It appears that gutter repairs will cost less than what was budgeted.  This money can be allocated to painting and other general maintenance.  Lee Griffin inquired about a spreadsheet of scheduled and completed townhome maintenance.  The monthly report for townhome maintenance should be sent to the Board by the committee liaison moving forward (Dean Axland).


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Beth reported that our pool maintenance person has had to close the pool a couple of times due to chemical imbalance.  No other items to report at this time.


Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp reported that a deck installation project was approved by the committee at 4226 Stone Brooke Road.  A question regarding installation of satellite TV was brought up.  Stone Brooke defaults to city code for this, but the BMC committee recommends installing on the rear or side of homes to reduce visibility.  Homeowners are responsible for paying for realignment of dishes if they need to be taken down and put back up.  Additionally, installation of fire pits within the Association was generally discussed as an item that may need to be addressed in the future. 


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader received a report from Ken Hartman stating that 40-45 people attended the Spring Cocktail Hour social on June 16 and about 30 attended the Pot Luck on the 15th.    The Annual Stone Brooke Coordinated Garage Sale is Friday, July 14 from 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, July 15 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 


Grounds Committee Report:  Lara Hallgrimsdottir reported that the main topic at the last committee meeting was path maintenance and the proposal by Fox Engineering.  It was also stated that the wild parsnips reported near Waterbury Circle have been cut down.  These were cut down by the City of Ames.


Larry Koehrsen then discussed the proposal by Fox Engineering.  The Trail Evaluation Plan and Report described in the document is what we want to proceed with very soon.  This will include prioritization and phasing of work and an overall plan for proceeding with this work.  Lee moved and Bob seconded to authorize payment up to $5700 for Fox Engineering to provide a Trail Evaluation Plan and Report as stated in their proposal. 


Loren Donaldson stated about $7200 will be invoiced soon for tree maintenance. 


Insurance Committee Report:  The pool maintenance person does not have liability insurance.  Our insurance does not cover liability involving chemical imbalance in the pool.  She is hired as a contractor.  Lara agreed to look into how this is handled at North Park Villa so we can address this quickly.   Charlie Martinson resigned as chair of the committee due to health issues.  A replacement will need to be found.


Old Business:  Bob Blattert reported he had additional contact with the attorney regarding the covenants.  Work is progressing on getting the list of properties that did not sign off on the new covenants in 2011.  Current residents on these properties will need to be contacted to get necessary signatures.


New Business:   None


Comments from the Board:  None


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, July 24, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary


Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on May 15, 2017


Present:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Blattert, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lara Hallgrimsdottir Howard Levine, Eileen Tramp


Absent:  Dean Axland, Lee Griffin


Visitors:   Steve Wilson, Loren Donaldson, Larry Northup, Sharon Axland, Chad Marty, Neta Tosten, Nathan Tosten


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Koehrsen.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2017 were approved with corrections noted.


President’s Report:  Barb Cobb will be moving so we need a replacement e-mail coordinator for sending e-mails to the Association members.  Loren Donaldson has agreed to do this.  Financial review was also discussed by Larry.  Jim Patton who lives in the Association will perform a financial review of SBHOA finances and will start soon.    


Treasurer’s Report:  No monthly report was available at the time of the meeting due to the meeting occurring earlier in the month.  Howard stated we received a bill of approximately $2000 from the attorneys for the legal review involving the language in the covenants.  He also stated there is a lot of money from dues that needs to be distributed for townhome maintenance.  Additionally, the purchase order system seems to be working well. 


The dues adjustment announcement for the 7% increase will be sent to the membership prior to June 1.  Howard moved to approve the dues adjustment effective July 1, second by Eileen.  Motion was approved by the Board.      


Investment Committee Report:  Committee will meet on the morning of May 17.  Ken Recker will join the committee and has been proposed to take over Howard’s job as chair of the committee.  This will be voted on by the committee at the May 17 meeting.


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Larry Northup reported that Chad and Chris Marty are performing the spring inspection and requesting bids for roofing, siding and gutter replacements and repairs.  Then it will be known what repairs are pending.  There will be 5-7 roof replacements this year. 


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Beth Coon reported that the pool opens May 27.  Barb Faidley will distribute rules of the pool prior to opening. 


Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen, Architectural Control Committee liaison, updated the Board on the Architectural Proposal at 3916 Fletcher.   Eileen held a meeting on Friday, 5/12/17 at 3:30 PM with Stone Brooke representation Russ Richardson, Architectural Control Committee member, Candy Schainker, Architectural Control Committee chair and Chad Marty, PSA, to review and discuss concerns with the proposed project and write up concerns regarding the proposal for the MidWest Contractors representative Lee Sykes.  Concerns of this committee continued to center around exterior appearance and maintenance issues.    At 4:00 PM, the above committee met with Lee Sykes, and went over this committee’s project concerns, with the questions to Lee Sykes being, “Can you meet these concerns, and if so, how?”   Acknowledging our concerns, Lee proposed changing the project from the proposed sunroom style to a more conventional style of addition. He did not feel using the sunroom style room was going to meet the Stone Brooke committee concerns.  This new design met all of our concerns but one, which would relate to board approval.  Eileen asked Lee for written concurrence of our discussion.

1.       The walls will now be 8’ which will allow it to meet up with the existing soffits at the same height.

2.       The higher walls will allow the soffits to be ‘boxed’ in to match the other homes at Stone Brooke.

3.       The new construction method allows the outside to be sided with standard siding to match the homes in Stone Brooke.

4.       The gable will also have some siding on it to match the look at Stone Brooke.

5.       Shingles can be installed and replaced like any other roof.

6.       The underneath of the addition will be kept off the ground as to not impede water drainage. The height and design will match other porches on the back of Fletcher to keep a uniform look.

The only thing that would be different on this addition would be if the roof structure under the shingles were to be damaged. Examples of this would be tornado or tree falling on it. The structure under the sheeting is still put together with pre-engineered panels and would require that Midwest Construction or another specialty contractor do the work.   Repairs should be taken care of by the homeowners insurance. The Board voiced no concerns related to Midwest Construction or another specialty contractor doing the work.


5/13/17 -   Lee’s written concurrence per email, with 2 additions to 1-6: “ I read over what we reviewed for the Tosten's project.  I do agree with everything discussed.”

“There are only a couple of items I would add.

     1.  We will be able to use a fascia board only on the gable end and adjust the overhang (soffit) widths on the sides to look similar to the other homes in Stone Brook.

     2.  The height of the center of the room addition will be 12 foot to ensure a similar roof pitch.

 I did talk with the Tosten's about the changes in the project.  They are ok with the changes we discussed to build a room addition with a similar design to other projects in the association.”

Eileen made a motion for approval to the proposed architectural structure as stated above.  Lara Hallgrimsdottir seconded the motion.   Board members present unanimously approved the proposal.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman stating the committee has called on three new residents since the annual meeting.  Game day is scheduled for May 15 and the monthly potluck is scheduled for May 18.  The cocktail hour party is scheduled for June 16.  Larry also mentioned the annual roster for Stone Brooke members needs to be distributed.  The Hartmans have the master document.  These will be distributed electronically and hand delivered to those who don’t have e-mail.    


Grounds Committee Report:  Median trimming was managed by SBHOA/Dirk Snyder this spring rather than Hawcott.  This cost $200 rather than $2000.  Boards the on bridge were repaired.  14 people showed up at Earth Day to pick up trash throughout the Association.  Currently reviewing new signs and posts located on paths to replace current signs.  Metal posts are recommended.  Dirk Snyder has been hired to help with grounds maintenance.  Lara brought up a sinkhole toward the end of Fletcher.  This is the responsibility of the city and Dean Axland has notified the city of this issue.  There was also discussion to emphasize that the paths should be for walking only.  Tree maintenance is ongoing and ash borer treatment will occur this year.  


Paths – Larry contacted Fox Engineering to see if they could provide a planning document for paths.  Larry stated they will provide a written proposal for Board consideration.  The initial thought is that concrete may be more economical than asphalt.        


Insurance Committee Report:    Bob Blattert stated the committee is continuing to work with Association members to comply with SBHOA homeowners insurance requirements. 


Old Business: 


Covenants review Bob Blattert stated we are continuing to work with an attorney to resolve the expired covenants issue noted in the annual meeting. 


Policies on utility lines and mailboxes – Larry stated these will be sent out to the membership soon for review.


Purchase order procedures – Larry Northup brought up concerns that contractors submit invoices directly to the accountant rather than going through Chad (PSA) to evaluate whether the work stated on the invoice was done as requested.  Bob Blattert mentioned a copy of invoices should be sent to PSA to confirm the work was done in accordance with the purchase order prior to approval for payment.  Howard, as the treasurer, needs to approve payments.  Eileen mentioned finalizing the process and formally capturing the process in the Board meeting minutes or other appropriate document. 


Board committee liaisons – Larry Koehrsen had suggested committee chairs for Grounds and BMC to attend Board meetings rather than identifying liaisons from the Board.  Bob, Eileen and Howard all stated the desire to have Board liaisons for each committee.  Dean will be the liaison for BMC and Lara will be for Grounds.  Motion by Bob and second by Howard to vote for liaisons including 2 new liaisons.  Motion approved by Board.  Eileen brought the lists of committee members to the meeting and will be sent to LeVern Faidley. 


New Business:   No new business.


Comments from the Board:  Eileen praised the willingness to work through the committee liaisons issue. 


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on April 24, 2017


Present:  Bob Blattert, Dean Axland, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Howard Levine, Larry Koehrsen, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Eileen Tramp.


Absent:  None


Visitors:   None


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 8:30 pm by President Blattert.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of March 27, 2017 were approved as distributed on April 21, 2017.   


Announcements:  None


Treasurer’s Report:    Howard discussed an error in the 2017 budget related to tree maintenance that will be corrected.


Investment Committee Report:  Refer to annual meeting report.


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Refer to annual meeting report.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Refer to annual meeting report.


Architectural Control Committee Report: Refer to annual meeting report.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Refer to annual meeting report.


Grounds Committee Report:   Refer to annual meeting report.


Insurance Committee Report:    Refer to annual meeting report.


Old Business:  Bob discussed that the clubhouse is the only fixed asset currently used for depreciation.  Bob proposed that we need to establish fair market value of all of our assets, including paths.  It would be ideal to obtain an appraisal for paths before repairs begin. 


New Business:   Motion by Howard, second by Lee to nominate 2017-2018 SBHOA Board officers as follows:


Larry Koehrsen – President

Beth Coon – Vice President

Howard Levine – Treasurer

Dave Schrader – Secretary


Motion was approved by the Board.


Eileen, liaison to the Architectural Control Committee, presented information to the BOD regarding a 4 season Porch Proposal at 3619 Fletcher Blvd.  The proposal has met with mixed votes from the Architectural Control Committee.  Concerns are related to keeping a cohesive architectural appearance, the pitch of the roof, and skirting around the base of the sunroom.   The committee also had a concern that approval of this pre-engineered addition will set a precedent for future Stone Brooke proposals.  The Architectural committee did approve this proposal if the pitch of the roof matches the pitch of other Stone Brooke structures.  They would like the Board to review the information and approve, or not approve this proposal.  The BOD reiterated concerns regarding the pitch of the roof, which they felt could be potentially addressed.  Skirting was an issue, and Lee discussed some concerns about pre-fabricated exterior materials.  Larry asked Dean Axland to meet with Candy, Architectural Control Committee chair and/or a member of her committee, and Chad Marty to re-evaluate, and potentially obtain an additional opinion before making a final decision.


Larry discussed committee liaisons.  BMC and Grounds committees need new liaisons.  Larry asked the heads of the committees if they would attend the meetings rather than have liaisons. 


Larry also wanted to compliment Bob Blattert on his work with the attorney regarding the covenants and he asked Bob if he would continue to take a leadership role in resolving the expired covenants discussed in the annual meeting.  Bob agreed to do so.


Larry requested that the Board meet at 4:30 on May 15th as he will be out of town on the 4th Monday of May. 


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on March 27, 2017


Present:  Bob Blattert, Woody Hart, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Howard Levine, Larry Koehrsen, Bob Swanson.


Absent:  Eileen Tramp


Visitors:   Ken Hartman, Nathan and Neta Tosten, Jim Lohr, Dean Axland, Larry Northup, Bill Cobb, Barb Cobb 


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of February 27, 2017 were approved as distributed on March 26, 2017.   


Announcements:  None


Treasurer’s Report:    Howard Levine reported total cash assets are currently approximately $210,000.  Howard provided a summary of the budget structure for the purpose of providing further information to the visitors.  Lee inquired about the estimate for funding the paths and how it was determined.  Bob stated there have been discussions with Mannats regarding use of asphalt.  There are other companies in town to discuss using concrete.  Bob stated we don’t have insurance if we’re negligent, so we must do something where potential hazards are present.  Howard then highlighted the top page of the budget where the breakdown of dues was stated.  97% of overall income comes from townhomes (Class A) while 3% comes from single homes (Class B).


Investment Committee Report:  Howard Levine indicated a total of approximately $150,000 is currently in the Vanguard account.  


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Woody Hart brought forth draft policies involving mailbox painting and utility maintenance.  Bob Swanson moved, and Lee Griffin seconded to approve distribution of the policies for further review by members of the Association.  The motion was approved by a majority of the Board.  The next issue Woody raised involved a document submitted to the Board discussing concern regarding use of dues.  Woody then requested a member of the committee to present concerns.  Woody subsequently presented the concerns at the suggestion of Larry Northup.  There is concern regarding the interpretation of the covenants and how dues may be allocated for maintenance of Class B homes.  Lee asked for clarification on whether there was concern that the properties were not being maintained properly.  Woody stated this was not the concern.  The concern is specifically related to dues allocation for maintenance of townhomes.  A portion of the $32.10 goes to administrative costs, snow removal and lawn care for the common areas.  


Further clarification was requested regarding the overall concern.  The primary concern is whether the dues are being used equitably.  Larry Northup then discussed the three categories of roofing, siding, and snow removal/lawn care.  There was concern that all money collected for those categories goes into one pot and then is distributed.  Howard clarified there are 3 separate categories; administration, townhouse maintenance, and common area maintenance (snow removal/lawn care).  Section 3 – Assessment of Class A members – Howard read the guidelines from the covenants and stated there was no guideline indicating any firm restriction regarding how money is distributed for townhouse maintenance.  Howard and Lee emphasized the full intent to follow the covenants as they are written.  Howard stated we are now putting 50-year roofs on the townhomes; therefore, we are unnecessarily restricting ourselves if dues collected for townhome maintenance are strictly allocated to individual sub-categories of roofing, siding, and snow removal/lawn care.  


Barb and Bill Cobb brought up the perception that if roofing and siding are included in the same pot, it may be considered inequitable due to the various sizes of the townhomes.  Bob Blattert then discussed Section 3, Article 5 – Assessment of Class A members, where it discusses the means for establishing the assessments.  Siding and roofing are the two most obvious means for assessing dues.  Bob discussed lake view lots, timber lots and lots facing street, with value in descending order.  Bob emphasized no one is getting cheated.  Bob stated that in 2012, the Board voted to begin replacing roofs with 50-year roofs.  This resulted in an increase in price of the roofs, which has necessitated the increase in dues.  Larry Northup then discussed that roofing dues were raised and siding dues were decreased at that time to account for the cost.   It was suggested by Bob that this was simply re-allocation of funds since the overall amount of funds collected for maintenance was not increased to account for the increase in cost of the roofs.  Larry continued to discuss the concern.  Bob then discussed reports provided by our accountants based on asset classes to indicate year-end balances.  Bob indicated $-15,000 in siding and $-26,000 in roofing were the balances at the end of 2016 due to some additional work performed in late 2016.  Lee emphasized to Larry that a budget request must be submitted to the Board based on the committee’s recommendation.  


Bob summarized that in 2010-2011, there was a change in accountants, change in tax structure, and a consultant was hired to perform a reserve study, which was rejected by the Board.  The tax structure was changed from an 1120 filing to 1120-H.  When it was 1120, the tax rule indicated excess dues assessments would be taxed at 15%, but if affidavits were filed, they could be carried over to the next year without taxation, but had to use it in the next year or give it back to the Association members.  The 1120-H filing indicates excess dues are not taxable.  The only taxes we pay are capital gains or dividends.  Bob then specified that books for each year are closed, they are not carried over.  Bob emphasized we are moving toward a balanced budget for 2017 and beyond.  


Howard then discussed that the general expectation is that the home and lawn are maintained.  Ken Hartman stated they explain to new members how the dues are being collected and distributed.  Historically, this explanation has been based on the siloed philosophy for allocating money for townhome maintenance.  If the allocations are based on the direction of the Board, Ken emphasized this needs to be clearly indicated and that the membership needs to understand this philosophy.  Bob Blattert stated he intends to introduce this philosophy at the annual meeting in April.  Lee summarized the discussion of the group – we need to do a better job of getting feedback from committee chairs regarding requested budgets and we need to communicate better with the membership to outline the general budgeting philosophy.  Ken stated it would be a good idea to generate a policy statement to clarify how dues are collected and how those dues are used.  Jim Lohr also discussed that the measurement of roof sizes was performed to ensure the dues were being assessed accurately.            


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  No activity to report.


Architectural Control Committee Report: No activity to report.


Hospitality Committee Report:  No activity to report.  


Grounds Committee Report:   No activity to report.


Insurance Committee Report:    Report from Charlie Martinson -  The insurance files have been screened again.  Five members have not provided their insurance information to Stone Brooke after Bob Blattert and Charlie Martinson have contacted them.  One with no information has moved away and has sold the home.  Six relatively new members have not provided Stone Brooke with insurance information.  


Old Business:  None


New Business:   None


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, April 24, 2017 at 6:30 pm (Annual Meeting).


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on February 27, 2017


Present:  Bob Blattert, Woody Hart, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader, Lee Griffin, Howard Levine.


Absent:  Larry Koehrsen, Bob Swanson, Eileen Tramp


Visitors:   None


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of January 23, 2017 were approved as distributed on February 25, 2017.   


Announcements:  A copy of the 2017 budget for SBHOA will be sent out to the members of the Association prior to the annual meeting in April.


Treasurer’s Report:    Howard Levine reported total cash assets are currently $191,809.  Bob Blattert explained dollar values previously identified as reserves are now identified as equity on the balance sheet.   


Investment Committee Report:  Howard Levine e-mailed a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account prior to the meeting.  At the close of business on February 24, 2017 the SBHOA Vanguard account had a balance of $150,662.89.  


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Woody Hart stated there are a number of policy issues that will be brought to the Board for further discussion in March.  These specifically include a mailbox painting policy and a utility line maintenance policy.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Beth Coon stated there was no activity to report.


Architectural Control Committee Report: No activity to report.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader provided a report from the February committee meeting.  The Stone Brooke wine and cheese party is scheduled for Saturday, April 8, 7-9 pm at the clubhouse.  The summer hors d’oeuvre party is scheduled for Friday, June 16, 5-8 pm at the clubhouse.  The annual Stone Brooke garage sale is scheduled for Friday, August 11 and Saturday, August 12.


Grounds Committee Report:   No activity to report.


Insurance Committee Report:    A lawsuit related to a paperboy slipping on ice on a driveway of a townhouse within SBHOA is scheduled to be discussed in court in May 2018.  The insurance company for SBHOA has assigned an attorney to handle this for now.  There is no need to engage the SBHOA attorney at this time.  


Old Business:  Bob Blattert discussed fixed assets and the values currently assigned to those assets listed on the balance sheet.  Clubhouse and pool were added in 1993.  All of our depreciation is attributed to the Clubhouse, with 15 years left before it is fully depreciated. The pool was depreciated in 2008, furniture was long ago, if it was ever on the depreciation schedule.  Our 17 acres of land doesn’t depreciate, but we show an asset value of $75,000 while our tax assessment only shows a value of less than $1,000/acre.  Apparently, we never put the trails on the Asset list either for value or for depreciation purposes. We must pay attention to our fixed asset values to improve our net assets. Bob is of the opinion that our total fixed assets including trails, landscape improvements, and a total appraisal for fair market value of all fixed assets could reach several hundred thousand dollars.  Additionally, accounting worksheets are now in place to continue to keep track of values previously identified as reserves, and now labeled as equity on balance sheets.  


New Business:   None


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on Monday, March 27, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary

Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Minutes of meeting held on January 23, 2017


Present:  Bob Blattert, Larry Koehrsen, Woody Hart, Bob Swanson, Eileen Tramp, Beth Coon, Dave Schrader.


Absent:  Lee Griffin, Howard Levine


Visitors:   Loren Donaldson


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by President Blattert.


Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting of November 28, 2016 were approved as distributed on January 21, 2017.   


Announcements:  No new announcements.


Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Blattert reported total cash assets are currently $187,000.  


Investment Committee Report:  Howard Levine e-mailed a report from the SBHOA Vanguard account prior to the meeting.  At the close of business on January 20, 2017 the SBHOA Vanguard account had a balance of $146,891.61. 


Building Maintenance Committee Report:  Woody Hart stated there was no activity to report.


Clubhouse and Pool Committee Report:  Beth provided a report regarding the person responsible for pool maintenance (Kay).  She is requesting a raise of $250 for 2017.  Kay discussed previously she was making $1000 less than any of her other jobs.  Total requested payment for 2017 is $3500.  Beth provided information regarding what Kay does to maintain the pool.  Larry Koehrsen moved and Eileen Tramp seconded to increase Kay’s salary by $250, for a total of $3500.  The motion was approved.  Beth also discussed potential replacement of carpet in the clubhouse after the pool season is over in 2017.  Bob requested a list of expenses for the clubhouse and pool from Beth.  


Architectural Control Committee Report: Eileen Tramp stated there was no activity to report.


Hospitality Committee Report:  Dave Schrader provided a report from Ken Hartman indicating there were 33 people at the January pot luck.


Grounds Committee Report:   A large tree branch fell behind Eileen Tramp’s house and is in the process of being removed.  


Insurance Committee Report:  Bob Blattert mentioned he’s had several conversations with the insurance agent for SBHOA.  There is a 7 million dollar insurance policy for the common area.  However, the agent mentioned several instances in which if SBHOA were negligent, insurance would not cover it.  


Old Business:  Bob Blattert introduced general discussion regarding SBHOA financials.  He discussed the template for the proposed purchase order record.  The accountant will establish a PO number after they receive notification that a purchase order request has been approved.  Bob discussed there will be an upcoming meeting amongst board members and committee members that describes the purchase order process to ensure all understand how the process will work.  PO process will be exempt for expenses less than $250.  Bob indicated the board has fiduciary responsibility to SBHOA.  Further refinement of the 2017 budget has occurred since November 2016, when the budget was first introduced.  Bob Swanson moved and Beth Coon seconded approval of the final 2017 budget.  The motion was approved.


New Business:   None


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 pm.


THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED on MondayFebruary 27, 2017 at 4:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dave Schrader, Secretary


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