Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on 26, November 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson.
Guests: Barb Faidley, David Haynes, Larry Northup, Andra Reason
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of October 29, 2012. MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 29, 2012 BE APPROVED (Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin). MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report: Total assets are $437,939 and expenses for Jan thru Oct are $310,278. The
Vanguard accounts had a balance of $75,891 as of November 23, 2012.
The Board discussed adjusting the annual assessment period (Article V, Section 2 of the Covenants) to April 1 to March 31 from January 1 to December 31. This change would allow three months after the year end reporting period to review proposed budgets for coming year and set dues levels. Monthly dues for January 1, - March 31 2013 would remain at CY 2012 levels. Financial reporting (tax returns etc.) would remain on the calendar year. MOTION: (POHM. GRIFFIN) REGARDING ARTICLE V SEC 2 (a) OF THE COVENANTS DATED 24 May 2011 , IN ORDER TO BUDGET MORE ACCURATELY, THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT PERIOD HENCEFORTH WILL BE APRIL 1 - MARCH 31 RATHER THAN JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31. FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1 – MARCH 31, 2013 MONTHLY DUES WILL REMAIN THE SAME AS THE CY 2012 DUES. HOMEOWNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THIS BUDGETING CHANGE. MOTION PASSED 6-1.
Subsequent vote: Based on concern expressed by one board member, a reaffirmation email vote was requested by the president on December 5, 2012. The vote to retain the assessment period change measure passed by a 5-1 vote as of December 5, 2012.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: The Board discussed the Building Maintenance concern of budgeting for siding and painting. Charlie recommended a roofing budget for 2013 of $90,000.00.
Investment: (see Treasurer’s report)
Grounds: Art Pohm discussed the budget for the Grounds Committee.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported about 45 people at the coffee hour on November 10. They heard a very nice, short program about the Freedom Flight to Washington DC in October. Karla Kelly was involved in setting up the flight and went along as a "guardian", Chuck Mulford and Maury Geist were veterans that went on the flight, and they spoke about their experience. It was really appreciated by the people attending.
There were about 40 attendees at the monthly potluck on November 15.
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
David Haynes reported on the City Council meeting regarding the rezoning of the land behind Woodhaven Circle from agriculture to Level 1 residential. David will return to the City to find out more about the issue.
Storm Sewer: Monte will check the status of what is going on with the city and the storm sewer.
New Business:
Adjournment at 6:00
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
There is no Board meeting in December. Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday, January 28, 2013 at the Clubhouse
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on 29 October, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson.
Absent: Lee Griffin
Guests: Dan Carter, Jo Egland, Barb Faidley, Dave Haynes, Irving Melcer, Larry Northup, Andra Reason
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of September 24, 2012. MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON SEPT. 24, 2012, BEAPPROVED. MOTION PASSED BY EMAIL VOTE.
Treasurer’s report: January through September, 2012, income from dues is $81,162 and represents 75% of the Annual Budget. Expenses from January through September, 2012, are $61,568 which constitutes 57% of the Annual Budget. The Vanguard accounts had a balance of $129,523 as of October 28, 2012.
Draft Budget for 2013: Monte presented a spreadsheet which we can use to build our budget for 2013. Several committees submitted their budget proposals.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: The new Stone Brooke database is being used and nearly all data archived in various spots has been entered. All calls, responses, repairs, contracts, bills and other PSA activities are being entered as they occur. Chad from PSA reports that nearly all the small siding and repair jobs have been completed. All major jobs for 2012 have been completed. Chris from PSA will soon be distributing information on gutter cleaning services and the cost will likely be about the same as last time.
The BMC has spent much time trying to resolve the long term budgeting situation for roofing, siding, and general townhome maintenance responsibilities of the SBHOA. The BMC tried to follow the recommendations of the Reserve Study and has a tabled motion before the Board. In order to allow for budgeting for 2013 to proceed orderly, the BMC asks that the tabled motion be removed from consideration at this time.
The BMC submitted a budget request for 2013 of $90,724 for roofing and $76,552 for siding/painting. These are based on a dues assessment of $18.50 per square for roofing and $19.25 per siding unit for siding, painting and general repairs. This request represents a significant increase in funds for roofing and a decrease in funds for siding/painting over the budgets produced by the 2012 maintenance dues. There is a need for replacing about 80 roofs in the next 8-10 years, nearly half of the total town home roofs in Stone Brooke. The current cost of a roof replacement using high-impact shingles is about $310-$320 per square so for an average sized roof (29 squares), the cost per roof is about $9,000. Once these 80 or so roofs are replaced, nearly all of the units will have either 30-year shingles or high-impact shingles in place so roofing needs should then decrease significantly.
Most of the Masonite siding has been replaced and emphasis will be on trim replacement or cladding, on small siding repairs, and on painting. All of the complete-unit painting done over the past few years has been for units that have had siding replacements. We expect to paint 20+ homes per year to catch up at a current cost per home of about $2,000-$2,500. This leaves $25,000 to $30,000 for siding repairs, trim and gutter replacement/repairs and painting touchups.
Clubhouse and Pool: Barbara Faidley reported that the carpet has been cleaned and the pool has been winterized. Barbara has gotten 2 estimates on the furnace check-up and an estimate on painting the pool. Painting the pool is on the Clubhouse and Pool budget for 2013.
Investment: distributed (see Treasurer’s report)
Grounds: The Grounds Committee assessed needs for the next year and set their budget at the same level as this year. The Board discussed the two bids for snow removal. MOTION: APPROVE THE SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT FOR THE GROUNDS KEEPER (Art Pohm, Bob Swanson). MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The Board directs PSA to make sure snow is stored correctly (not on lawns). An email was sent to all homeowners with directions if they wanted their lawns to be aerated.
Hospitality: There were 31 participants at the October potluck. The Committee is planning a Fall Coffee Hour for Saturday, November 10,from 9-11 am. The current budget is appropriate for next year.
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
The DNR study has been completed, but we have not received the report.
Club House Policy:
After Board discussion, the draft Club House Policy was returned to the Club House and Pool Committee for review. The Committee will bring a new draft to the Board at the next meeting.
Rental Policy:
APPROVE THE RENTAL POLICY DRAFT DATED OCT. 29, 2012 (Bob Anderson, Art Pohm). MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. The rental policy will be sent to all homeowners and will be posted on the website.
New Business:
Storm Water Run-off
Regarding the storm water problem at the east side of Stone Brooke, the Ames Public Works staff will be getting back to the Council. Dan Carter agreed to gather other homeowners and speak before the Ames City Council to express to the Council the enormity of the problem.
Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Commission approved a request to rezone land behind a lot on Top-O-Hollow which backs up to the east of Woodhaven Circle from agriculture to Level 1 residential. There are a number of uses for Level 1 residential—some of which may have impact on Stone Brooke property. The owners on Top-O-Hollow plan to carve off a piece of their land on Top-O-Hollow to make a driveway in order to access that piece of property. The Board appointed Dave Haynes to organize a group of Stone Brooke Homeowners to get more information and explore results which would be positive for Stone Brooke homeowners.
Adjournment at 6:00
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday, November 26, 2012, at the Clubhouse.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on 24 September, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson , Lee Griffin, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson.
Absent: Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson
Guests: Andra Reason, Irving Melcer
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of August 27, 2012. MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON July 23, 2012, BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report: Lee Griffin reported that we have $133,054 in checking and savings accounts and $119,965 in other current assets, including investment accounts. There were two major expenditures in September—$16,000 for path maintenance and improvement and $17,000 for Clubhouse and pool repairs and improvements.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: The Building Maintenance Committee asked the Board to defer any action on the pending motion before the board until October. (“CHARGE OWNERS 1.25 TIMES AS MUCH PER SIDING SQUARE AS PER ROOFING SQUARE AND REASSESS THE 1.25 RATIO LATER AND ADJUST AS NEEDED.")
Clubhouse and Pool: Jane Ringwald reported that Barbara Faidley is the new Chair of the Clubhouse and Pool Committee. The Board expressed thanks to the Shaws for the leadership they provided during the renovation of the pool and the improvements to the Clubhouse entrance.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the Vanguard accounts had a balance of $132,295 at the markets close on Friday, September 21, 2012.
Grounds: Art Pohm reported that PSA is ready to obtain bids for snow removal. In the bidding process it will be noted that the company will be fined $100 for a small dent their workers put in a
garage door, $300 if the garage door panel needs to be replaced, and replacement of a the garage door if it is not “fixable”.
The Grounds Committee held a fall clean up, planted grass, and trimmed bushes.
Hospitality: no report
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
Club House Policy: A draft of the Clubhouse Usage Policy was distributed to all Stone Brooke homeowners for review and input in July. Members’ comments were incorporated into a revised draft of the Clubhouse Usage Policy. This revised draft was discussed and the Board voted to recommend this draft to our members. This September draft of the Clubhouse Usage Policy will be distributed to all Stone Brooke Homeowners this month. Stone Brooke Homeowners will have 20 days to respond in writing with comments and/or concerns to any Stone Brooke Board Member. MOTION (LEE GRIFFIN, ART POHM): SEND OUT SEPTEMBER DRAFT REVISAL OF CLUBHOUSE USAGE POLICY FOR HOMEOWNERS NOTIFICATION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Rental Policy: A draft of the Rental Policy was distributed to all Stone Brooke homeowners for review and input in July. Members’ comments were incorporated into a revised draft of the Rental Policy. This revised draft was discussed and the Board voted to recommend this draft to our members. This September draft of the Rental Policy will be distributed to all Stone Brooke Homeowners this month. Stone Brooke Homeowners will have 20 days to respond in writing with comments and/or concerns to any Stone Brooke Board Member. MOTION (BOB ANDERSON, ART POHM): SEND OUT SEPTEMBER DRAFT OF RENTAL POLICY FOR HOMEOWNERS NOTIFICATION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
New Business:
Monte Parrish appointed an ad-hoc committee to study improvements to Stone Brooke, including Clubhouse expansion, landscaping, paths, and any other aspect that would add to the quality of Stone Brooke. If homeowners are interested in serving on this committee, they should call or email Lee Griffin (232-7960 or
The Board approved the rental of 3908 Stone Brooke Road for 5 months this winter. MOTION (BOB ANDERSON, ART POHM): APPROVE RENTAL OF 3908 STONE BROOK ROAD FOR 5 MONTHS THIS WINTER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Adjournment at 5:45
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday, October 22, 2012 at the Clubhouse.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on 27 August, 2012
Present: Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson.
Absent: Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin
Guests: Larry Northup, Andra Reason, Bill Cobb, Lynn Franco
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of July 23, 2012. MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON July 23, 2012, BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED 7-0
Treasurer’s report: July income was $26,384 and (anticipated) summer expenses were $84,530. First National Bank balances as of July 31 were ($44,591) in checking and $2,237 in the money market account. Clubhouse and building improvement checks were written but not distributed until after month end when the Edward Jones brokerage account was closed and the balance of $108,031 transferred in full to First National. The Greater Iowa Credit Union balance was $78,139. As of July 20, 2012, the Vanguard brokerage accounts had a balance of $126,813.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: The Building Maintenance Committee is working hard to provide an effective budgeting method for exterior maintenance which allows flexibility in performing required maintenance. The committee suggests the following approach be discussed subject to the provisions of the governing documents: “CHARGE OWNERS 1.25 TIMES AS MUCH PER SIDING SQUARE AS PER ROOFING SQUARE AND REASSESS THE 1.25 RATIO LATER AND ADJUST AS NEEDED". The Board will continue to review the Reserve Study to see how it impacts the proposed motion.
Investment: no report
Grounds: Art Pohm reported that work had begun on the repair of the paths.
Hospitality: There were about 35 at the August potluck.
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
Club House Policy: The Board will discuss the revised clubhouse usage policy at the September meeting. This policy was distributed to all Stone Brooke homeowners and several homeowners replied with suggestions.
Rental Policy: The Board will discuss the draft rental property at the September meeting. The draft policy was sent out to all Stone Brooke homeowners and several responded with suggestions and input.
Tax Filing and Accounting: After many discussions regarding tax filing and accounting, the Board reviewed the following:
1. The meeting among executive committee members and LBWJ regarding both tax filing and accounting services.
2. The meeting among executive committee members and Klatt and Associates regarding both tax filing and accounting services.
3. The 21 June 2012 LWBJ letter stating their belief that no prior SBHOA tax returns should be amended, but that prior SBHOA tax returns may reflect incorrect interpretation and application of
a. IRS Revenue Ruling 70-604 as to transferring excess funds to reserve account(s) and
b. Internal Revenue Code Section 118 as to including excess dues as non-taxable contributions to capital of the corporation;
New Business: none
Adjournment at 5:35
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday, September 24, 2012, at the Clubhouse.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on July 23, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson.
Guests: Dean Nelson
The meeting was called to order at 4:27 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: email Approval of Board minutes of June 25, 2012. MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON June 25, 2012 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED 6-0
Treasurer’s report: Lee Griffin reviewed Klatt’s June 2012 financial statement. June income was $25,637 and expenses were $56,153. The Club House and Pool improvements were the major expenditures. The First National Bank balances at the end of June were $20,944 in the checking account and $2,237 in the money market account. At Edward Jones, the balances at the end of June were $108,031. In the Greater Iowa Credit Union there was $78,139. The Vanguard accounts had a balance of $126,813 as of July 20, 2012.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson brought forward a motion from the Building Maintenance Committee which the committee feels would allow a more effective method of budgeting for exterior maintenance. MOTION (Charlie Martinson, from the Building Maintenance Committee): APPROVE TOWNHOME MAINTENANCE DUES STRUCTURE TO CHARGE OWNERS 1.25 TIMES AS MUCH PER SIDING SQUARE AS PER ROOFING SQUARE ACCORDING TO LONG TERM PROJECTIONS OF COST. PLACE ALL MAINTENCE DUES IN A MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT AND ALLOW THE PROPERTY MANAGER, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE, TO USE THE MAINTENANCE FUNDS GENERATED EACH YEAR FOR ROOFING, SIDING, PAINTING, AND GUTTERS AS REQUIRED. ACCOUNT FOR THE COSTS OF ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF ROOFING, SIDING, PAINTING, AND GUTTERS AND THEN REASSESS THE 1.25 RATIO AFTER 10 YEARS AND ADJUST AS NEEDED. After discussion, Charlie moved to Table the Motion: (Charlie Martinson, Art Pohm) MOTION TO TABLE CARRIED 8-0. Next month, Charlie will provide information to the Board regarding the assessment of roofing and siding. The Building Maintenance Committee is working hard to solve the problem of providing an effective method of budgeting for exterior maintenance which allows flexibility to perform required maintenance in an efficient manner.
Clubhouse and Pool: Considering the work that Linda Martin does with registration of the Club House, the Clubhouse and Pool Committee has requested raising the stipend that goes with that job.
Investment: distributed (see Treasurer’s report)
Grounds: Art Pohm led a discussion of possible alternatives to the Rayco Construction bid for path repair. The bid includes sealing the paths and fixing some areas where there are potential hazards. Dean Nelson cautioned the Board that we need to leave access for tree repair trucks. Art will work with Dean to determine how best to advise Rayco on leaving truck access to certain paths.
Hospitality: There were about 50 at the July potluck.
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
Club House Policy: The Board discussed the clubhouse usage draft policy. The draft policy was distributed to all Stone Brooke homeowners and several homeowners replied with suggestions. Bob Anderson will redraft the draft policy for the next board meeting.
Rental Policy: The Board is still considering the draft rental property policy. The draft policy was sent out to all Stone Brooke homeowners and several responded with suggestions and input. Bob Anderson will re-draft the draft policy for the next board meeting.
Tax Filing and Accounting: Realizing its fiduciary responsibility, the Board has been studying the accounting and tax services for Stone Brooke. Klatt & Associates has provided service for Stone Brooke in the past. The Board discussed a proposal from LWBJ to handle the accounting and tax services for Stone Brooke. In conjunction with the accounting study, the Board reviewed the Reserve Study which was completed this spring. The executive committee will meet with Klatt & Associates before the next meeting regarding accounting.
New Business: none
Adjournment at 6:00
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday August 27, 2012 at the Clubhouse.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on June 25, 2012
Present: Lee Griffin, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson
Absent: Bob Anderson
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of May 21, 2012 MOTION (Art Pohm, Lee Griffin): MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON May 21, 2012, BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED 8-0
Treasurer’s report: Lee Griffin reviewed Klatt’s May 2012 financial statement.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: The committee commented on the dedication, commitment, action, common sense, and wit that Kay North brought to their committee and to the Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board—especially while she served as President. She will be greatly missed.
Clubhouse and Pool: The pool is open and in use. The flowers and the extended cement have added good area for pool entertainment. Rules for use of the clubhouse will be posted on a bulletin board near the kitchen area. We still are looking for chairpersons for the Clubhouse and Pool Committee.
Investment: no report
Grounds: Art Pohm presented a bid from Rayco Construction for path repair. The bid includes sealing the paths and fixing some places where there are some potential hazards. MOTION: (Art Pohm, Lee Griffin) APPPROVE EXPENDITURE OF NOT MORE THAN $15,000 TO RAYCO CONSTRUCTION FOR PATH REPAIR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that the spring social was attended by 55 people and around 25 people attended the pot luck.
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
Rental Policy: The Board is asking for input from homeowners on a proposed rental policy that prohibits subletting of Stone Brooke homes. We will circulate the draft rental policy to all homeowners. Homeowners should voice concerns or opinions by email to Woody Hart prior to the July 23 meeting ( Woody will bring those concerns to the July Board Meeting.
Clubhouse Use Policy: The Board is asking for input from homeowners regarding a draft Clubhouse Use Policy. We will circulate the draft Clubhouse Policy to all homeowners. Homeowners should voice their concerns or opinions by email to Woody Hart prior to the July 23 meeting ( Woody will bring those concerns to the July Board Meeting for discussion.
Tax Filing: The Board reviewed income tax concerns with a CPA firm familiar with Homeowners taxes and IRS concerns. LWBJ recommended that 1.) we not amend prior years returns and that 2.) we determine which tax form to file on an annual basis. This year we elected to file an 1120-H tax form. In order to project forward which tax form we should file for 2012, LWBJ has recommended that we wait until the end of the year to decide which form we should use. This decision can be made between the end of December and March 15th. Monte will provide the Board with an abbreviated form of the Reserve Funding Plan which was presented to the Board in May. We will add previous year’s numbers to provide a realistic basis to the reserve projection. The Board will become active in working with the CPA to determine which tax form should be filed in order to best meet Stone Brooke’s tax needs. The Board would like to furnish LWBJ with the Association’s QuickBook files for the last three years for a discussion of review of our books and records. Realizing its fiduciary responsibility, the Board will continue this study and discussion at July’s Board Meeting.
New Business: none
Adjournment at 6:00
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday July 23, 2012, at the Clubhouse.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on May 21, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Bob Swanson and Lee Griffin.
Absent: Dallas Rust
Guests: Russ Richardson, Phyllis Crouse, Bob Telleen, Dean Lehman, Mike Fowler, and David and Sylva Williams
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of April 23, 2012 MOTION via Email (Dallas Rust, Charlie Martinson): MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON April 23, 2012 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED 6-0
Treasurer’s report: Lee Griffin reviewed Klatt’s April, 2012 financial statement and discussed two homeowners delinquent in amounts over $500; certain board members agreed to contact them.
MOTION: (Lee Griffin, Bob Anderson) ESTABLISH A BOARD POLICY CHARGING INTEREST AT 18% per year (1.5% per month) ON ALL MONTHLY ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS OVER 60 DAYS LATE TO INCLUDE MEANS OF ENFORCEMENT (e.g. filing small claim (s) and adding claim costs to interest due SBHOA). Motion Carried 7-0.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: MOTION (Building Maintenance Committee) Approve specification of 50-Year Malarkey Legacy shingles or equivalent material and impact resistance as the standard shingle for roof replacement in SBHOA. Motion Carried 7-0.
Clubhouse and Pool: The pool is expected to be open by Memorial Day but pool painting will be delayed until fall. Jane reported that Ken and Shirley Shaw plan to remain as Committee Chairs until the end of 2012. We will review our insurance coverage given the new changes in pool and fence.
NOTE: Any SBHOA member interested in serving as Clubhouse and Pool Chair please contact Jane at 232-2863.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $122,476 at close of the markets Friday , May 18, 2012.
Grounds: Art Pohm reported a possible path safety issue (cracking) and will make a proposal for patching and repair at the June board meeting. Woody Hart suggested post storm tree replacement happen after completion of DNR’s Stone Brooke grounds study.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reminded about the spring social planned by Sally and Ken Hartman on Friday June 15 at the clubhouse from 5-7 and encouraged a good turnout.
Insurance: no report
Old Business:
The Board reviewed income tax concerns expressed by Bob Swanson at the April Annual Meeting and Bob’s memo distributed to board members after that meeting. MOTION; (Art Pohm, Bob Anderson) ENGAGE AN IOWA CPA FIRM WITH DEMONSTRATED HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION TAX FILING EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE TO REVIEW BOB’s MEMO AND THE HENKEL LETTERS (Sep2011 and Jan 2012) AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION (S) TO THE BOARD, COST NOT TO EXCEED $3,000. MOTION CARRIED 5-2.
New Business:
Monte Parrish reported a recent homeowner complaint to him about a messy condition of the clubhouse and the need for the homeowner to clean the clubhouse before it could be used. Penalties and enforcement were discussed. Bob Anderson and Jane Ringwald will review the bylaws and recommend action.
Rental Policy draft prohibiting subletting of Stone Brooke homes will be considered by the Board at the June meeting.
Adjournment at 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Monte Parrish, President
Next regularly scheduled Board will be at 4:30 pm on Monday, June 23, 2012 at the clubhouse.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on April 23, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art
Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.
Treasurer’s report: no report
Committee reports: Given at Annual Meeting
Old Business: None
New Business:
MOTION (Bob Anderson, Art Pohm): The 2012-2013 Board and Association
Officers: Monte Parrish, President; Charlie Martinson, Vice President; Dallas Rust,
Secretary; Lee Griffin, Treasurer, be approved: MOTION CARRIED
MOTION (Lee Griffin, Bob Anderson): Contribute $100 to the Ascension Lutheran
Church for use for our Annual Meeting and $35 to the Chandler Neuman who
managed the sound equipment. MOTION CARRIED
Adjournment at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on February 27, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson
Guests: Jim Lohr, Chris Marty, Ken Shaw
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of January 23, 2012 MOTION (Dallas Rust, Charlie Martinson): MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON January 23, 2012 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED 5-0
Treasurer’s report: Lee Griffin reported that the January expenses included a bill for repairing the pool. We will have a standard report of income and expenses next month.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson reported the budget may not be adequate for roofing replacement and repair needs this year and funds may need to be borrowed from siding and painting temporarily. Larry Northup is working on a plan to correct funding differences to the two budget items which will likely result in either an increase or a decrease in townhome dues depending on covenant-based rules for assessing for maintenance.
Clubhouse and Pool: Ken Shaw reported that the pool pipe leaks have been repaired but the pool needs to be painted before it opens in the spring. The concrete has been broken up and removed from around the pool. New concrete will be poured when weather permits. He brought ideas and bids for pool painting, lighting, and fencing. MOTION (Bob Anderson, Art Pohm): APPROVE THE PAINTING, LIGHTING, AND FENCING OF THE POOL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $122,243 as of the markets' close on Friday, February 24, 2012.
Grounds: Art Pohm reported that Glenn Kappelmann is the new Grounds Committee Chair. Woody Hart reported that we have submitted Stone Brooke as a participant in the DNR Tree Study. There is no cost and we would receive expert advice on tree management. MOTION (Art Pohm, Charlie Martinson): SUPPORT PARTICIPATION IN THE DNR TREE STUDY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that 36 people attended the pot luck in February.
Insurance: Jim Lohr brought a letter to be sent to all homeowners to make sure they know that Stone Brooke covenants and bylaws require the Association be listed as an additional insured on their home insurance policy. In case there is a disaster, the Association needs to be assured that the home will be rebuilt. Suggestions were made for improvement to the letter. MOTION (Jim Lohr): AUTHORIZE JIM LOHR TO SEND THE AMENDED LETTER TO STONE BROOKE HOME OWNERS VIA ASSOCIATION EMAIL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Old Business:
New Business: Charlie Martinson reported that there is a problem with the clubhouse plumbing. There is a master water meter for total water usage. A second meter measures the water for yard use and the pool; we do not pay sewer fees for this water. At some unknown time the cold water for the bathrooms got connected to the pipe serving the pool and outdoor faucets. There are two options: (1) tear into the bathroom walls to find the cross connection and correct it, or (2) remove the yard meter and pay sewer fees on all water used. The options were presented to PSA for cost estimates and then Board action will occur.
Adjournment at 5:20.
Respectfully submitted, Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on March 26,2012.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on January 23, 2012
Present: Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson
Guests: Jim Lohr
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of November 28, 2011 MOTION (Woody Hart, Art Pohm): MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON November 28, 2011 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report: Lee Griffin was introduced. He will have a treasurer’s report next month.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson reported that the Masonite siding replacement projects proposed for 2011 were completed along with several smaller replacement projects. Painting will be started as soon as spring weather permits. The BMC is investigating the option of working with shingling companies that offer shingle warranties that can be registered with homeowner associations. The BMC will not pay for realignment of satellite dishes when they need to be removed temporarily for siding or roof replacements, based on interpretations of the current homeowner/SBHOA shared maintenance policy. The BMC asked PSA to do a detailed inspection of each home early this spring, especially looking for rotting trim boards, cracks that need caulking, painting needs, deteriorating siding and roofs and rubber pipe boots.
Clubhouse and Pool: Jane Ringwald reported that the pool leak has been repaired. The deck repair will be finished in time for the pool to open in the spring. The rusty chairs were thrown away. MOTION (Charlie Martinson, Bob Anderson): ASK THE POOL COMMITTEE TO BRING AN ESTIMATE TO THE FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING FOR A NEW FENCE AROUND THE POOL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Board felt this was the time to replace the fence so it could be done in conjunction with the other pool repairs.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $120,835 as of the markets' close on Friday, January 20, 2012.
Grounds: No report
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that there were fewer people at the January pot luck than normal—around 26 people. There will probably be a Stone Brooke Wine and Cheese party later in February or March.
Insurance: Jim Lohr discussed with the Board the fact that some homes may be underinsured. Our Covenants require homeowners to have adequate insurance that will replace their home as it is now. Last year the Board authorized Jim to evaluate homeowner’s insurance policies to see if we, as an Association, might have a problem in the event of a tornado or other wide-spread catastrophe. He found that there were a number of homes underinsured. MOTION (Art Pohm, Bob Anderson): AUTHORIZE JIM LOHR TO RE-EVALUATE THE HOME OWNER’S INSURANCE POLICIES AND SEND A LETTER TO THOSE HOME OWNER’S WHO MAY BE UNDERINSURED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Lee Griffin was appointed as liaison to the Insurance Committee.
Old Business: We continue to deal with the yards which are being damaged by the storm water creek. The storm water draining ditch will be included in the City of Ames Public Works Director’s current budget (2011-12 fiscal year) as part of the Storm Sewer Outlet Erosion Control program. Ted Tedesco will keep the Board informed.
The discussion as to which tax form to file will continue.
New Business: The Board reviewed the PSA contract. Because of the extra duties the Board has asked PSA to do, they have asked for an increase in their contract. Additional duties would include attending building and maintenance meetings, doing yearly inspections, and taking over some duties from the Grounds Committee such as overseeing snow removal, coordinating tree inspection, overseeing trimming and removal of trees. MOTION (Bob Anderson, Lee Griffin): APPROVE THE CONTRACT TO PSA FOR $18,036. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The Board discussed having a message emailed to all homeowners on snowy days concerning whether there will be snow removal or not. Art Pohm will coordinate this.
Adjournment at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on February 27, 2012.