Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held in 2020
Board Meeting, Nov. 23, 2020
Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Cheryl Martin, Jim Twedt, James Billings, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Chad Marty, Bill and Jan Anderson, Ernie Unger, Loren Donaldson, Darlene Schmidt, Mary and John Wilson, Sharon Axland
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order via Zoom, at 4:40 PM. Minutes of October meeting approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $457,894. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit. No Aspen Garbage Services contract is allowed for more than 6-12 months, therefore, no contract will be signed at this time.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Mary reported the committee didn’t meet in Oct. She received a request from Leeper Construction for approval to add a garage at 3607 Fletcher. She clarified that no approval was needed for Class B homes. Water main break issue at 4127 brought to their attention today and is being investigated by Chad. Garage Door decals issue brought to the Committee. Committee is advised to talk to owners of garage.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Jim reported no committee meeting this month.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported discussions of the following issues: Review Carpet Tear Out Quote, Flooring America; Clubhouse Floor Water Issues Determined after Tear Out; Kitchen tile replacement; Reviewed Carpet Samples-Squares more expense, less waste; Termite Control for Clubhouse; Clubhouse thermostat temperature; Residents Moving without returning clubhouse keys. Action taken on the following: WCI Invoice for Pool Winterizing Submitted for Payment; Flooring America Request Carpet and Installation quote; Include termite control in Springer Agreement; Set Clubhouse temperature at 63 Degrees.
James contacted our insurance carrier re liability if and when we open up the clubhouse. They advised that a sign should be placed on the door, informing visitors of self-responsibility for risk associated with Covid.
Investment: Aaron reported that the Investment Committee didn’t meet in Oct. Aaron reported a loss of $3,045.76 this month and a loss of $781.09 YTD on SBHOA investments.
Insurance: James reported no meeting held this month. The committee continues to reach out to SB residents who have not yet fully complied with Association requirements, and they keep moving forward slowly to achieve full compliance.
Grounds: Ron reported that the committee did not meet in Oct. Samples of the path paving material will be placed next to the front door of the Club House for residents to view.
Hospitality: Cheryl reported the committee did not meet in Oct. Plans for socials are on hold during Covid. When the committee has completed the revised new resident handbook, the board would like to view a copy of it.
OLD Business:
Draft Policy for Architectural Review of Proposed Exterior Property Alteration shared by Aaron. Policy will be provided for all residents’ review for 20 days, after which comments will be reviewed by board at January meeting and subsequent action will follow Bylaw Article V. Mary Beth motioned to approve draft, Jim seconded. Motion passed.
No new information from State Farm Insurance re 1511 SBR. Andersons were asked if they wished to make any comments or ask questions, about the issue. They did not.
Common area at Fletcher Circle discussed. Money for replacement of the area will be included in budget as a line item.
Dan’s has completed storm damage clean-up, but no bill has been received yet. Summary of Durecho costs was requested, but has not been received from Grounds committee yet.
Draft Resolution for Capitalization Limit for Accounting of Common Area Capital Expenditures shared by Aaron. Mary Beth motioned, James seconded, the approval of Resolution. See Resolution below.
Budget for 2021 proposed. Aaron motioned Budget be approved with the following stipulation: Money gathered for roof replacement that was not spent in 2020, will be carried over into 2021 for those same roof replacements. Jim seconded motion. Budget approved.
NEW Business:
Cost of roof repair at 3904 Stone Brooke Circle: After owner’s insurance deductible, SBHOA will pay for the remainder of roof repair cost.
Aaron proposed a dues increase of no more than 7% for each member, to be effective Jan. 1, 2021. Keller noted that the individual dues increase may vary slightly from member to member depending on roof size and units of siding used in calculating exterior maintenance. Jim seconded. Proposal approved. Question posed by John Wilson, re timing of gutter replacement. Schedule will begin in 2021, per Building and Maintenance’s schedule.
Comments from PSA-Chad Marty: Made above during various issues discussed.
Comments from the Board: 1814 Waterbury Circle had a break-in and assault. Assailant was apprehended by police, and appeared to be influenced by drugs. Residents were taken to hospital and are recovering.
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Next meeting: Jan. 25, 2021.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association
Resolution to establish a Capitalization Limit to account for Common Area Capital Expenditures
WHEREAS, Article V of the bylaws adopted on the 25th of May,
2011 gives the board of directors the authority to adopt, publish and enforce rules and regulations governing permitted restrictions within the association, and
WHEREAS there is a need for a clear and consistent resolution governing the capitalization limits of capital asset expenditures for Common Area assets in order to prudently
account for Association expenditures.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the board will enact the following accounting resolution:
Any expenditure in excess of $1,000.00 made for capital improvement, replacement, or refurbishment of Common Area property of the Association will be capitalized as an asset and such expense will be depreciated over the Expected Life of the asset. The Expected Life of the asset must be in excess of one year and will be determined in keeping with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as determined by the accounting firm employed by the Association.
Adopted on the regular board meeting of the Association this 23d day of November in the year 2020.
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary Nov. 23, 2020
Board Meeting, Oct. 26, 2020
Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Mary Prater, Cheryl Martin, Jim Twedt, Jim Billings, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug
Absent: Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Chad Marty
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order via Zoom, at 4:35 PM. Minutes of August meeting approved as read. Cheryl nominated the following officers: Doyle Kepley, Pres; Jim Billings, Vice Pres; Aaron Keller, Treas; and Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Sec. Linda seconded motion. Officers approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $455,700.83. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit. Garbage services have been purchased by Aspen Waste Services. They require fees be paid a month in advance. Motion made by Jim T, that we a) sign a contract with Aspen, provided current monthly costs remain the same and b) that we authorize our Treasurer to take a one-time extra fee from each account for this monthly cost. Jim B seconded. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Mary had no report.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Sharon reported for Jim the following: Gutter replacement evaluation has almost been completed. The funds for replacing gutters has not been provided for in the past, therefore, SBHOA will now need to include in the budget funds for this cost. Motion made by Jim T. that we increase dues on Class A residences by $.025 per month per linear foot, subject to annual review, beginning Jan 1, 2021. Motion seconded by Jim B. Motion passed.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported bill for $2,996 received for pool painting. Carpet replacement estimate will be sought, bill for clubhouse painting will be submitted and pest control contract will be signed. Floor problems in clubhouse are being investigated. Monthly meeting date was changed to 1st Thursday. Clubhouse remains to be closed through Dec. 31. Jim B will contact our insurance carrier re liability if and when we reopen the clubhouse.
Investment: Aaron reported that the Investment Committee met in September and reviewed investment performance and Association’s need for cash. They committee agreed to leave the investments in place and that no cash has been requested by the Association. Aaron reported a loss of $1,823.48 this month and a $2,264.67 gain YTD on SBHOA investments.
Insurance: James reported no meeting held this month. Committee continues to follow up on compliance issues.
Grounds: Ron emailed that the committee met and created a budget proposal for the upcoming year. Chad and Bob Blattert are going to provide samples of possible solutions that may be used to correct bad spots on walking paths. Samples will be on the north side of the Club House for residents to view. The process is called Soil Stabilization and was widely used in the Midwest by Lane Western - a company Bob Blattert was previously affiliated with.
Hospitality: Cheryl reported 59 orders were placed from Macubana Food Truck. Unit seller checklist added to website. Trails map updated.
OLD Business:
No new information from State Farm Insurance re 1511 SBR.
We were reminded of the issue of deteriorating asphalt on driveways on Fletcher Court. Chad feels costs will now be slightly higher than estimates received last year. No action taken on this issue.
Final Operating Procedure for assessing dues increase based on enlargement of unit will be provided at next meeting, by Aaron.
NEW Business: Aaron’s report on his 2021 budget work to date highlighted the costs of Common Area and Administration as being in excess of the dues allocated to those costs. To allocate dues correctly and make appropriate changes in the dues structure, Class B member dues would need to be raised beyond 7%, requiring a special SBHOA meeting. The alternative to a special meeting before December 1st was proposed as follows: Dues for all members would be raised by 7%; the Common Area and Administrative budgets will reflect the losses engendered by our current dues structure, while Townhome moneys will be used to subsidize the Common Area and Administrative Budgets. The issue of Class B members paying proportionately, will be addressed at the Annual meeting in April of 2021.
Comments from the Board: Request made that Aaron send the budget proposal to board for review. Aaron will do so. Aaron will also forward a copy of a resolution and a policy that he would like the board to consider adopting at our next meeting (subject to limitations in our Covenants and By-Laws).
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Next meeting: Nov. 23.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, Aug. 24, 2020
Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Ron Schnoes
Absent: Dean Axland
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order on Clubhouse lawn, at 4:37 PM. Minutes approved as read. Minutes of special meeting held Aug.17 approved. Motion made by Jim via email, seconded by Aaron, to contract with Dan’s for removal of trees on the trails. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $448,165.00. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit. Aaron reminded members re committee budgets needed for next year’s budget. Due to unexpected expenses for tree removal, a resolution to increase dues by $50 per month, for one year, beginning Jan. 1, 2021, on every townhome, was motioned by Lara. This money will be used to replenish the association’s reserves that have been depleted over the past several years. In addition, a resolution was motioned by Lara, to increase dues for Class B homes, monthly, beginning Jan. 1, 2021, in order that they be equally proportioned for common area and administrative costs. Jim seconded to present resolutions. Motions passed. Note the motion to increase the dues by $50/month is invalidated by the tax status of SBHOA, which requires the expenditure of 90% of dues collected in any one year. Also, motion to increase Class B homes dues has been rescinded until further financial information has been assessed.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported no activity this month.
Building and Maintenance Committee: no report
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported pool is being repainted, clubhouse fascia has been repaired.
Investment: Aaron reported a gain of $4,518.97 this month and a $233.96 gain YTD on SBHOA investments.
Insurance: James reported that he plans to address the importance of insurance compliance at the annual meeting.
Grounds: Ron reported they are looking into some type of cost sharing or grant from the City of Ames for replacement of the south bridge over the creek. Chad Marty’s estimated guess is that the cost is about $15,000.00 for a new bridge. Plans for now, are to replace rotted boards, tighten loose screws, power wash the decking boards to remove moss and install anti-slip strips, as a temporary repair. Chad and Bob Blattert are going to provide samples of possible solutions that may be used to correct bad spots on walking paths. Samples will be on the north side of the Club House for residents to view. The process is called Soil Stabilization and was widely used in the Midwest by Lane Western - a company Bob Blattert was previously affiliated with. Plans were to have Clean Up Days at Stone Brooke on Sept. 26th and 27th, however, that is still being discussed due to storm damage.
Hospitality: Dave reported the Hospitality Committee met to thank Ken and Sally Hartman for their kindness and leadership in their 19 years leading the committee's events and projects. Ken and Sally’s knowledge of Stone Brooke is invaluable for us going forward with the committee. Stone Brooke is a better place because of their efforts and we thank them for their years of service and wish them well in their new home. Had about 10-12 garage sale participants. Discussion was held re how to be informed of unit sales and changes of ownership by the committee.
OLD Business:
Attorney’s demand letter from 1511: Doyle spoke with State Farm Insurance and they have said Doyle will be notified when a decision is made.
Updates in regards to the asphalt on driveways on Fletcher Court. Deterioration of the asphalt is causing it to sink near some of the driveways. Chad will get cost estimates for repairing it.
Dave will create form for unit sellers to download from website, to be used for letting board member know of sale of unit.
Final Operating Procedure for assessing dues increase based on enlargement of unit will be provided at next meeting, by Aaron.
NEW Business:
Annual Meeting will be held on Sept. 28, 2020, at Stone Brooke Church. Annual reports by each committee chair are required, as well as those of Treasurer and Pres.
Storm clean-up was postponed until Saturday, Aug. 29.
Comments from the Board: The Board thanked Lara, Dave and Dean, for their service as Board members.
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Next meeting: SBHOA Annual Meeting, Sept. 28, 2020, at 6:30, at Stone Brooke Church.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, July 27, 2020
Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Ron Schnoes, Dean Axland
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:45 PM via Zoom. Minutes amended to reflect correct Assets of $458,709, and approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $442,259.00. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported request from Axlands to add back deck railing. Request approved.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Roofing: Replacements begin in September. Planning on doing between 5-7 roofs this year. Gutters: Replaced gutters and downspouts on 10 units, with 1 more scheduled for this year. Had hoped to do 14/year but costs are higher than previous year. Painting: 14 full paints scheduled for this year, 10 completed. 13 full trim paints scheduled, 9 completed. All touch-up painting identified in Spring inspection completed. Siding repairs: About 75 exterior maintenance orders so far this year, 18 remaining. Discussion held re payment for skylight replacement. After reviewing Covenants (Article VII, Section 3(b)),board determined cost to be the homeowner’s responsibility. Chad will relay this information to roofing company.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported that Dave Martin named as committee chair. Clubhouse repairs and painting are completed. Linda will be getting bids for pool painting.
Investment: Aaron reported a loss of $565.43 this month and a $4,285.01 loss YTD on SBHOA investments.
Insurance: James reported that he talked to State Farm re purchasing a policy for those who are not in compliance with covenant requirements. He will gather further information.
Grounds: Ron reported discussion was held re ideas on the south wood bridge. There will no longer be a south brush pile as it’s becoming too difficult to get the equipment down there because of tree growth. The mulch that is there now will be used around trees in the common area. Plans are being made for a Stone Brooke clean-up day, for pulling weeds, picking up branches and general cleaning. The clean-up date will be sent out to all residents.
Hospitality: Dave reported that Hartmans will be moving Sept. 3. New Co-Chairs are Kathy Glatz and Char Hulsebus, effective by Sept 1. They will still advertise the garage sale for August 14-15.
OLD Business:
Updates in regards to the asphalt on driveways on Fletcher Court. This issue tabled until next meeting.
Dave will create form for unit sellers to download from website, to be used for letting board member know of sale of unit.
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies: Mary Beth reminded board of earlier email that stated the process for approval of building proposals will be included in Aaron’s final Procedure for Architectural Review of Exterior Alterations, which will be provided at next meeting.
Annual Meeting: Decision was made to conduct Annual Meeting on Sept. 28, via Zoom. Required notifications will be sent to all residents by Secretary. New nominees were announced.
Aaron led discussion re Procedure for assessing dues increase based on enlargement of unit. Final Operating Procedure will be provided at next meeting.
NEW Business:
Political sign policy: Reminder of Covenant re this issue.
Letter from attorney re 1511 SB lawsuit will be addressed by SBHOA insurance agency.
PSA Chad Marty: Tree branch fell on new gutter, removal will be homeowner’s responsibility.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M. Next meeting: Aug.24, 2020, at 4:30, via Zoom.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, June 22, 2020
Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Ron Schnoes
Absent: Dean Axland
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:35 PM via Zoom. Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $458,709.00. Aaron distributed the Chart of Accounts to be used for all expenditures. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported the committee chair questioned the process used for approval of projects. Discussion was held and Board all agreed to keep the process the same as it is currently.
Building and Maintenance Committee: No meeting held and no report from committee submitted.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported that repairs and repainting of the Clubhouse will be completed in July or August. Discussion was held re repainting of the pool bottom. The cost will be $6,000 for the pool repainting. Mary Beth motioned, Jim seconded, to have it repainted by a professional. Four new committee members were added to the committee: Carole Bunde, Addie and Dwight Henson and Dave Martin. Very little written feedback was received re keeping the pool closed this year.
Investment: Aaron reported a gain of $2,779.01 this month and a $3,719.58 loss YTD on SBHOA investments. The committee met and sent minutes to all board members.
Insurance: James reported progress is being made in gaining compliance from all residents. The committee is compiling a comprehensive report on the status of resident compliance, for the annual meeting.
Grounds: Ron reported the committee did not meet. New committee member Jean Marie Marsden will co-chair with Andrea. All questions, complaints and comments should be sent to Ron instead of committee chairs.
Hospitality: Dave reported that Ken shared the committee duties and responsibilities with Dave. Discussion was held re annual garage sale. The board agreed that SBHOA should continue to sponsor the garage sale.
OLD Business:
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies: Mary Beth led discussion of Revisions of Covenants and of Policies. Decisions were made re the following topics to be presented to the Association:
Annual Meeting: The Stone Brooke Church is able to host the meeting, should we decide to hold it. Discussion was held and it was decided to hold an Annual Meeting in September, in person if able, or via Zoom. Additional Board candidates are needed to fulfill board requirements. Residents should be contacted by all board members and those accepting nomination should be forwarded to Doyle.
Aaron shared a draft of Architectural Review and a draft of Authorization for Purchase and Payment of Services and Goods. All board members should review and send suggested amendments to Aaron prior to next meeting. Final approvals of Policies will be at next meeting.
NEW Business:
Doyle has been contacted by several residents re painting their units a color of their choice. The board referred all residents to Covenants and By-Laws, as well as consideration of costs.
PSA Chad Marty: none
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 P.M. Next meeting: July 27, 2020, at 4:30, via Zoom.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, May 26, 2020
Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug
Absent: Ron Schnoes, Dean Axland
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:35 PM via Zoom. Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $419,242. Aaron explained the new format for financial reports and it was well-received. There are still those needing to sign a new ACH form giving Klatts authority to collect dues through automatic transaction. Aaron will attach a new form to a member email and directly contact those without email addresses. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported one project needing approval at 3912 Fletcher Blvd, for a deck replacement. Motion to approve made by Mary Beth, seconded by James. Motion passed.
Building and Maintenance Committee: No report received. Issue discussed re landscaping being completed that may encroach on common property. It is unknown if residence requested approval for project. A reminder will be sent to all residents re gaining approval before projects are begun.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported committee is following the Governor’s orders re pools being opened. Board discussed the option of opening with restrictions. Board decided that the pool will remain closed, possibly for the entire summer, depending on CDC guidelines and if they are feasibly enforceable. Linda and Doyle will send an email to all residents stating this and give them an opportunity to provide feedback on this issue.
Investment: Aaron reported a gain of $6539.67 this month and a $6,498.59 loss YTD on SBHOA investments.
Insurance: James reported the committee continues to achieve total compliance with covenants.
Grounds: Ron reported no meeting this month. A chair for the committee is still being sought.
Hospitality: Dave reported the parade was very well received. Hartmans have shared the processes they use with new residents. Dave will ask if they would note guidelines they use for socials and other responsibilities of the committee chair.
OLD Business:
Aaron will share revised draft of procedure for alterations of exterior property, at next month’s meeting. This item was tabled until next month.
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies: This item was tabled this month. Mary Beth will share drafts of revisions with board members.
NEW Business:
Holding the Annual Meeting may take place on July 27, depending on whether the church will be available. Lara will get this information. Definite decision will be made at next board meeting. More names of candidates should be sent to Doyle.
PSA Chad Marty:
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M. Next meeting: June 22, 2020, at 4:30, via Zoom.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, April 29, 2020
Present: Dean Axland, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Linda Thrailkill
Absent: Ron Schnoes, Mary Beth Oostenbrug
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:32 PM via Zoom. Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $424,149.95. The balance sheet having been revised just prior to meeting time will be forwarded to the Board after the meeting. Our accountant will be taking over the process of securing dues through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) and has requested that all residents sign a new ACH form to give them authority to do so. Aaron will attach a new form to a member email and directly contact those without email addresses. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported one project needing approval at 4139 Stone Brooke Road, for a deck replacement. Motion to approve made by Aaron, seconded by Dean. Motion passed.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported no meeting held in April. Inspections are complete, gutters and siding have started to be replaced. Eagle View for gutters has been received so cost estimate for replacements will be done soon.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported no meeting was held. A fee was sent to IDPH for 2020 pool inspection. Monitoring federal and state guidelines re summer pool openings. Doyle moved and Dave seconded a motion to keep the clubhouse closed until such time as the Governor of Iowa authorizes gatherings. The motioned carried and Doyle will email the membership of this: The board agreed to leave the clubhouse and pool closed until the Governor of Iowa authorizes the appropriate time. Linda will post sign on the door of the clubhouse. After discussion the Board asked the Clubhouse and Pool committee to negotiate a reduced rate for the pool maintenance vendor until such time as the pool is opened.
Investment: Aaron reported a loss of $7,127 this month and a $13,038 loss YTD on SBHOA investments.
Insurance: James reported the committee delivered 26 letters to residents, informing each, of what is needed from them and reminding them of the covenant re: insurance. The committee will also send out 10 more letters to those not in full compliance.
Grounds: Ron’s report filed earlier indicated the landscape was repaired at Weber residence. A hole in ground left by Mediacom is still needed by the city to bore new electrical line. The hole will be filled after the city completes its work, but at the expense of SBHOA. Brush piles will be consolidated and available at the north pile. A policy proposal for responsibility for structures built on common ground at the time of purchase of residence, has not yet been submitted. The issue is tabled until next month. Doyle noted Ron’s email to the board informing members of Andrea’s resignation as Chair of the grounds committee, however, she will remain on the committee. Sharon A. will approve expenditures until a new chair is appointed.
Hospitality: Dave reported no potluck held in April due to cancellation of all Clubhouse activities. Future social events will be determined as time nears. The Hartmans have given notice of their planned resignation as Chairs of the Hospitality Committee. They will be moving out of Iowa at the end of the year, therefore, a new Chair is needed. Ideally, a replacement will be found soon so that they can work with Hartmans before they move. Dave will speak with Ken to see if procedures could be written for that position.
OLD Business: An email was sent to all residents re: postponement of Annual Meeting.
Aaron will share revised draft of procedure for alterations of exterior property, at next month’s meeting. This item was tabled until next month.
NEW Business:
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies: This item was tabled this month.
PSA Chad Marty:
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Next meeting: May 25, 2020, at 4:30, via Zoom.
Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Keller, for Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, March 30, 2020
Present: Dean Axland, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Linda Thrailkill
Absent: Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Andrea D’onore
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM via Zoom.
Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $440,408. Aaron reviewed the new account numbers in his report. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported no activity from the committee.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported unit inspections have been completed. Estimates have been received for replacing gutters and downspouts. A contract has not yet been signed, as more information is being gathered.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported the pool will plan on opening Memorial Day, however, that may be postponed, depending on the status of the pandemic and social distancing. Clubhouse usage during last year was shared. There is no committee chair as yet because they feel more members are needed on the committee.
Investment: Aaron reported a $5,425.91 loss this month and a $5,910.72 loss YTD.
Insurance: James reported continual work on gathering information from insurance companies. Discussion was held about reasons for resident non-compliance. The committee plans on including insurance information/requirements in new resident packets.
Grounds: Andrea reported mulching was done and will be kept to use on common properties. Estimates are being gathered to repair the path and the bridges.
Hospitality: Dave reported no potluck held in March due to cancellation of all Clubhouse activities. Upcoming events are: April 24, 4-9 Wine and Cheese party, June 12, 4-9 Summer Cocktail Hour, August 15, 7-12 Annual Garage Sale. Future events will be determined as time nears.
OLD Business: Tabled this month
Information will be gathered re cost and payment methods for internet website host service.
Aaron will share revised draft of procedure for alterations of exterior property, at next month’s meeting.
NEW Business:
Nomination committee consists of Howard Levine and Doyle Kepley. One board candidate name has been submitted. The nomination committee is still searching for additional candidate names. The Annual Meeting will not be held in April, therefore, no new board members will be elected in April, and current board members whose terms would normally end in April, have agreed to extend their terms until the Annual meeting can be held. Doyle and Mary Beth will compose an email to all residents informing them of this.
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies: This item was tabled this month.
PSA Chad Marty: no report
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Next meeting: April 27, 2020, 4:30, via Zoom.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, Feb. 24, 2020
Present: Dean Axland, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Ron Schnoes, Linda Thrailkill
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Chad Marty
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $416,177.00. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported no activity from the committee.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Water line break repaired at 4001 Fletcher. Discussion held re costs for water line repairs. Lara motioned that the interior service lines, as well as interior wall/flooring repairs are owner’s expense. Jim seconded. Motion passed. Eagle view of units will be used to re-evaluate dues based on gutter length of each unit. The cost is $1100 for the eagle view.
Clubhouse and Pool: Pool and clubhouse rules will be re-written by the committee. Inspections of pool was discussed and will be scheduled. Ant invasion control and cleaning of clubhouse discussed. Solution to lost keys being replaced and keys turned in upon moving out, is still being discussed by the committee.
Investment: Aaron reported a $484.81 loss this month and a $484.81 loss YTD.
Insurance: The committee continues to seek getting complete insurance information from owners. Committee will include an insurance information sheet in Welcome packets to help with the understanding of covenants re insurance.
Grounds: Proposal received for removal of trees to cost $15,250.00 over the course of 5 years. Also getting proposals for extending common ground to simplify mowing and for repair of path.
Hospitality: Dave reported 27 at last potluck. There were 24 at the Saturday coffee. Upcoming events are: April 24, 4-9 Wine and Cheese party, June 12, 4-9 Summer Cocktail Hour, August 15, 7-12 Annual Garage Sale.
OLD Business:
Information will be gathered re cost and payment methods for internet website host service.
Aaron will share revised draft of procedure for alterations of exterior property, at next month’s meeting.
NEW Business:
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies: A list of issues needing to be addressed will be emailed to board members. Discussion was held and items on list will be addressed at next month’s meeting.
Nomination committee: Doyle will appoint members who will bring names to our next meeting.
PSA Chad Marty:
Comments from the Board: Request made to send monthly reports to all board members prior to meeting, to lesson length of meetings. This should prevent the reading of committee reports at the meetings as well as members being prepared with questions and items needing board action.
Comments from Visitors:
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
Next meeting: Mar. 23, 2020, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Board Meeting, Jan. 27, 2020
Present: Dean Axland, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Ron Schnoes
Absent: Linda Thrailkill
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Chad Marty, Mary and Jim Lohr, Ed Adcock
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes were amended to correct Andrew Zbaracki’s name. Minutes approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $448,546. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Motion made to approve 1511 Stone Brooke Road project except for
adding the privacy fence/wall. Motion seconded and passed.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Water leak in yard above 4009 Fletcher has been flagged for digging this week by Ames Trenching to find the cause.
Seven roof replacements were completed in 2019. Seven or eight roofs need to be replaced each year to stay on schedule. These are determined each year after inspections are completed by PSA.
Homeowner reported to Chad that their roof would not be covered for Replacement Cost at their next policy renewal date and would depreciate (when the roof becomes 15 years old). SBHOA requires a Replacement Cost policy according to the Covenants. Discussion followed and the committee will send a letter addressing this requirement. The letter will also include information on how a roof settlement is handled by SBHOA, including the deductible, in event of a roof claim. Information will be presented by the committee chair re policy riders that will cover the cost of roof replacement on roofs older than 15 years. This issue will be decided after the information is shared with the board.
Discussion followed regarding interior water damage due to ice dams and sudden roof leaks. Both would be covered by a Replacement Cost Policy subject to the deductible of the owner. Aaron made a motion to abolish previous practices of HOA paying for all repairs related to these issues, but that HOA pay for those interior repairs that are due to HOA negligence. Mary Beth seconded. Motion passed. Exception to this motion are repair requests made in the fall, which will be honored and completed this spring.
A list of owners that have added or enclosed a previously open area of their unit was shared with Aaron for the purpose of re-evaluating dues.
Committee will send a letter regarding possible hail damage to homeowners of 10 oldest roofs from a hail storm last fall. Letter will ask them to file a claim with their insurance company so an adjuster can make an inspection this spring. Committee will follow up on how claim would be handled if damage is found to be present.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda will secure a committee chair within the committee. Landscape By Design will clear sidewalk and de-ice it, but at times when snow is less than 2”, Chad will clear and de-ice the sidewalk.
Investment: Aaron reported a $2,239.77 gain this month and a $12,873.99 gain YTD.
Insurance: It was discovered that some homeowner’s policies named LWBJ as additional beneficiary instead of SBHOA. Insurance information must be changed to name and send information to, SBHOA. An email will be sent out to homeowners re these requirements and new contact info. The committee will also contact insurance companies re requirements/declarations. A few homeowners still are not in compliance with requirements per covenants.
Grounds: No committee meeting this month.
Hospitality: Dave reported 13 at last potluck. Committee called on 3 new residents and have 3 more to call on.
OLD Business:
Ron reported that after asking for volunteers to replace retiring webmasters and email managers, several responded quickly. New co-webmasters are Mary Lohr and Ed Adcock. Kathy Glatz is now managing SB emails. The Board thanks these residents for volunteering. Information will be gathered re cost and payment methods for internet website host service. Mary Beth made a motion to pay for these costs at current rate. Seconded by Aaron. Motion passed.
Aaron will be sharing policy re obligation to pay for goods at next month’s meeting.
Procedure for assessing dues increase based on enlargement of unit was shared and discussed. Procedure will be approved at next month’s meeting, after board members consider its content.
Policy on gutter modification – toppers, etc. will be drafted by Bldg and Maintainence Committee.
NEW Business:
Review of By-Laws, Covenants and Policies, was led by Mary Beth. A list of issues needing to be addressed was shared with board members. Discussion was held and items on list will be addressed at next month’s meeting.
PSA Chad Marty:
Comments from the Board:
Comments from Visitors: Sharon Axland brought an issue to the board’s attention re homeowner’s attention to landscape maintenance. A letter will be sent to the homeowner, informing them of covenant re this issue.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
Next meeting: Feb. 24, 2020, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
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