Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on November 25, 2019
Present: Dean Axland, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Linda Thrailkill, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Bill and Jan Anderson
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $418,219. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: No meeting this month, therefore, no action taken.
Building and Maintenance Committee: No meeting held in November. Roof scheduled to be done on Waterbury before year end. Cost estimate $30,830. Inspected property at 1805 Woodhaven per request of owner. A rotted fascia board noted and adjoining unit has siding on the upper side in back that needs replacing. Owner at 3915 Stone Brooke Circle requested approval for additional siding on brick basement. No proposal was submitted, therefore, no action was taken by the board. Committee will prepare a policy re water damage repair covered under homeowner’s insurance policy.
Clubhouse and Pool: No committee meeting this month. Clubhouse garage door lock was replaced. Liaison will clarify how many keys to garage door have been distributed. Clarification of pool policy is needed, relating to homeowners being responsible for keys and how it will be monitored.
Investment: Aaron reported a $2,644.35 gain this month and a $10,634.22 gain YTD.
Insurance: No report this month. Non-compliance issues will be addressed at the Annual SBHOA Meeting.
Grounds: No committee meeting this month. Discussion held about leaf removal and responsibilities of contractor. Ron will contact Hawcott for answers to questions raised.
Hospitality: Dave reported 22 at last potluck. There are 4 houses with sales pending.
OLD Business:
Reviewed 2020 Budget. Aaron will determine cost of new Accounting firm and will seek board approval via email.
Cost of audited F/S is $10,000, therefore, no audit will be completed at this time, due to cost.
Procedure re obligation of SBHOA to receive and pay for goods and services has been resolved.
Appointment of Finance Committee is to be done by Aaron. Any Stone Brooke resident wishing to join this new committee may do so at the annual meeting.
Procedure for assessing dues increase based on enlargement of unit is being drafted by Aaron and Lara.
Policy on gutter modification – toppers, etc. will be drafted by Bldg and Maintainence Committee.
NEW Business:
Doyle spoke with attorney Andrew Zebaracki re Covenant non-compliance. Board members will email questions and examples of non-compliance actions, to Doyle. He will forward those to the attorney, who will review them, along with the Covenants.
New webmaster needed. Ron will contact Loren re sending an email out for replacements.
PSA Chad Marty:
Comments from the Board:
Comments from Visitors: Sharon Axland brought an issue to the board’s attention re homeowner’s attention to landscape maintenance. Aaron motioned, Mary Beth seconded that a letter from the board be sent to the homeowner, informing them of covenant re this issue. Grounds committee will provide input for this letter.
Andersons brought up problems with dues being taken out mistakenly by their bank, due to getting names mixed up with others.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Next meeting: Jan. 27, 2020, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on October 28, 2019
Present: Dean Axland, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Linda Thrailkill, Dave Schraeder, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir
Absent: Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Chad Marty
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $403,972. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Architectural Control: No actions this month. Discussion held re approval given for prior landscaping.
Aaron made a motion to consult with an attorney re recourse for non-compliance to covenants. Linda seconded. This issue will be addressed at the agenda for annual meeting. Motion
passed. Doyle will speak with an attorney re this.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported discussion held re possible hail damage in Sept. Follow up will take place, by the committee. The committee is unable to get financial figures in time for a monthly meeting to be held prior to the board meetings. A suggestion was made to secure a different accounting firm for SBHOA. An issue at 4304 SBR is being considered re repair of interior and exterior of screened porch. Review of the invoice, once it’s received, needs to be completed before the issue is resolved. Committee will prepare a policy re water damage repair covered under homeowner’s insurance policy
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported discussion held and proposed the 2020 budget for the pool and clubhouse Some items need definition as to whether they should be P and C expenses, Grounds Comm. Expenses, or Common/General S. B. Expenses. Committee feels that the Clubhouse needs to be put in PSA’s rotation for inspections for repairs of roof, siding, and painting (some long overdue). Clarification of pool policy is needed, relating to homeowners being responsible for keys and how it will be monitored with new ownership, loss of keys, etc.
Grounds: Committee reported continued communication with Ben Hawcott concerning fall clean-up plans. coordinate one more fall clean-up day along the paths. Met with Todd Burras to gain insight for improvement of habitats for birds and wildlife.
Hospitality: Dave reported 22 at last potluck. The sewing, quilting and craft group has re-starting and there will be an all-day meeting on Nov. 8.
Investment: Aaron reported a $946.92 gain this month and a $7,990.61gain YTD.
Insurance: According to the documentation received by the committee from the SBHOA accounting firm LWBJ, as of October 22, 2019: We are missing insurance documents from 12 residents; 6 resident insurance certificates do not list SBHOA as a co-insured party; 10 residents have insured their homes for under $200,000. The Committee will continue to follow-up with these individuals.
OLD Business: Aaron was unable to re-negotiate a snow removal contract for 5 years due to Landscapes by Design’s not wanting to, at this time.
NEW Business:
PSA Chad Marty: Recommends having a reserve fund in order to have enough for roof replacement, siding and painting. Working with other homeowner’s association re hail claims.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: Sharon Axland brought an issue to the board’s attention re homeowner’s attention to landscape maintenance. Aaron motioned, Mary Beth seconded that a letter from the board be sent to the homeowner, informing them of covenant re this issue. Grounds committee will provide input for this letter.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M.
Next meeting: Nov. 25, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on September 23, 2019
Present: Dean Axland, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Linda Thrailkill, Dave Schraeder, Ron Schnoes
Absent: Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Chad Marty, Ken and Sally Hartman, LeVern Faidley
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Mary Beth motioned to allow visitors, Ken and Sally Hartman, to speak prior to Reports and New Business. Ron seconded. Motion passed.
Minutes were approved as written.
As chairs of Hospitality Committee, Hartmans shared the process and materials they use when welcoming a new resident. They encouraged the board to review the information and share with them any recommended changes.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $400,153.00. Aaron will get clarification from LWBJ on service fees. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Architectural Control: No report this month. Discussion held re structures built on common property,
homeowner’s liability issues pertaining to water drainage. Lara will draft a letter spelling out homeowner’s responsibility in building on common property and bring it to next
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported cost of repairs to hole under driveway at 4021 Fletcher caused by broken sump pump pipe, is $4561 with concrete bill not yet received.
Dean, Sharon and Chad met with homeowners at 1605 Woodhaven Circle. After examination of property and seeing photos of issues, it was consensus of BMC that deck repair, window repair and gutter cleaning are all responsibility of homeowners. BMC will send a letter to homeowners about this decision, citing SBHOA Responsibility of Townhome Owner Policies #6, #2 and #5. This decision was approved by the board.
An issue at 4304 SBR is being considered re repair of interior and exterior of screened porch. Review of the invoice, once it’s received, needs to be completed before the issue is resolved.
Committee will prepare a policy re water damage repair covered under homeowner’s insurance policy.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported pool closed and winterized. Two overflow valves needed before pool opens in 2020. Tagging of clubhouse keys continues. A committee member asked that no board member send out to Chairs, etc., any inflammatory mail without board approval. Clarification of pool policy is needed, relating to homeowners being responsible for keys and how it will be monitored with new ownership, loss of keys, etc. Next meeting date: Oct. 17, 6:30 pm.
Grounds: Ron reported no meeting was held this month. Request made that watering of newly planted trees be overseen by committee.
Hospitality: Dave reported 15 at last potluck. Fall Cocktail hour Sept. 13, attended by 50 residents. Have visited 4 new residents this month.
Investment: Aaron reported a $275.69 loss this month and a $7,043.69 gain YTD. Mary Beth made a motion that the Pres and Treasure be authorized signers. Lara seconded. Motion passed. Aaron will create a draft of a policy re authorization/signing Vanguard account documents.
Insurance: Continues to monitor and record SBHOA Class A resident homeowner insurance certificates that are submitted to LWBJ, and sees that the information complies with the Association covenants. Certificates still outstanding from some residents, they will be contacted in person before the October Board meeting. Will follow up with those whose insurance certificates don’t state that SBHOA is listed as an ‘additional insured’.
OLD Business: None
NEW Business: Aaron will re-negotiate a snow removal contract for 5 years.
Resignation of Clubhouse Committee Chair, Barbara Faidley, effective Sept. 5, and of web page host, LeVern Faidley, effective Dec. 31, was provided.
3900 Fletcher Blvd was purchased by St. Cecelia’s Church, for the purpose of providing residence for a retired priest. A letter was received from the church, acknowledging the “no-renter” policy and stating that should the priest no longer reside there, the property would be sold.
Policy and procedure draft created by Aaron, re authorization for purchase and payment of goods and services and payment. Policy approved by board and will be shared with all committees.
Aaron feels a Finance Committee needs to be formed so that more input is given for decisions. After discussion, it was decided that Aaron will draft a committee description and bring it to next mtg.
Aaron shared costs of audited financial statement, $10,000 and $5,000 for financial review. He is still gathering estimates.
Discussion was held re Dues being increased after home additions are made, which increases square footage of home. Measurements of new additions need to be assessed and reported to LWBJ. Aaron will manage assessments of new additions, with this procedure being added to Finance Committee description of responsibilities.
PSA Chad Marty: Repair of three trip hazards on path will cost $750-$1000.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: Sharon Axland brought an issue to the board’s attention re homeowner’s attention to landscape maintenance. Aaron motioned, Mary Beth seconded that a letter from the board be sent to the homeowner, informing them of covenant re this issue. Grounds committee will provide input for this letter.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.
Next meeting: Oct. 28, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on August 26, 2019
Present: Dean Axland, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Linda Thrailkill, Dave Schraeder, Ron Schnoes
Absent: Jim Billings
Visitors: Sharon Axland, Chad Marty
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $446,683. Discussion was held re service fees, LWBJ will clarify for Doyle. Aaron will create a policy for approving bills/invoices to be used by all committees. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit. Aaron will also get costs of audit to be completed end of year.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control: Lara reported 4013 Fletcher request rejected, 4002 Stone Brooke Rd request approved,
1809 Woodhaven Circle request approved, 4226 Stone Brooke Rd request approved, 3912 request approved, 1715 Woodhaven Circle request under review by the committee, due to timing approved by the Board,
subject to approval by the committee. Discussion held re structures built on common property, homeowner’s liability issues pertaining to water drainage. More information is needed about
whether approval was given, therefore, issue tabled to next month’s meeting.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported Gutter replacement complete on SB Circle. Painting schedule discussed as it relates to budgeted number of units that can be painted each year. Number of units re-roofed each year may be decreased due to budget. Discussion held re specific budgeting for gutter replacement and repair and that an assessment may be necessary. Committee will prepare a policy re water damage repair covered under homeowner’s insurance policy.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported the pool policy stands as presented in Stone Brooke Homeowners Assoc. However, clarification of policy is needed, relating to homeowners’ being responsible for keys and how it will be monitored with new ownership, loss of keys, etc.
Grounds: Ron reported Dan’s Lawn and Landscapes will be grinding up what has accumulated on both brush piles. It appears that some residents have dumped brush/yard waste from their private property onto brush piles. A letter will be sent, informing residents that they are NOT to put brush/yard waste from their properties onto these brush piles. The new trees will be planted on Fletcher Blvd. by the City of Ames in September. Water bags will be placed by each tree. The common areas will be sprayed for Canadian Thistles after Ron Thurman has mowed these areas. Chad Marty will be getting information as to the cost of repairing/replacing any hazardous areas along the walking paths. Discussion held re committee budget, as $3000.00 has been used of the Grounds Committee budget to pay to repair a line that was cut when the new retaining wall was put in last summer. No one claimed responsibility; therefore, the cost of repair falls to the Stone Brooke Association.
Hospitality: Dave reported 19 at last potluck. Fall Cocktail hour is Sept. 13. Two new residents moved in last week.
Investment: Aaron reported a $14.63 loss this month and a $7,319.38 gain YTD. Aaron will create a draft of a policy re authorization/signing Vanguard account documents.
Insurance: Jim reported the committee continues to monitor and record SBHOA Class A resident homeowner insurance certificates submitted to LWBJ, and sees that the certificates comply with Association covenants. There are now just 4 residents for whom we have no certificates. Follow-up letters to these four are being sent. Follow-up continues for those who have not included SBHOA as an ‘additional insured”. The committee will contact those residents whose listed dwelling replacement amount is inadequate. Meeting with an attorney re compliance, is on hold for now.
OLD Business: none
NEW Business: Aaron made a motion to re-negotiate a snow removal contract for 5 years. Dean seconded. Motion passed.
PSA Chad Marty: See above.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: Sharon Axland brought an issue to the board’s attention re homeowner’s attention to landscape maintenance. Aaron motioned, Mary Beth seconded that a letter from the board be sent to the homeowner, informing them of covenant re this issue. Grounds committee will provide input for this letter.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Next meeting: Sept. 23, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on July 22, 2019
Present: Dean Axland, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, Linda Thrailkill
Absent: Dave Schraeder, Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Chad Marty, Sharon Axland, Andrea D’Nore
Call to Order: Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $149,507. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Purchase Orders: Aaron will pursue a more efficient process for approving bills before the bill is presented to the accounting firm for payment. A policy will be put into place at a future date after a workable process has been tested.
Architectural Control: Lara shared the draft of reminder email to be sent to all residents re gaining approval
of requests, following covenants. Mary Beth motioned and Aaron seconded. Motion passed. Lara will email it out to all residents.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported 7 roofs will be replaced this year. Tile crushed next to the wall at 1531 SBR, possibly caused by Mediacom. Committee suggests the repair costs be sent to Mediacom for payment. Flashing installed improperly on some units. Discussion held re whose responsibility to replace. Painting of siding is on schedule. Five gutters have been replaced to date. Discussion was held re implementing a gutter fee to all Class A dues.
Repair from water damage to interior of a townhome resulting from a roof or siding leak. Committee will prepare a policy re water damage repair, that will be presented to the board at a later date with consideration for any damage that would be covered under a homeowners policy.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported discussion was held re policy about pool keys. Discussion also held re number of keys replaced each year and the cost associated with that. Committee decided to tag all keys for the purpose of tracking which residents have keys and assigning them a number associated with that key. Open houses at the Clubhouse will be arranged to give all residents the opportunity to get a key tag. Barbara Faidley will arrange these open houses and notify all residents. Linda and Clubhouse Committee will draft the policy that regulates admission to pool and keys. Doyle made a motion for all committees to call regular meetings. Aaron seconded it. Motion passed.
Grounds: Andrea reported for Ron the following: Water erosion on common grounds and ways to control/resolve this issue presently, as well as in the future; mowing complaints – Hawcott’s has been contacted and asked to record where time is being spent; spraying for Canadian thistles; a park bench built by Glen Kopplemann was placed along the trail, user friendliness of the SBHOA website, the butterfly garden. The committee is considering purchasing two more benches. The committee wishes to create a policy re the removal of plantings on common areas.
Hospitality: Email from Dave reported 15 at the pot luck and the annual garage sale is scheduled for August 9-10.
Investment: Aaron reported a $4,678.21 gain this month and a $7,334.01 gain YTD.
Insurance: Jim reported that they are following up on those not in compliance. The certified letter was not sent, due to needing clarification. Aaron made a motion to meet with an attorney to determine enforceability for compliance. Linda seconded the motion. Motion passed. Aaron offered to accompany Doyle to meet with an attorney.
OLD Business:
Estimate for 1515 Stone Brooke Road common property. Lara motioned for payment of $400 by the association. Jim seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mary Beth will contact Central Landscape to schedule.
NEW Business:
Expectations for committee chairpersons and liaisons. Discussion was held re varying levels of understanding of the responsibilities by committees and chairs. It was decided that there should be uniformity among all committees re regular meetings, minutes from meetings, and fiscal responsibility of each committee. Mary Beth will email a committee form to all liaisons for them to distribute to their respective committees.
PSA Chad Marty: See prior discussion re water runoff issues, mowing, building and maintenance reports. Also discussed was where to place responsibility, physically and fiscally, for the paths. Discussion held and it was decided to have the responsibility remain with Grounds Committee.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
Next meeting: Aug. 26, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on June 24, 2019
Present: Dave Schraeder, Dean Axland, Jim Billings, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Ron Schnoes, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley.
Absent: Linda Thrailkill
Visitors: Sharon Axland.
Call to Order: Lara called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $434,189. Discussion was held re what financial information the board needs to see each month. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Architectural Control: Doyle reported no meeting held this month. Lara emailed the committee chair asking him
to remind all members via email, what the process is for approval of projects. Discussion was held re water control around additions.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported Request from Board President Lara regarding B&M accepting responsibility of bridges and paths. After discussion and thoughtful consideration the B&M committee recommends the responsibility remain with Grounds Committee as any costs are a part of Grounds Budget. Aaron provide insight into the discussion.
• Repair from water damage to interior of a townhome resulting from a roof or siding leak. Committee will prepare a policy that will be presented to the board at a later date with consideration for any damage that would be covered under a homeowners policy.
• Utility repairs between city owned utility and outside of townhome dwelling. Committee will review the policy that will clarify responsibility and present to the board at a later date.
• Gutters: Proposal that 2020 budget be adjusted to allow for this expense. The expense currently has reduced the budgeted amount for roofing, painting, and siding. Aaron will take this into consideration when drafting 2020 budget proposal.
• Purchase Orders: Aaron will pursue a more efficient process for approving bills before the bill is presented to the accounting firm for payment. A policy will be put into place at a future date after a workable process has been tested. Purchase orders are not currently being used. Chad will explain why these have not been proven to be advantageous.
• Report from Chad: Two roofs have been approved for replacement. Touch up painting is in progress. Gutters will be prepared and replaced in the near future. PSA has seen an increase in calls from 3-4 a month to 3-4 calls a week.
Clubhouse and Pool: Lara reported for Linda. Pool and deck prepared for summer use. Pool Manager, Vince Simon was certified and takes direction from Barbara Faidley re pool closures during storms. Counter top in Clubhouse repaired. The Board discussed having a policy in place for securing the keys when homeowner moves out. Linda and Barbara will draft the policy.
Grounds: Ron reported water runoff and erosion issues, as well as ways to deal with these issues, including the planting of native grasses, trees, etc., were further discussed. Please refer to the Stone Brooke Grounds Committee Meeting minutes dated May 21, 2019. The planting of new trees on Fletcher Boulevard and throughout the Stone Brooke Association was again discussed. Please refer to the Stone Brooke Grounds Committee Meeting minutes dated May 21, 2019. Discussion was held regarding the implementation of a policy stating/clarifying the responsibility of new and/or current Stone Brooke Association homeowners to maintain the common grounds areas adjacent to their properties, as well as who is financially responsible for any changes made to these areas for esthetic or other reasons. Andrea DeNore’ and John Wilson will be working on drafting this policy.
Discussion was held at the Board meeting re oversight of the mowing and snow removal, to be done by the Committee.
Hospitality: Dave reported 20 at the pot luck and the annual garage sale is scheduled for August 9-10 .
Investment: Aaron reported a $3,625.80 loss since last month and a $2,655.08 gain YTD.
Insurance: Jim reviewed covenants regarding homeowner’s insurance responsibilities. According to the documentation received by the committee from the SBHOA accounting firm LWBJ, as of June 16, 2019:
14 residents have submitted no insurance documentation to the Association.
17 resident insurance certificates do not list SBHOA as a co-insured party.
14 residents have insured their homes for under $200,000.
10 resident insurance certificates do not show how much their townhouses are insured for.
In seeking full compliance, the Committee will continue to follow-up with these individuals. A motion was made by Dean and seconded by Mary Beth, to have the committee notify the above residents via certified letter, to become compliant by Aug. 1. Motion carried.
OLD Business:
Ron will gain estimates of cost for removal of plantings and landscape timbers on common ground behind 1515 SBR, as well as cost for replacing adjacent wall by homeowner at same address. This estimate will be reported at next meeting.
NEW Business:
Five percent fee increase letter will be sent by Nancy Tappe from LWBA. Dean made the motion and Jim seconded to have this letter sent prior to Aug. 1st.
PSA Chad Marty: no report
Comments from the Board: Lara proposed that Doyle take over her interim position as President for the remainder of this term. Ron made the motion and Jim seconded, that Doyle take over Lara’s interim officer position. Motion passed. Lara will become Architectural Committee liaison. All other officers will remain as elected in April, 2019. Changes will take effect July 1.
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Next meeting: July 22, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on May 28, 2019
Present: Dave Schraeder, Dean Axland, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Linda Thrailkill, Ron Schnoes, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepling.
Absent: Jim Billings
Visitors: Chad Marty, Barbara Faidley, Andrea Shaffer, Sharon Axland.
Call to Order: Lara called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Motion made by Dean to amend minutes to reflect change in meeting date from June 3 to May 28. Seconded by Aaron. Minutes were approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: Aaron reported Total Assets of $305,750, Total Liabilities and Equity of $419,242.
Aaron followed up with our accountant (Nancy) at LWBJ, re fees charged for services. He determined that the fees are very reasonable as compared to other financial institutions. We will continue using First National.
Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Confirmation of Board Liaisons, Committee Chairs and Committees: Lara reviewed all names and they were confirmed.
Review duties of Board Liaisons: Their responsibilities are to communicate between the committees and the board.
Architectural Control: Doyle reported 4135 SBR and 4010 SBR have both submitted proposals that have been
approved by the Committee. Board approved both proposals.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported the spring inspections are complete. Plans are to replace 6 roofs this year. Budget allows units to be fully painted every 12 years and trim painted every 6 years. Gutters will be replaced on 14 units this year.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported WCI prepared pool for opening. Air conditioner prepared for summer. Carpet cleaned. Deadbolt installed to the pool. Keys kept by pool operator, Chad Marty, committee chair and the key box. Key Pad concerns were discussed, concluding with a request for a change in the plan for key pad entry. A return to the use of keys will be put into place with more control on keys issued and received back. The pool will open June 1.
Ron will assume responsibility for contacting Snow Removal each time, to include the Clubhouse walkways.
Grounds: Ron reported Dan’s Landscaping evaluating status of Ash trees and will put together a short and long-term plan for the pruning, removal, and treatment of the Ash trees on the common grounds. City of Ames will be planting trees on Fletcher Blvd to replace those lost or dying, and to create a cohesive appearance. Residents wishing to give input and get more information may attend Committee meeting by contacting Ron. Water runoff issues discussed and a strategic plan will be created. Discussion re native grasslands to common grounds by ISU students. Discussion re completion of concrete path at 4001 Fletcher Blvd. Butterfly Garden will be enlarged and continue to be overseen by Ames High School teacher, Mike Todd. Plan for placing benches on walking path will be shared with all residents via email. Glenn Kapplemann built and donated four bluebird houses, hoping to attract bluebirds.
Hospitality: Dave reported Garage sale is Aug. 9-10. Social/Cocktail party is Sept. 13, 5-8 p.m.
Investment: Aaron reported a $1,297.99 gain since last month and a $6,280.88 gain YTD.
Insurance: Committee did not meet, no report.
OLD Business:
Aaron made the motion that Grounds Committee gain estimates of cost for the removal of plantings on common ground behind 1515 SBR and replacement of wall by homeowner. He will report this at next meeting. Grounds Committee also will create a long-term plan that addresses responsibilities of homeowners with respect to their plantings on common ground. Linda seconded. Motion passed.
NEW Business:
Doyle reported that Chitty Garbage was purchased by another company. Chad shared that there is no signed contract, only verbal agreement.
Lara would like a reminder emailed to all residents about the need for Architectural Committee approval for projects ahead of Board Meetings.
PSA Chad Marty: no report
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 P.M.
Next meeting: June 24, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on April 22, 2019
Present: Dave Schraeder, Dean Axland, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Linda Thrailkill, Ron Schnoes, Jim Billings, Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepling
Absent: None
Visitors: None
Call to Order: Lara called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM at the Stone Brooke Church.
Officers were elected as follows: Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Interim Pres., Jim Billings, V.P., Aaron Keller, Treas., Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Sec. Status of officers will be reviewed in two months.
Minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Refer to 2019 Annual Meeting Report.
Lara gathered information about transaction fees being implemented by First National Bank. Her recommendation is to stay with First National Bank due to procedures and fees required by other banks as well.
Aaron will need to follow up with our accountant (Nancy) at LWBJ.
Treasurer’s annual report will be filed for audit.
Architectural Control: Request for paver brick patio at 4034 SBR. Request to enclose screened porch at
4000 Fletcher Blvd. Projects approved by Architectural Committee and recommendations will be followed.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Refer to 2019 Annual Meeting Report. The committee needs PSA to complete their home inspections so it can address the schedule of work for 2019.
Clubhouse and Pool: Pool has been serviced and new Licensed Operator has been hired – Vince Simon. He will be paid $30 daily for pool prep and $50 daily during pool operation. New key pad for clubhouse door is in process of being installed. Final installation will require closure of Clubhouse for 2-3 days in May. Working with reservations person re process and issues to be worked out. WCI will open pool for season preparation on May 2nd or 3rd. Plan needed for removal of ice on Clubhouse walkway.
Grounds: Refer to 2019 Annual Meeting Report.
Hospitality: Dave reported the wine and cheese party is scheduled for April 26. Dean Sampson and Jean Digman will help with set up. Tostens will help with Annual Meeting registration.
Garage sale is Aug. 9-10.
Social/Cocktail party is Sept. 13, 5-8 p.m.
Investment: Refer to 2019 Annual Meeting Report.
Insurance: Refer to 2019 Annual Meeting Report.
OLD Business:
1515 SBR tabled for meeting on May 28. Ron will meet with Mary Beth in order to report at the May 28 meeting, due to Mary Beth’s planned absence.
NEW Business:
Board Liaisons will contact each committee chair re continued responsibilities of committees.
Doyle Kepling agreed to become Liaison for Architectural Control Committee.
Doyle reported that Chitty Garbage was purchased by another company. Aaron will investigate our contract with the new company.
PSA Chad Marty: Refer to 2019 Annual Meeting report.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Next meeting: May 28, 2019, 4:30, at Clubhouse.
Respectfully Submitted, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on March 25, 2019
Present: Eileen Tramp, Howard Levine, Dave Schraeder, Dean Axland, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Linda Thrailkill, Ron Schnoes
Absent: Jim Billings
Visitors: Chad Marty, Barbara Faidley, Jim Lohr, Loren Donaldson, Larry Cormicle
Call to Order: Eileen called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Club House.
Motion made by Lara to suspend rules re agenda to allow a homeowner the right to speak prior to Committee reports. Ron seconded and motion passed.
Minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Total liquid assets are $164,221.00. Current liabilities are $94,262.00. Net liquid assets are $69,959.00. We are showing a net income of around $64,371.00. Snow Budget Deficit is $43,422.50.
Howard offered a solution to cover this deficit consisting of three parts, (1) $23,000 from cash reserves, (2) $14,100 from other budget lines and (3) a 5% dues increase beginning in September (subject to the approval of the new SBHOA board at their May 2019 meeting). If implemented, dues increase will yield about $6400 to cover the balance of the deficit for the current year. There was no objection to parts (1), (2). The SBHOA membership will be appraised of the possibility of a dues increase at the April annual meeting.
Howard offered a solution to cover this deficit, in the form of a Dues Increase, for one year at 5%, beginning in Sept. Plan was approved by board.
First National Bank notified us that we will be charged additional fees for transactions, which amounts to about $760 per year. Lara volunteered to gather some general info re fees and report on this next month. Motion made by Dean to investigate other banks to get costs and make the decision before July 1st as to whether or not we will continue to use First National Bank. Motion seconded by Howard. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Homeowner of 1515 Stone Brooke Road reported that the small retaining wall located in rear of property straddles line between homeowner’s property and common ground. He no longer wants to maintain the garden that lies on common ground and the existing rotting wall on line needs to be replaced, to prevent water draining into basement. He requested SBHOA equally share the cost of replacing the wall, per SB policy. Eileen instructed Grounds Committee to get estimates of cost and report at next meeting.
Architectural Control: Lara had no activity to report. 1532 requested a fence be allowed to be installed on top
of their wall.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported that the committee did not meet in March. The committee needs PSA to complete their home inspections so it can address the schedule of work for 2019.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported the following: Free Library and puzzles have been sorted and cleaned out. Plan needed for removal of ice on Clubhouse walkway. Pool license secured, however, previous certified pool operator is moving out of state so a new operator is being sought. Procedure created for use of the new keypad on Clubhouse door. Procedure was distributed to board members. Cost will be approximately $500, plus about $250 for new locks and computer software for keypad access. Motion made by Mary Beth to purchase keypad entry system to the Clubhouse, seconded by Howard. Motion passed.
Grounds: Ron introduced new Chair, Andrea Shaffer. He reported discussions held around snow removal and subsequent damages and other snow related issues. Clean Up Day was discussed and a date will be set. Discussion was held re 1515 Stone Brooke Road rear property. Common area controlled burn was discussed, needing further investigation. Additional benches along the walking paths was discussed.
Hospitality: Dave reported there were 20 at the March potluck. Members have been added to the committee. Wine and cheese party scheduled for April 26.
Investment: The account balance is at $82,454.41, which is a gain of $1,246.62 from last month. Year-to-date a gain (2019) of $4,647.22.
Insurance: Jim was absent and will report at next meeting.
OLD Business:
Nominating Committee: Dean Axland recruited two persons for board positions, Mary Beth Oostenbrug for Secretary and Lara Hallgrimsdottir for Treasurer. Pres and VP are still needed. Eileen asked Dean to present candidates for President and Vice President to her, prior to Annual Meeting.
Status of bio’s and photos of candidates: Two of the three bios and photos have been received so far. Candidates are Linda Thrailkill, Aaron Keller and Doyle Kepley.
Recruitment of new members to committees: Eileen reviewed the names of current members as well as new members that committee liaisons added to the list of Committees. Committees were approved by liaisons as current. Eileen will email current list to Stone Brooke Webmaster and suggested Liaisons contact new residents to become members of committees.
Foreclosure notice issue resolved and copy of legal resolution was received.
NEW Business:
Annual Meeting: Eileen reviewed meeting procedure, plans and responsibilities.
PSA: Chad Marty estimates to repair tripping hazards on pathways is tabled until April. Preparing for the upcoming building season. He also requested new members for the Building and Grounds committee. Plan for repair to Fletcher Court is tabled until April.
Comments from the Board: none
Comments from Visitors: none
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 P.M. Next meeting: Annual Meeting, April 22, 2019, at 6:30, at Stone Brooke Church
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on February 25, 2019
Present: Eileen Tramp, Jim Billings, Howard Levine, Dave Schraeder, Dean Axland, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Linda Thrailkill
Absent: Ron Schnoes
Visitors: Chad Marty, Barbara Faidley
Call to Order: Eileen called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Club House. Minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Total liquid assets are $178,230.00. Current liabilities are $115,112.00. Net liquid assets are $80,115.00. 90% of the annual snow removal budget was spent during the month of January. This will necessitate, at a minimum, that we spend the excess of last year’s surplus on snow removal. We are showing a net income of around $14,600. This is illusory because most of this is the projected principle payment for the wall loan. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
Architectural Control: Lara had no activity to report.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported that the committee did not see a need to meet. The committee needs PSA to complete their home inspections so it can address the schedule of work for 2019.
Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported the following: Reservations for the clubhouse were placed on the website. A meeting with Chad Marty was held re new entry system to the Clubhouse. He offered two options and provided explanations of both. More research about the favored option, is being completed.
Grounds: Ron reported that grounds committee did not meet this month. Request from Mary Beth Oostenbrug and Larry Cormicle, at 1515 Stone Brooke Road, to have the Grounds Committee work with a landscaping company to install a retaining wall on common property, behind their residence, to prevent their basement flooding from water running down the hill. Eileen instructed Ron to report at next meeting.
Hospitality: Dave reported there were 12 at the January pot luck due to weather and 28
at the Feb potluck. The Quilt, Sewing and Craft Group is cancelling further meetings. There has not been much of any participation (only 1 or 2 people) for this past year and so
they decided to cancel further monthly meetings. There may be an occasional special event planned in the future. A wine and cheese social is being planned for April 12.
Investment: The account balance is at $81,207.79, which is a gain of $3,400.60 from last month. Year-to-date a gain (2019) of $3,400.60.
Insurance: Jim reported his follow up on the small number of residents who have inadequate replacement insurance. We are at 95% compliance, with the goal being 100% compliance.
OLD Business:
Dean contacted persons to be on the nomination committee and to serve as board members. We have almost filled the board positions and will continue to contact more members to fill the board.
NEW Business:
Recruitment of new members to committees: Eileen asked the board to send her a paragraph about each committee’s responsibilities, needs and possible members, before the next meeting. Dave will share with Mary Beth, the information needed from each Board candidate, before the next meeting.
PSA: Chad Marty reported estimates to repair tripping hazards on pathways will be done after the snow is gone. Request regarding roof repairs update has been resolved. Plan for repair to Fletcher Court is being worked on.
Comments from the Board:
Comments from Visitors:
Meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.M. Next meeting: March 25, 2019
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary
Stone Brooke Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Minutes of meeting held on January 28, 2019
Present: Eileen Tramp, Ron Schnoes, Jim Billings, Howard Levine, Dave
Schraeder, Dean Axland, Lara Hallgrimsdottir, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Linda Thrailkill
Absent: none
Visitors: Chad Marty, Jim Lohr, Barb Faidley
Call to Order: Eileen called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM at the Club
House. Minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Total liquid assets are $195,227.00. Current liabilities are $115,112.00. Net liquid assets are $80,115.00. Ron made motion that Howard use $12,000 from unspent common area expenses, applied to the loan in addition to the monthly payments. Lara seconded motion. Motion passed. Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit. 2019 Budget committee presented revised budget. Lara Motioned, Jim seconded to approve the revised budget. Discussion was held re increased pool maintenance wages, which was included in the budget proposal. Budget approved.
Architectural Control: Lara had no activity to report.
Building and Maintenance Committee: Dean reported resident request re roof repairs. Dean proposed that the SBHA pay $100 toward the repair invoice. Dean motioned, Ron seconded, motion passed.
Club House and
Pool: Due to Linda Martin’s impending move out of Stone Brooke, Kim Schrader will be the new
Reservations person, as of Feb. 1. A letter to all residents about this change will be emailed, along with a copy of Club House usage policies. New members are needed on this committee
before the busy pool season starts. Discussion of the issue of clubhouse entry will be at next month’s meeting.
Grounds: Ron reported that the committee did not meet this month, however, Ron spoke to Andrea Schaeffer, who agreed
to chair this committee.
Hospitality: Dave reported there were 25 at the pot luck. A coffee hour was held this past Saturday. A wine and cheese social is being
planned for April.
Investment: The account balance is at $77,807.19. A loss of $5,252.48 compared to prior month reporting. Year-to-date a gain of $2,024.40.
Insurance: Jim reported that in January, we collected from LWBJ Accountants the most recent home owners insurance submissions sent to SBHOA by residents’ insurance
Jim Billings is following up with these individual residents.
OLD Business:
Update on Foreclosure - SBHOA is in default, however, dues have been paid and are current.
Follow up to Signage on pathways - overall, response has been positive to the signage.
NEW Business:
A vehicle drove on SB pathways, causing large ruts and damage to the ground.
Selection of nominating committee for new SB Board members - Eileen and Howard will be moving off of the board at the end of April. Linda has fulfilled Beth’s membership, so she will need to be re-nominated. Dean volunteered to ask people to be on the nomination committee and people to serve as board members.
SB Community Church is reserved for annual meeting on April 22, from 5-9 p.m.
PSA: Chad Marty reported estimates to repair tripping hazards on pathways. Areas of concern were confirmed by Chad.
Comments from the Board: Eileen asked all committee liaison to list those members of each committee.
Comments from Visitors: Request from Mary Beth Oostenbrug and Larry Cormicle, at 1515 Stone Brooke Road, to have the Grounds Committee work with a landscaping company to install a retaining wall on common property, behind their residence, to prevent their basement flooding from water running down the hill. Eileen instructed Ron to report at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. Next meeting: Feb. 25, 2019
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary