Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on November 28, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane
Ringwald, Bob Swanson, and Dallas Rust
Absent: Dean Axlalnd
Guests: Dave Platt, Aaron Platt
The meeting was called to order at 4:25 pm.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of October 24, 2011. MOTION (Art Pohm, Bob
Treasurer’s report: no report
Dean Axland has resigned his position on the Board and his position as Treasurer.
According to the By-Laws of the Stone Brooke Home Owners’ Association “a vacancy in
any office may be filled by appointment by the Board. The officer appointed to such
vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer replaced.” Lee Griffin has
agreed to fill out Dean’s unexpired membership on the Board. He also has agreed to be the
Treasurer. Lee is in charge of the M&I Home Lending Solutions in Urbandale. He lives
IMMEDIATELY (Art Pohm, Charlie Martinson) MOTION CARRIED
The Board discussed the 2012 Budget. The budget is much the same as last year and
therefore, dues will remain basically the same. The Budget is constructed based on the
input from the Committees such the Building Maintenance Committee, the Pool
Committee, the Grounds Committee, and others. MOTION: ACCEPT THE 2012
The Board also discussed changing the fiscal year to end on March 31 or April 30 rather
than December 31st. This has been a discussion mainly because it is difficult to find
someone to do the books during the busy spring season. It also might makes some
budgeting decisions easier (such as snow removal). However, to change the fiscal year
means we would need to file a short-year tax return, shift elections to a later time, and
make the annual meeting occur in August rather than April. MOTION: POSTPONE A
The Snow Removal Contract was presented for acceptance. The contract is a three-year
contract with Landscapes by Design. MOTION: APPROVE THE SIGNING OF THE
CONTRACT (Bob Anderson, Bob Swanson) MOTION CARRIED 7-1.
As allowed by the bylaws, Monte Parrish called an e-mail meeting on 12-19-11 to discuss
the snow removal contract. MOTION: RESCIND THE 3-YEAR SNOW
- The 3 year option calls for monthly payments of $9,030 November 2011 through
March 2012 and to date we've had no appreciable snow.
- The 3-yr contract does not cover April 2012.
- Average annual expenditures for the last few years have been less than the $45,150 3-
year contract price.
- Several board members have expressed concern about the 3-yr option.
(Monte Parrish) MOTION CARRIED 6-0.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: No Report
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson reported that siding is difficult to find so
some siding jobs have not been able to be completed. Painting will now have to wait
until spring. Data is being entered into the template.
Charlie Martinson asked the Board to approve the Shared Building Maintenance Policy
(attached). As prescribed by Board Policy, the Shared Building Maintenance Policy has
been sent to the homeowners at least twice and hand carried to those who don’t have
The BMC has created a gutter-cleaning guideline which will be sent to all Stone Brooke
Homeowners. The Committee will organize with PSA each spring and fall for PSA to
contract with someone to clean gutters for residents who want their gutters cleaned on a
pay-as-you sign up basis.
As allowed by the bylaws, Charlie Martinson called an e-mail meeting to discuss an
emergency roofing situation. MOTION: USE THE ROOFING RESERVE TO REROOF
PROBLEMS. (Charlie Martinson) MOTION CARRIED 6-0.
Clubhouse and Pool: Jane reported that they are taking out the concrete now as a first
step on the pool project.
Insurance: No report
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $111,701 as of
the markets' close on Friday, November 25, 2011.
Grounds: Assessing tree removal has been passed to Larry Northup. Many thanks to
Dean Nelson for his help for many years as our “tree man”. Sharon Axland will retire
from being the chair of the grounds committee at the end of December. The Board is
looking for a replacement. Many thanks to Sharon for her many years of leadership as
the Grounds Chairperson.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that about 40 attended the November Potluck.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjournment at 5:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on JANUARY 24, 2012.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on October 24, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish,
Art Pohm , Jane Ringwald, Bob Swanson, and Dallas Rust
Guests: Norm Marti
The meeting was called to order at 4:25 pm.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of September 26, 2011 MOTION (Art Pohm, Bob
Treasurer’s report: September income was $26,554 and September expenses $14,968 .
The First National Bank balances at the end of September were $72,855 in the
checking account and $2,235 in the money market account. At Edward Jones, the
balances at the end of September were $133,019 in money market funds. In the Greater
Iowa Credit Union there was $2,147 in the Share Account and $75,000 in CDs at the end
of September.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: The Architectural Committee approved the enclosure of a front
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson reported that contracts have been let to TMJ
for 10 complete residing projects (homes with deteriorating Masonite siding). The BMC
submitted a proposed policy regarding Homeowner/SBHOA shared exterior maintenance
(Art Pohm, Bob Anderson) so that the BMC can explore with PSA gutter cleaning.
Clubhouse and Pool: Ken Sharp presented the Outline of Proposed Changes to Pool and
Club House Area. The Board approved:
1. Replace concrete deck and include current grassy area ($12,995).
2. Repair leaks in water lines between pump and heat sources and replace all
connectors ($1,000-$2,000).
3. Pool coping repair ($4000).
4. Repair the front porch by removing concrete on south side of crack and replace
with a “porch cap” (concrete formed to slope away from front door and unite with
current wheel chair ramp to form ramp from sidewalk to front door ($990).
5. Remove curb at end of sidewalk to form ramp from parking lot to sidewalk
5a. Install city-required red truncated dome to mark location of ramp entrance
6. Add curb and gutter to end of driveway ($365).
7. New automatically-controlled pool cover ($10,000).
8. Landscaping in front of clubhouse ($1000).
WITH THE EXCEPTION OF #6. (Art Pohm, Charlie Martinson) MOTION CARRIED
Insurance: Dean Axland submitted a written report from Jim Lohr for the Board to read
before the next meeting regarding the Insurance Agency Survey.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $115,661 as of
the markets' close on Friday, October 21, 2011.
Grounds: The Grounds Committee personnel cleared two areas between the
Bloomington Heights development and Stone Brooke development.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that about 36 attended the October Potluck. The Fall
Coffee is schedule for Saturday, October 29.
Old Business:
Dave Klatt met with the Board to discuss how we file our income tax. After discussion,
the Board advised Dave Klatt to file a1120H tax return for the calendar year 2011. This
type of tax return is specifically for Homeowners Associations. MOTION: ADVISE
2011. (Art Pohm, Charlie Martinson) MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
New Business:
Dean Axland recommended changing from a calendar year to a fiscal year. Dean will
meet with Klatts and bring information back to the Board at the November meeting.
The Hoover Home Owner Association is interested in acquiring the common ground on
the south east corner of our property. The Board will discuss this more.
Adjournment at 5:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on November 28, 2011
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on September 26, 2011
Present: Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm , Jane Ringwald, Bob
Swanson, and Dallas Rust
Absent: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland
Guests: Kay North, Larry Northup, Charles Fitzwater
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of August 23, 2011 MOTION (Art Pohm,
Charlie Martinson): Minutes of the Board meeting held on August 22, 2011 be
Treasurer’s report: August income was $26,637and August expenses $85,547 . The First National Bank balances at the end of August were $57,772 in the checking account and $2,235 in the money market account. At Edward Jones, the balances at the end of August were $133,018 in money market funds. In the Greater Iowa Credit Union there was $1,770 in the Share Account and $75,000 in CDs at the end
of August.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: No report
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson brought a version of possible replacement sections for the shared cost of maintenance policy for discussion. These suggestions and the Proposed Board Policy Concerning Shared Cost of Exterior Maintenance will be posted on the web for homeowners to review. If homeowners want to give input, contact the BMC Chairperson, Larry Northup, or Board liaison, Charlie Martinson.
FYI: Since we are using high impact shingles, when a townhome is reshingled, homeowners receive a notice which they can present to their Insurance Company so they can possibly get a better rate on their insurance.
Clubhouse and Pool: Jane Ringwald reported that there still was no resolution to the problem of the leaking pool and cement problems. The Board highly encourages the committee to either by email before the next board meeting or at the next board meeting bring a recommendation to the Board after considering three options: 1) an overall plan to fix the pool including expanding the clubhouse, more parking, etc.; 2) a $13,000 project with a scope of work to be done including fixing the pool, the concrete, and making the clubhouse handicapped assessable, or 3) a plan to maintain the pool and continue as is, i.e., patch this year and go on.
Insurance: No report
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $110,801 as of the markets' close on Friday, Sept. 23, 2011.
Grounds: MOTION: The Board recommends to the Grounds Committee that they contract to trim the big cottonwood in question. (Bob Swanson, Art Pohm) MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that the September potluck was well attended. A Stone Brooke coffee hour has been scheduled for Saturday morning, October 29.
Old Business:
An Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the President of the Board will meet with Dave
Klatt to discuss the report from our auditor.
New Business:
Adjournment at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on October 24, 2011
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on August 22, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson
Absent: Art Pohm
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of July 25, 2011 MOTION (Charlie Martinson, Bob Swanson): Minutes of the Board meeting held on July 25, 2011 be approved. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report:
July income was $26,553 and July expenses $6,063 . The First National Bank balances at the end of July were $114,959 in the checking account and $2,235 in the money market account. At Edward Jones, the balances at the end of July were $133,018 in money market funds. In the Greater Iowa Credit Union there was $1,770 in the Share Account and $75,000 in CDs at the end of July.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: Bob Swanson no report
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson brought forth a draft of a Board Policy concerning Shared Cost of External Maintenance. The Board gave Charlie feedback to take back to the BMC. The BMC will send the Draft to homeowners so they can give input to any Board Member.
Charlie Martinson brought forth a motion from the BMC. MOTION: Approve the creation of an external maintenance Microsoft Access database with a maximum cost to SBHOA of $1500.
Rationale: Currently, data and building maintenance history are being stored on an Excel spreadsheet and paper copies that are kept up-to-date by PSA. Available information is shared with the SBHOA Board and BMC as necessary and possible. However, it is difficult to determine the history of both major and minor maintenance work on a town home because Excel and paper copies do not provide convenient search capability. PSA and the BMC wish to improve the process of decision-making and develop more accessible records of past and present building maintenance.
PSA needs to be able to quickly and accurately determine the maintenance history of any given unit. This database will provide a much better log of what maintenance has been done on a town home, who performed the maintenance, when it was done, costs of that maintenance and other details such as photos of the work or photos documenting problems that prompted the work.
Clubhouse and Pool—no report; Ad Hoc Committee did not meet.
Insurance: Dean reported that the committee is still working and will report to the Board at a future date.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $110,183.
Grounds: Sharon Axland reported that several trees have been removed. There are plans for a work day in the future. Larry Northup will be the go-to person for trees. Many thanks to Dean Nelson for his many years of service to Stone Brooke and our trees!
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that the Pot Luck attendance for the month was 35 people. New residents are: Lindsey and Virginia Beecher, 4030 Stone Brooke Rd., Chuck and Lois Fitzwater, 4222 Stone Brooke Rd., Kevin Bourke and Patty Neubauer, 3618 Fletcher Circle, and Darlene Erickson, 3910 Stone Brooke Circle. Thanks to Ken Hartman for continually updating the Directory.
Old Business:
New Business:
The President of the Board plans to appoint an ad hoc committee, "New Ideas Committee," to propose improvements to the Common Areas. Art Pohm and Jane Ringwald will be Board Liaisons to the committee.
Adjournment at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting—September 26, 2011
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on July 25, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and Bob Swanson
Guests: Beth Coon, Shirley Shaw, Ken Shaw, Sharon Axland
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of June 27, 2011 MOTION (Charlie Martinson, Bob Anderson): Minutes of the Board meeting held on June 27, 2011 be approved as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report:
June income was $26,553 and June expenses $32,660. The First National Bank balances at the end of June were $100,675 in the checking account and $2,233 in the money market account. This is the season that we spend money for roofing, siding, painting, and mowing. At Edward Jones, the balances at the end of June were $133,018 in money market funds. In the Greater Iowa Credit Union there was $1,770 in the Share Account and $75,000 in CDs at the end of June.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: Bob Swanson reported that the Architectural Committee had approved an enclosed porch.
Building Maintenance: Charlie Martinson reported that bids for replacing Masonite siding are currently coming in. No decisions have been made regarding who will be doing the work.
The BMC is still investigating the financial aspects for creating an easily accessible database for exterior maintenance of townhomes.
PSA has been investigating the possible use of a Cor-A-Vent-In Vent system on roofs where soffit venting is impossible or ineffective. He will continue his information-gathering and try to determine if anybody is using it in Ames.
Review of some research reports from ASHRAE/University of Illinois, USDA, and the National Roofing Contractors Association on shingle temperature shows that roof orientation (N/S/E/W) and shingle color (white/black) have much greater influence on peak shingle temperature than good attic ventilation. Good attic ventilation when compared with no attic ventilation had hardly any effect on shingle temperature.
Dick Ross is working on two special projects: 1) methods of making SB town homes more tornado resistant and 2) procedures for minimizing winter water damage to the interior finish on window frames. He plans to continue to gather materials and to work with local experts to produce concise information that can be shared with homeowners.
The Committee would like to inform Stone Brooke residents of the CODE RED alerting system that the City of Ames and Story County may use in emergencies, in addition to other conventional systems. CODE RED is a mass notification system that can provide telephone, cell phone, text message, and e-mail alerts. To take full advantage of CODE RED one needs to register. Go to the City of Ames website,, and register by clicking on the Code Red link.
Clubhouse and Pool: Ken and Shirley Shaw reporting that our swimming pool and deck area are in need of attention. There is a leak that causes daily water loss, old pipes and plumbing that need replacement, and a deck that is cracked and uneven in spots. In addition, our pool attendant has recommended that the pool be painted in order to prevent algae build-up.In March of 2010, Ames Concrete ground down the uneven areas of the deck. Water Chem was called regarding the leak and told us that in order to fix the leak, they would have to tear up the concrete. Ames Concrete submitted a bid to replace the entire deck. As per the clubhouse and pool committee’s recommendation, the cement area would be enlarged by eliminating the grassy area. Keeping the grassy area cut is difficult and grass cuttings get into the pool. In addition to the deck, the curbs from the parking lot onto the sidewalk would be eliminated and a ramp into the clubhouse would be constructed. In the meantime other ideas for alterations to the pool and clubhouse were brought forth—expansion of the parking lot by moving the fence in, heating the sidewalk, replacing the boiler, new landscaping, etc. It was felt that including all alterations at once would probably result in less expense. This resulted in the formation of an ad hoc committee. A drawing was submitted by Country Landscapes to the Ad Hoc Committee.
After Board discussion, it was decided that the Ad Hoc Committee and the Pool Committee will meet together and consider 3 options: 1) an overall plan including expanding the clubhouse, more parking, etc.; 2) a $13,000 project with a scope of work to be done including fixing the pool, the concrete, and making the clubhouse handicapped assessable, or 3) a plan to maintain and continue as is, i.e., patch this year and go on. The Ad Hoc Committee and Pool Committee will email a report to the Board.
Insurance: Dean Axland reported that the insurance committee is continuing to work to see that all SBHO’s policies are correct and filed with Klatt and Associates and to survey local insurance agents.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $118, 789.
Grounds: Sharon Axland, chairperson of the Grounds Committee, would like the Board to discuss and put in place guidelines for damage to garage doors done by snow removal. The Board will discuss this next meeting.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported two new residents to the Stone Brooke community: Chuck and Lois Fitzwater at 4222 Stone Brooke Road and Lindsey and Virginia Beecher at 4030 Stone Brooke Road. On July 21 a new record of 50 people attended the pot luck. Ken Hartman has updated the Stone Brooke directory and will provide paper copies to those who request them from him.
Old Business:
New Business:
The Board discussed a request from a non-Stone Brooke resident to use the pool (and pay for that use). MOTION (Dallas Rust, Charlie Martinson): According to the Pool Policy dated August 24, 2009, pool use is for Stone Brooke residents. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The request was denied.
The Board discussed what constitutes a “lawn” and “landscaping.” Lawns are mowed by the mowers; landscaped areas are not mowed. The Board President will send a letter to a resident who has a landscaped area which is not mowable.
Adjournment at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting—August 22, 2011
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on June 27, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm, and Dallas Rust
Absent: Bob Swanson, Jane Ringwald
Guests: Jim Lohr, Kay North, Larry Northup, Sharon Axland The meeting was called to order at 4:27
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of May 23, 2011 MOTION (Bob Anderson, Charlie Martinson): Minutes of the Board meeting held on May 23, 2011 be approved as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report: May income was $26,553 and April expenses $20,182. The First National Bank balances at the end of April were $100,675 in the checking account and $2,233 in the money market account. At Edward Jones, the balances at the end of May were $133,016 in money market funds. In the Greater Iowa Credit Union there was $1,397 in the Share Account and $75,000 in CDs at the end of April. The Vanguard accounts had a balance of $118,972 at the end of May.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: no report
Building Maintenance: Larry Northup and Kay North joined Charlie in reporting regarding building maintenance. MOTION (Charlie Martinson): Authorize the allocation of up to $60,000 from the siding reserve to complete replacement of Masonite siding with Hardiplank siding and painting on 10 units on Stone Brooke Circle and Fletcher Boulevard. Background information: Some of the original Masonite on town homes was faulty. After a class-action suit against Masonite, Stone Brooke was able to receive legal restitution for the faulty Masonite. As the money came in, it was put into the general budget, into reserves, or into the general budget in reserves. The Building Maintenance Committee wants to complete these projects. There is $121,396 is in the reserves siding budget for this year. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION (Charlie Martinson, Bob Anderson): Use the operating procedures that were used in 2010 in the 2011 roofing/siding/painting season. Background information: SBHOA is responsible for maintaining roofing and siding on townhouses, which is interpreted to mean that a waterproof exterior covering (roof and siding) is to be maintained for each town house. If the siding is not watertight, any underlying water damage resulting from water infiltration through the siding is considered to be the responsibility of the SBHOA unless there is clear evidence that an error in initial construction caused the damage or that the damage resulted from faulty installation of windows, doors or other objects that penetrate the siding. Repair of construction error damage or window/door/penetrating object damage as well as installation of Tyvek (or similar waterproof barrier) under siding, if it is not present, is considered to be the homeowner’s responsibility and cost. The SBHOA is responsible for underlying damage from water infiltration through the roof except for the following causes that are considered the homeowner’s responsibility: 1) error in initial construction, 2) ice dams and 3) leakage around skylights, light pipes or similar roof penetrating products. Interior damage as a result of moisture not entering through the shingles such as snow blowing through roof vents and winter condensation on the underside of the roof because of poor attic ventilation or as a result of bath or kitchen vents exhausting into the attic space is also considered the homeowner’s responsibility. In case of storm damage, SBHOA will repair minor storm damage to roofs up to $100 per town house. The 2010 cost of this kind of repair was approximately $1150 and was covered by the roofing budget. This attention to storm damage encourages prompt attention to shingles blown off and minor damage that could lead to bigger issues if ignored. Damage exceeding $100 must be paid for by the homeowner and his/her insurance company. MOTION PASSED 6-1.
MOTION (Bob Anderson, Charlie Martinson): The Building Maintenance Committee draft a Board Policy regarding operating procedures to be used in roofing/siding/painting season. Background information: The BMC has constructed guidelines regarding operating procedures, but there is not a policy approved by the Board in effect. The Board would like a policy to be constructed. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION (Charlie Martinson): Request for permission to explore creation of a new external maintenance database. Background information: Currently, data and building maintenance history are being stored on an Excel spreadsheet and paper copies that are kept up-to-date by PSA. Available information is shared with the SBHOA Board and BMC as necessary and possible. However, it is difficult to determine the history of both major and minor maintenance work on a town home because Excel and paper copies do not provide convenient search capability. PSA and the BMC wish to improve the process of decision-making and develop more accessible records of past and present building maintenance. PSA needs to be able to quickly and accurately determine the maintenance history of any given unit so PSA has proposed and the BMC is endorsing a project to create an external maintenance database on Microsoft Access. This would allow inquires of many kinds to be made as well as providing a much better log of what maintenance has been done on a town home, who performed the maintenance, when it was done, costs of that maintenance and other details such as photos. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
Clubhouse and Pool: no report
Insurance: MOTION (Dean Axland): Board approve Insurance Committee authorization to contact to Stone Brooke residents regarding insurance information. Background information: The covenants of the SBHOA require owners of Class A townhomes to be insured for the full cost to replace them after a loss. The Association must also be listed as “Additional Insured” on home insurance policies. At the annual meeting on April 25, 2011, an Insurance Committee was created to help homeowners and the Association keep home insurance policies adequate and up-to-date. The committee asked permission to contact homeowners if questions arise. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION (Dean Axland): Board approve Insurance Committee authorization to spend up to $100 for expenses to survey Insurance Agents in Ames. Background information: At the annual meeting on April 25, 2011, an Insurance Committee was created to help homeowners and the Association keep home insurance policies adequate and up-to-date. The Committee would like to survey the insurance companies in Ames to establish if they offer the coverage our homeowners need. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that the total Vanguard Assets are $116,317.
Grounds: Art Pohm and Sharon Axland reported that the entrance areas on Bloomington are planted. The committee will be looking at trees--both removal and planting--and get estimates.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that about 45people attended the pot luck on the June 16th and 55-60 attended the social on Friday the 17th of June. About 20 households took advantage of the Annual Garage Sale.
Old Business: Status of recording/distribution of new SBHOA documents. LeVern Faidley has redeveloped our website. The new website includes the revised Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, the Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation. You can access the website by going to
New Business:
Determination and board approval of agreed levels of SBHOA Reserves. The Board discussed establishing a level of reserves for roofing and siding and common area (pool, clubhouse, path, trees) in order to guide future commitments. Liaison Board members will visit with Committee Chairs to bring information to the Board regarding what the committee feels is a reasonable and prudent amount to be in reserve for their committee.
Authorization of a one year rental. In light of the fact that a policy on rental is in the stages of being developed, the Board has granted a homeowner authority to rent for one year with the understanding that the proper insurance is in place. The understanding of the board is that continuous rental is not allowed.
Adjournment at 5:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on July 25, 2011
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on May 23, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland, Woody Hart, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Art Pohm , Jane Ringwald,
and Dallas Rust.
Absent: Bob Swanson
Guests: Jim Lohr, Sharon Axland
The meeting was called to order at 4:27 p.m.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of April 25, 2011 MOTION (Art Pohm, Bob Anderson): Minutes of the Board meeting held on April 25, 2011 be approved as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
President’s report: Monte Parrish set forth his goals for the Board for 2011-2012. They are:
Review all major expense items, e.g. roofing, siding, grounds, clubhouse, and pool renovation.
Project major expense items into the future and establish Board approved reserve levels.
Review IRS tax filing procedures.
Open discussions for new ideas.
Set forth a clear rental policy.
Communicate necessity for the full-replacement insurance requirement.
Expand the Stone Brooke web site.
MOTION: (Bob Anderson, Art Pohm) The Board supports the President’s Goals for 2011-2012. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s report: Concerning the monthly financial reports provided by Klatt’s office, Dean Axland noted that expenditures were typical. He noted that we have a short term building up of cash, but lawn, trees, roofing, siding, and painting will be coming. April income was $26,553.52 and April expenses were $6,051.56. The First National Bank balances at the end of April were $80,857.61 in the checking account and $2,233.68 in the money market account. At Edward Jones, the balances at the end of April were $133,016.03 in money market funds. In the Greater Iowa Credit Union there was $1,397.30 in the Share Account and $75,000.00 in CDs at the end of April. The Vanguard accounts had a balance of $119,545.24 at the end of April. Expenditures in March included professional fees, Association Manager, and pool maintenance totaling $4,479.23. Dean Axlalnd noted that with just one person able to sign checks, it makes it difficult if the treasurer is out of town. MOTION: (Dean Axland, Bob Anderson) Add two signees to the Treasurer’s Account-- President, Monte Parrish and Secretary, Dallas Rust. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Committee reports:
Architectural Control: Charlie Martinson reported 4 new changes in homeowner units/grounds were all approved by the committee. The President appointed Bob Swanson as the liaison to the Architectural Control Committee.
Building Maintenance: Monte Parrish brought forth items from the committee for discussion: (1) spending $1200 to help purchase an external maintenance database in order for improving the information regarding external maintenance of Class A homes and (2) proposed guidelines for shared cost of roofing or siding repairs with underlying damage. The Board directed Charlie Martinson to talk with the committee regarding some concerns and report back next month. MOTION: (Dean Axland, Bob Anderson) Table the discussion until the June meeting. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The Board also discussed the remaining masonite siding. MOTION: (Charlie Martinson, Art Pohm) The BMC forthwith identify all the masonite siding left—either partial or complete—in Class A townhomes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The President appointed Charlie Martinson as the liaison to the Building Maintenance Committee.
Clubhouse and Pool: Jane Ringwald reported that the pool will open on Saturday, May 28.
Insurance: Jim Lohr and Sharon Axland reported that they had met to determine the direction of the new Insurance Committee. They have developed insurance surveys for the board to review. Those surveys will be sent to the Board for discussion a future meeting. In addition, the Insurance Committee will develop a sample policy for the Board to review. MOTION: (Dean Axland, Jane Ringwald) Permit Klatt & Associates to release the insurance records for members insuring Class A homes in SBHOA to the Insurance Committee. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
Investment: Bob Anderson reported that he has graphed the total value of the Vanguard Account by month and will report quarterly to the Board.
Grounds: Sharon Axland reported that the Fletcher Court storm sewer is being repaired this summer by the city.
Hospitality: Woody Hart reported that 24 attended the latest potluck, and that one packet was taken to a new member of Stone Brooke.
Old Business:
Status/count of notarized approval signatures for governance documents. Art Pohm reported that 155 notarized signatures were received. This means that the governance documents for the SBHOA (the Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Requirements and the Bylaws) have been legally approved. The Board thanks Barb White and Carol Bundy for their work as notaries. Also thanks to LeVern Faidley, Charlie Martinson, Bob Anderson and all the people who worked hard to get the new governance policies enacted.
Clubhouse & Pool Renovation: The committee in charge of this has been non-functioning for several months. The Board is continuing to look for ways to explore options to make decisions regarding this renovation.
New Business: None
Adjournment at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on June 27, 2011.
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on April 25, 2011
Present: Bob Anderson, Dean Axland, LeVern Faidley, Charlie Martinson, Monte Parrish, Jane Ringwald, Dallas Rust, and new members Woody Hart, Art Pohm and Bob Swanson
Visitors: Dan Carter, LeVern Faidley (outgoing Board member)
The meeting was called to order at 8:40 p.m. by President Bob Anderson. He welcomed the new members Woody Hart, Art Pohm, and Bob Swanson.
Minutes: Approval of Board minutes of 4 April 2011. MOTION (Jane Ringwald, Charlie Martinson): Minutes of board meeting held on April 4, 2011 be approved. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Treasurer’s Report, President’s Report, and Committee Reports had been made during the general meeting. There were no additional reports.
Old Business: None
New Business: Bob Anderson expressed Appreciation to outgoing Board members: Dan Carter, LeVern Faidley, and Pyllis Seim
Election of Officers: Nominations were opened for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for the coming year. MOTION (Art Pohm, Bob Swanson): The following board members be elected: President - Monte Parrish, Vice President – Charlie Martinson, Secretary – Dallas Rust and Treasurer - Dean Axland. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Bob Anderson handed over leadership of the meeting to the Monte Parrish, the new President of the Board of Directors.
Plan for the gathering of notarized signatures of assent to the recommended revision of the SBHOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Requirements: Art Polm agreed to head a committee to make a plan and carry it out. Dean Axland volunteered to help.
Committee Board Liaison responsibility of Board members for 2010-11 were agreed as follows:
Architectural Control—Charlie Martinson
By-Laws—Ad Hoc committee assigned as needed
Building Maintenance—Monte Parrish
Clubhouse and Pool—Jane Ringwald
Investment—Bob Anderson
Insurance—Dean Axland
Grounds—Art Polm
Hospitality—Woody Hart
Nominating Committee—Ad Hoc committee assigned as needed
Plan for the preparation and publication of the 2011 SBHOA Directory, “The Stone Brooke Connection 30”: Bob Anderson agreed to continue being in charge of this.
Good of the Order:
Monte Parrish noted that he will visit new Board Members.
LeVern Faidley agreed to continue as Web Master.
Adjournment at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Rust, Secretary
Next Board Meeting: Monday, May 23, 2011, at the Clubhouse