Stone Brooke Home Owners Association
Board of Directors meeting minutes


November 22, 2021

4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse

Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Jim Billings, Linda Thrailkill

Absent: Marlene Johnson

Stone Brooke Residents present:  Sharon Axland, David Martin, Joyce Hardisty, Jean Marsten, Nick and Cathy Cook, Loren Donaldson, Betty Kepley, Bill and Jan Andersen


Call to order: 

Approval of the November 22, 2021 Agenda

Jim Billings asked if previous minutes could be read before voting on their approval. It was decided that the secretary would read a summary of the minutes.

Approval of October 25, 2021 Board Meeting minutes

It was moved to accept the minutes, seconded, and approved by a board vote.

Treasurer’s Report:

-The balance sheet reflected a total of $445,866 with assets, liabilities and equity of equal amount.

 -The operating statement for the period ending October 31, 2021 reported $48,388 excess townhome expenses over revenues for the month and year-to-date $71,394 excess townhome expenses over revenues.

-Additionally the statement reports $2,225  excess Common Area revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date $7,120 excess Common Area revenues over expenses.

-Total results for the month are $41,623 total expenses over total revenue and year-to-date $47,014 total expenses over total revenues. 

-The report was moved, seconded, and approved. 

Speaker: Dave Klatt, Klatt and Associates

Klatt clarified for the board that reserves are permissible for townhouse roofs and exterior maintenance as well as for capital expenses for the common area such as  clubhouse, paths, or pool, etc. He did say that reserves would not be appropriate for operating expenses such as painting, lawn mowing, etc. It is not appropriate to borrow from one purpose for another. Reserve funds for townhomes and the common area cannot be commingled and operating expenses for townhomes and the common area can not be commingled. 

If there is a shortage in cash for capital expenses, the board can ask for an assessment to pay for it or borrow the money. If there is a shortage in the operating budget the board can revise the budget midyear and change the dues within the strictures of the Covenants.  

The board also discussed the creation of a Reserve Committee, possibly a subgroup of the Board. Stone Brooke is a membership organization, a corporation HOA 1120 H therefore it is possible to reserve or save money to pay for big expenses.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Control- Marlene Johnson 

-No report


Building & Maintenance - Jim Twedt 

-The draft of the Gutter and Downspout Policy will be ready for the January meeting. There have been 56 units with gutters and downspouts replaced.


Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill

-Dave Martin received a letter from the current owner of Jarnigan, Inc. concerning the 2020 job of cleaning, sandblasting, and painting the pool. The work was inadequate and committee members suspect that the pool was not sandblasted prior to it being repainted. The company that did the work is denying any responsibility for the chipping pool paint. Moved by Fred and seconded by Aaron to approach an attorney to discuss legal remedies for recouping the already monies paid. The committee will continue to search for a new contractor for spring work on the pool.


Investments- Fred Johnson

-The October statement for investments indicated an unrealized gain of $4,541 for the month of October and a year-to-date unrealized gain of $16,469.

Insurance - Jim Billings

-Nothing new to report.


Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

-Leaf pick-up was completed the week of November by Hawc0tt Lawn Services. 

-Ron Thurman completed the annual mowing of common ground prairies.

-Landscapes by Design completed planting and repairs to landscaping on Woodhaven Circle and Fletcher Boulevard median islands from snow removal damage done by the city of Ames last season. The City of Ames agreed to pay 100% of the cost.

-Dirk Snyder power-washed bridges and replaced the non-skid striping.

-Additional distribution of mulch, focusing on West Overlook and West Woods path areas, are targeted by year-end by the committee and resident volunteers.

-Next meeting on December 15 1 p.m. at the Clubhouse is tentative. Otherwise January 19, Clubhouse 1 p.m.


Hospitality/Welcome - Jim Billings

-Past events: Halloween Photo Scavenger Hunt and Dress-Up Party was a lot of fun for all with the display, Season of the Witch, voted as the best display. The clubhouse potluck and mixer had 20 attendees.

-Upcoming events are 1) Holiday Gift-Giving for the Ames and Gilbert schools. Residents can bring their donations to the Clubhouse on Dec. 6 from 9 a.m. - noon. They will be delivered to the schools that afternoon. 

2) Holiday Wine And Cheese on December 7, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Residents are asked to bring a bottle of wine or non-alcoholic beverage and the committee will be responsible for bringing crackers and block cheese. To help build up a small reserve for future activities, there will be a voluntary contribution jar to make monetary donations.

-The monthly meeting was held November 15 to evaluate activities held this year and begin making plans for activities to be held in 2022. The hope is for more residents to join the committee and have each member commit to heading one activity during the year. Also each of the activities will be allocated a budgeted amount of money so that the committee can better stay within that budget. Next meeting is in January 2022.


Old Business:

-Gutter replacement schedule:Chad from PSA said that he would have the

schedule for gutter replacement completed in the near future.

-A resident representing those living on Fletcher Court is desiring a “big picture” plan for the maintenance of the approach and drive that connects the four driveways to Fletcher Blvd. Chad from PSA was not available to report on a rough estimate to accomplish the “big picture” plan.

-The paving contractor has not yet completed the work on the Fletcher Court entryway curb and gutter.

-The 2022 Budget discussion continued. Aaron presented a rough estimate of future cash needed for capital expenses and advised the board of the need for a reserve study to be performed by a certified engineering firm. Fred moved, Jeff seconded a motion to approve the expenditure of $5,400 for a Reserve Analysis. The motion passed. Aaron was directed to engage the firm Criterium-Hardy Engineers to perform the service. The treasurer stated his opinion that there is a need for a Reserve Committee, possibly under a Planning and Development Committee. This would help in planning of long range projects and assessment of reserves and would inform the budgeting process.

-Changes to the draft budget presented in October were reviewed. The common area portion of each member’s dues was increased by 7% and the townhome services and townhome reserve dues were increased to cover projected operating and capital expenses for townhome members. Including the common area dues increase, average townhome dues were increased by 4.17%. A motion to approve the budget as presented was made and seconded. The motion carried. The board anticipates a special budget meeting to be held in the spring of 2022 before the annual meeting. The results of the reserve analysis will be considered and any resultant adjustments to 2022 dues will be  discussed. The conclusions of this special member meeting will be presented for vote at the Annual Meeting in April.


New Business:

-Comments from Property Service Agency:  Chad Marty 

-Unavailable for a report

-Need for a Paths Committee and a Bridges Committee

The board will look at the Reserve Study results to help guide these two projects. 

Stone Brooke Connection offering a summary of the Board Meeting minutes

- It was moved, seconded, and approved that only a reminder to the residents that the minutes of the board meeting are posted on the Stone Brooke website after they have been reviewed and approved by the board.

Approval of minutes by email

-In an effort to report board action to our members in a more timely fashion,the Secretary will distribute to the board, draft minutes of each meeting via email, for the purpose of editing and corrections. After any corrections have been made, the Secretary will distribute the minutes to the board for approval via email. The approved minutes will then be posted on the website. The motion was moved by Jim T, seconded by Jeff, and approved by the board.

Comments from Audience: Audience members made no comments.

Comments from Board:  No additional comments.

Adjournment:  6:50 p.m.

Next scheduled Board of Directors meeting January 24, 2022

Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors



October 25, 2021

4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse

Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson, Linda Thrailkill

Absent: Fred Johnson

Stone Brooke Residents present: Kathy Glatz, Loren Donaldson, Betty Kepley, Beth Reynolds

Call to order: 

Approval of the October 25, 2021 Agenda

Approval of September 27, 2021 Board Meeting minutes

Jim Twedt moved to accept and Jim Billings seconded.


Treasurer’s Report: Jim Twedt moved to accept, it was seconded and approved. 

-The operating statement for the period ending September 30, 2021 reported $22,044.56 excess Townhome revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date  $23,005.28 excess Townhome expenses over revenues.

-Additionally the statement reports $2,415.80 excess Common Area expenses over revenue for the month and year-to-date $4,922.89 excess Common Area revenues over expenses.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson 

-No new requests or concerns.


Building & Maintenance - Jim Twedt 

-The draft of the Gutter and Downspout Policy is not yet ready to send to the residents.


Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill

-The committee expressed concern over the epoxy paint problem that appeared in the spring of 2021 after maintenance on the pool was performed in August of 2020 by Jarnigan, Inc. There have been conversations between the company and Dave Martin with little positive results. The committee is wondering if it is time to involve legal counsel. No action taken by the board at this time waiting for  final results of a conversation between the owner and Dave Martin.


Investments- Fred Johnson

-No report


Insurance - Jim Billings

-The Welcome Packets now have a page with Stone Brooke Community insurance requirements for all owners.


Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

-The new snow czar is Jeff Borgmeyer and will be taking over Ron Schnoes’ duties. A well-deserved thanks was given to Ron for handling this responsibility for the past several years. Jeff would welcome a co-czar to consult about the depth of snowfall and to cover time away.

-There was a question about plans for maintenance on the bridges and paths. Jeff said he would pose that question at the next meeting.

-On Friday, October 29, there will be a hand-delivered survey from the Grounds Committee and the Birds of Iowa ISU students. Please return it in the provided envelope.

-Fall clean-up: homeowners take note that overseeding and aeration is a personal choice and responsibility of  individuals. Leaf pickup along with pumpkin and leafy parts of the plant disposal is a service offered by Hawcott Lawn Services.

-Residents interested in having drive and walks cleared with every snow can contact Tricia at Landscapes By Design, 515.685.2508 to arrange for individual services.

-Interested residents that would like to join the Grounds Committee are welcomed to come to the next meeting at the Clubhouse on Wednesday, November 17.


Hospitality/Welcome - Jim Billings

-The Stone Brooke Block Party was proclaimed a success by all those who  attended! The food truck and the band were slightly underfunded but a couple of donations supplied the balance of support.

-Three events for the remainder of the year are the Halloween Photo Scavenger Hunt and Dress up Party; Lunch Potluck; and the Holiday Cheese and Music Gathering will wind down the year at Stone Brooke.


Old Business:

-In September there was a discussion concerning  possibilities of adding to reserve funds for upcoming expenses. Aaron was asked to invite Dave Klatt, our accountant, to 

attend October's Board meeting to explain how reserves are collected and represented on the financial statement. Mr. Klatt will be invited to present at the November meeting.

-Gutter replacement schedule - Chad from PSA said that he would have the

schedule for gutter replacement completed in the near future.

-A resident representing those living on Fletcher Court is desiring a “big picture” plan for the maintenance of the approach and drive that connects the four driveways to Fletcher Blvd. Chad from PSA will obtain a rough estimate to accomplish the “big picture” plan.

-Chad looked into using Survey Monkey as a tool to be used at Stone Brooke for identifying opinions and interests. The cost could be anywhere from $500-$1,000 for each survey. Another alternative will be researched.

-The 2022 Budget discussion continued. All committees have turned in their budgets for next year. Since the cost of services and materials have increased, there is a need to increase monthly dues. 

-The common area budget is paid by both A and B houses. Current budget requests for Common area exceed revenues available even if common area dues are raised by 7%. Aaron explained the need to increase the Common Area portion of the dues by more than 7% and with the board's approval will send information to all members prior to a vote to do so at the Annual Meeting in April.

-Aaron suggested hiring a Reserve Analyst who would determine the funding necessary to prepare for upcoming common area expenses. The cost for that service is now $5,400. It is available from our professional funds category. No action was taken on the suggestion at this time.


The final budget for 2022 will be adopted at the November board meeting.


New Business:

 Comments from Property Service Agency: Chad Marty 

-There are five work orders left to finish this fall.


Comments from Audience: Audience members made no comments.


Comments from Board:

Jim Billings excused the audience for a closed door meeting following the adjournment of the regular board meeting.


Adjournment:  6:20 p.m.


Next scheduled Board of Directors meeting  November 22


Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors


September 27, 2021

4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse


Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Fred Johnson, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson

Absent: Linda Thrailkill

Stone Brooke Residents present: Dean & Sharon Axland, Betty Kepley, Loren Donaldson, Bill & Jan Andersen, Kathy Gatz, Susan Donaldson, Kathy Rathe, Jeanmarie Marsden


Call to order: 

Approval of Aug 23, 2021 Board Meeting minutes

Aaron moved to accept, seconded by Jim Billings. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: 

-Jim T moved to accept, seconded and approved.

-The balance sheet reflected a total of $195,205.89 in total current assets along with total fixed assets of $214,884.25 for a total of $410,090.14 in Assets.

-The operating statement for the period ending August 31, 2021 reported $24,090.17 excess Townhome revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date  $45,049.84 excess Townhome expenses over revenues.

-Additionally the statement reports $1,825.30 excess Common Area expenses over revenue for the month and year-to-date $2,533.09 excess Common Area revenues over expenses.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson 

-No new requests. 

-Homeowners of the garage door decorations have removed decorations after receiving communications from the committee.

Building & Maintenance - Jim Twedt 

-There was a discussion concerning the possibility of adding to reserve funds for upcoming expenses. Aaron was asked to request our accountant, Dave Klatt, to attend next month’s board meeting to explain how reserves are collected and how they are represented on the financial statement.

-The draft of the Gutter and Downspout Policy was presented and discussed. Jim B made a motion to present the draft policy as written to our members for comments in accordance with procedures noted in the Declaration of Covenants. The motion was seconded by Jeff, and the motion carried.

Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill

-The Clubhouse driveway approach has been replaced. The committee met and completed its budget. It has been sent to Aaron.

Investments - Fred Johnson

-Investments of the association reported an unrealized gain of $2,836.42 for the month of August and a year to date unrealized gain of $16,678.50. There are no expenses for the upcoming budget.

Insurance - Jim Billings

-A review of adequate homeowner insurance revealed that 25 residents have inadequate replacement coverage for their homes.

Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

-The committee is waiting for the new contract from Hawcott Lawn Service to finish up on its budget.

-In October the Bird Friendly Iowa and the Dept. of Landscape Architecture from ISU will be delivering a survey to each Stone Brooke household. Please return using the envelope provided.

-On Oct. 20, at the Clubhouse from 4-6 p.m., the students and faculty will present an analysis of stormwater runoff in Stone Brooke and suggest various options for reducing problems. All residents are encouraged to walk-through these presentations to better understand how the Stone Brooke landscape works and ways it can be managed for the long term to create beautiful space, reduce stormwater problems, and increase habitat value.

-There will be an all-residents meeting in November to share the information gleaned from the surveys.

Hospitality/Welcome - Jim Billings

-Dues and Budget Question and Answer Session with Aaron Keller held on Zoom on Aug. 26 was attended by 13 interested residents.

-The ISU Creamery Ice Cream and Jazz on the Green was held Sept. 2 and attended by 100+ residents. There were 154 cups of ice cream sold and the band was totally paid for by passing the hat!

-There are 5 exciting events planned for the next 3 months. Information is available in our Stone Brooke Connection.

-There is an idea for a gazebo placed in the yard next to the pool in the planning stage. Grants and donations are being investigated. 

-The budget submitted for next year is $800 to keep providing events at the level that has been available this year.

-The Welcome Committee and Jim Billings will update the insurance needs for the Townhomes in the Welcome Packet.


Old Business:

-Gutter replacement schedule, Chad from PSA said that he would have the schedule for gutter replacement completed in the near future.

-Update on Fletcher Court and Clubhouse driveways: Clubhouse driveway is finished. Fletcher Court will be finished this fall.

-Website for Stone Brooke surveys:  Chad will look into cost and details Survey Monkey charges his business and report back to the board.


New Business:

Preliminary discussion on the 2022 Budget

-All committee budgets need to be sent to the Treasurer by the first week of October.

-Discussed how the Common Area budget needs to be increased by a flat fee instead of a 7% raise in order to collect sufficient funds for Common Area and Administrative costs as well as provision for future capital expensense.

-Jim B suggested that the budget increase proposal for Common Area expenses be submitted to all residents before the annual meeting vote in order to have an informed vote at the annual meeting.

Comments from Property Service Agency, Chad Marty:

-There are 40 Townhomes repairs and painting yet to be finished. With the added fall help, these should be completed.

Comments from Audience:

-Dean Axland thanked both Jim Billings and Jim Lohr for working with residents concerning the insurance requirements.

Comments from Board:


Adjournment:  Moved by Jim Billings, seconded by Jim Twedt at 6:10 p.m.


Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors


Next scheduled Board of Directors meeting is Nov. 22, 2021



August 23, 2021

4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse


Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Fred Johnson, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson, Linda Thrailkill

Absent: -

Stone Brooke Residents present: Sharon Axland,  Dave Martin, Betty Kepley, Loren Donaldson, Pat & Hal Long


Call to order: 

Approval of July 26, 2021 Board Meeting minutes

Aaron moved to accept, seconded by Jim Billings.

Treasurer’s Report:

-The balance sheet reflected a total of $369,878 in assets, liabilities and equity of equal amount.

-The operating statement ending July 31, 2021 reported $31,891 excess Townhome revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date $69,140 excess Townhome expenses over revenues.

-Additionally the statement reports $252 excess common area revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date $4,358 excess common area revenues over expenses.

-Non-operating revenues over expenses for the month of July was $1,707 and year-to-date was $14,632.

-The total results for the month of July of revenues over expenses are $33,849 

and year-to-date expenses over revenues are $50,149.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Control- Marlene Johnson 

-No new requests. 

-Dean McCormick, Committee Chair expressed concern that garage door decorations were not removed. 

-After discussion it was decided to let the Architectural Control Committee contact the three homeowners to inform them that the garage door decorations display a lack of harmony to the external design of Stone Brooke Community and should be removed.

-The rest of the community would be informed through the resident newsletter, Stone Brooke Connection.


Building & Maintenance - Jim Twedt

-Jim Twedt, Committee Chair, presented a compilation of his findings regarding the current State and Federal housing Laws in order to assure our membership of the propriety of the Board’s actions relating to the recent sale of a class B house to Friendship Ark. State and Federal Law supersede any restrictions written in covenants. The board is confident that its actions have fully complied with its fiduciary duties to membership as well as the law and acted appropriately in welcoming Friendship Ark into the Stone Brooke Community.

-Stone Brooke gutter and downspout policy draft was given to the board to read for discussion at the next board meeting.


Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill

-The pool will be closing for the season after Labor Day weekend.

-Dave Martin had received a bid from Dave Stenberg for the clubhouse east driveway approach and the curb and  gutter and approach at Fletcher Court for $6,889. Fred moved to accept the bid, Jim B seconded, voted, and passed. Dave will notify Stenberg to proceed with the project.

Investments- Fred Johnson

-The monthly change in Stone Brooke’s investment portfolio was +$1,706.79.

Insurance - Jim Billings

-Jim Billings along with Jim Lohr, have been receiving reports from individual resident insurance companies stating their compliance with Stone Brooke’s Article XIII of the Covenant for homeowners insurance.

Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

-The mulch created by the results of the derecho has now been distributed throughout the common grounds. 

-Fencing around the trees of the Iowa Native Tree rebate program has been completed. 

-Under Stone Brooke’s contract with Dan’s Custom Landscapes, 10 trees were recently removed.

-Suggestions for locations of the fall replacement trees are welcomed.

Hospitality - Jim Billings

-This committee has met and continues to put final touches on the upcoming planned events. The next two special events are September 2nd, ISU Creamery Ice Cream and Jazz on the Greens and October 10th, Stone Brooke Block Party, Food Truck, and ‘An Afternoon with Max Wellman.’

Welcome - Jim Billings

-There have been no sales in the community since the last board meeting.


Old Business:

Update on Fletcher Court and Clubhouse driveways

-This was covered under the Clubhouse and Pool report.

Gutter Replacement Schedule

-This is not yet finished.

 Website for Stone Brooke Surveys

-There has been discussion between Mary Lohr, Ed Adcock, and Cheryl Martin about Stone Brooke’s website capabilities and possible ideas. If the ideas cause an increase in expenses it needs to be budgeted for next year.


New Business:

-Garbage Service increase

Aspen Garbage Service has sent a contract with a 10% increase for 3 years. It will now be $14.30/month. Jim B moved to accept the increase and sign the contract for three years of service, seconded by Marlene J, voted and accepted. The increase of garbage service to the individual homeowners will begin in July. If a homeowner desires waste pickup, Aspen Garbage Service needs to be contacted directly by the homeowner. 

Comments from Property Service Agency- Chad Marty 

Comments from Audience-

-Sharon Axland extended thanks to the board for all their efforts.

Comments from Board-     

Adjournment - 6:01pm     

Next scheduled meeting September 27, 2021


July 26, 2021

4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse

Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Fred Johnson, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson, Linda Thrailkill

Absent: -

Stone Brooke residents present: Sharon & Dean Axland, Bill & Jan Anderson, Darlene Schmidt, Loren Donaldson, Vincent Simon, Cassie Shivers, Jennifer, Jan Gustoff, Dave Martin, Kathy Glatz, and Margot Eness.

Call to order: 

Approval of June 28, 2021 Board Meeting minutes

Approved with the requested correction.

Treasurer’s Report: - Aaron Keller 

 Stone Brooke assets are $363,607; Common Area equity is $52,523 and Townhouse 

  equity is $170,143. Net income for June is $2,009; year to date net income is $83,000. 

Committee  Reports:

Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson 

-No new requests from homeowners for projects.

-Committee desires action to be taken on their previous recommendation 

           concerning the removal of garage door decorations. 

There were comments and questions from the audience with little discussion 

from the board. 

 A motion was made to accept the committee’s recommendation to remove 

garage door decorations, a second was given, and a vote was taken,

seven in favor and two abstained, Doyle Kepley and Cheryl Martin, because of conflict of interest.

          Building Maintenance- Jim Twedt         

-A resident asked about receiving assistance in paying the deductible for 

her roof replacement when her storm damage insurance paid for roof 


Since the roof schedule is not firm and also dependent on spring inspection, it’s not feasible to set a formula that could aid the homeowner in paying the deductible fee when storm damage and replacement coincides.

-The committee states that SBHOA will continue to follow roof policy.

          It was moved, seconded, voted and approved.

          -It was suggested that Chad redirect residents to the website for policy   


Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill 

-The pool cover was repaired. Need to start planning for a new cover, at an estimated cost of $3500.

Investment - Fred Johnson

-Monthly change in portfolio was +$1,313.71

Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

-Jeff shared maintenance and progress of this summer’s plantings of bare root, rebate trees, and ash replacement trees. He shared that Dr.Carl Rogers will be overseeing the storm water management aspects of the Iowa Bird Friendly program. Julia Badenhope will provide an Iowa Bird Friendly project status update to the Grounds Committee on July 29.

Hospitality/Welcome - Cheryl Martin 

-There are a variety of events each month planned and in the process. All 

  information is available in the Stone Brooke Connection and on the website.

-All residents are being encouraged to get their up-to-date Stone Brooke 

  information from the website therefore updated directories will no longer    

            be sent out to residents.

Insurance - Jim Billings

            -According to the covenants it is required that each resident carry

             replacement insurance on their townhome and SBHOA as an additional 

             insured. There are about 20 residents’ insurance coverage that does not

comply with the covenants as stated.


Old Business:

-Chad - Discussion of Fletcher Court driveways and entrance.

Chad is on vacation. All three owners of Townhouses were

           present for the 4 p.m. onsite discussion of the street deterioration. A 

           bid from Stenberg for the Fletcher Court approach was given without the

           townhouse #3915 driveway gutter. That bid will be obtained.

-Aaron and Cheryl - Architecture Committee Policy       

This is no longer an active issue. The proposed policy has been withdrawn  from any further consideration.

          -Building Maintenance - Bids from Stenberg for the clubhouse 

          east driveway ($4314.) approach and curb & gutter and Fletcher Court’s 

          approach ($2,575).  

       -Utility line insurance - The HOA can’t buy this. Homeowners should check        

           if their current policy contains this or check into adding a rider to their own  

          policy for a reasonable yearly amount.

      -Gutter replacement schedule - Jim Twedt, Board Liaison the Building and 


There is no set schedule. 

           Replacement of gutters is determined at the spring inspection.

           The committee is proposing a policy that would prohibit the installation of    

            one piece gutter/leaf toppers on homes. Jim Twedt will forward the 

     proposed policy for review prior to the August Board meeting. Individual

toppers are acceptable when installed and maintained by the homeowner.


New Business:

Friendship Ark - Jennifer Ellis is the Executive Director of Friendship Ark. Cassie

Shivers is the contact person ( Friendship Ark Homes and Community Services provides a variety of programming that allows individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities to thrive.The organization is faith based and provides a family-like environment. The purpose is to help members reach their full potential through faith, family, and friendship. The BOD extended a welcome to our new neighbors!

Election of secretary for Board of Directors - Cheryl Martin was nominated, seconded and voted to be secretary. Jim Billings accepted to be the liaison to the Welcome & Hospitality committees.

Kathy Glatz - Capital additions and improvements for Stone Brooke. 

She offered a protocol for approval so that residents with enthusiasm and energy for various projects could investigate the how, develop a plan, create a finance plan, identify resident support, then take the idea to the appropriate committee and with that approval present to the board. 

The board gave approval for pursuing.

Website for Stone Brooke surveys

More information is needed. Mary Lohr, Ed Adcock, and Lauren Donaldson are good resources. Cheryl Martin will discuss the possibilities with these individuals.

Comments from Property Service Agency - Chad Marty 

-No report

Comments from Audience:

Comments from Board:


Adjournment 7 p.m.  Next Board Meeting August 23, 2021

Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary of SBHOA



June 28 meeting

Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Fred Johnson, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson

Absent: Linda Thrailkill

Stone Brooke Residents present: Sharon Axland, Bill & Jan Anderson, John & Mary Wilson, Dave Martin, Kathy Glatz


Call to order: 

Approval of May 24, 2021 Board Meeting minutes


Treasurer’s Report:

Aaron provided an overview of the financial status of the HOA through May 31, 2021. The  balance sheet reflected a total of $364,329 in assets, a significant reduction from the April 30th balance of $509,970. The difference reflects the payment of $169,111 for roof replacement. Most of the roofs scheduled for replacement in both 2020 and 2021 were replaced this past May. 

The operating statement for the period ending May 31st reflects a loss of $141,277. Year to date loss was $83,868. This was to be expected in that the HOA will be spending around $200,000 for roof replacements in 2021. The 2020 roof budget was set at $100,000 and the monies to cover the 2020 roof costs will be taken from the Townhome equity which stood at $170,143 at the end of May.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Control- Marlene Johnson 

No current news

Question posed to board:  “When will the decision be made on garage doors?” As was discussed the previous month, the president volunteered to go through past board minutes to find any information on garage doors. It had been mentioned by Sharon Axland that something was talked about concerning garage doors in a previous meeting. No discussion was found from reviewing the past minutes. It was decided by the board to wait until the August Covenant meeting to hear discussion on the meaning of Article 7.


Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill

Clubhouse is now open for two reservations a day. Kim is ready for reservations.

Investment - Fred Johnson

-No new investments recommended. June 30 investment balance is $114,936.85.

SBHOA’s  loan balance (wall) paid. A 67 k CD was redeemed. The balance will remain in the checking acct. to assist paying for summer townhouse maintenance.


Insurance - Jim Billings

Sent 11 notes to new residences to clarify the meaning of replacement insurance. Check covenant requirements for townhome insurance coverage. Note that insurance terms are miscommunicated to buyers from realtors.


Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

Donations reported of $600 in May. June activities included seven trees purchased through donations, delivered and planted with help from the Iowa tree replacement rebate program. This fall Stone Brooke qualifies for seven trees through another rebate program. Committee voted to enter into an agreement with Bird Friendly Iowa; $5,000 will be paid over a two-year period from the committee’s yearly budget.


Hospitality - Cheryl Martin 

Memorial Day event was a success! Food truck and American Legion Riders’     Motorcycle/convertible Brigade are scheduled for next year. The whole event will be re-evaluated in accordance with the city guidelines. Six new events are planned for this year. They will be outlined in the Stone Brooke Connection.


Old Business:

Discussion of Fletcher Court driveway - Chad

Original road owned by Stone Brooke. Bill Dreyer wants to share the deterioration of the approach on Fletcher Court at 4 p.m. before the board meeting.


Architecture Committee Policy - Aaron and Cheryl

Jeff shared his discussion with Dean McCormick about the garage door decorations. As chair to the Architecture Control Committee, Dean is stating that the committee has done their job by rendering a recommendation to the Board. He is expecting the board to make a ruling. There was a general recognition by the board that the issue is now in the hands of the board and those board members whose property is involved would recuse themselves from voting on the committee’s recommendation due to conflict of interest. Discussion questions: Is the covenant written in a way that is relevant to the Architectural Control scope of responsibilities? Does the covenant really address the issue of townhome decorations? Clarification of the covenants will be addressed at the August Understanding the Covenants residents meeting led by a past president of the HOA.


New Business:

Confirm with CyRide the route throughout Stone Brooke Community. Marlene Johnson will pursue answers to several questions concerning Friendship Ark and residences. Could they have an open house for other residences? People will not move in until Aug.1, what are their protocols for using facilities? Would Friendship Ark give a presentation to the board next month?


Comments from Property Service Agency - Chad Marty

HOA is responsible for the 4020 Fletcher water main repair.  Discussion about homeowners carrying utility line insurance and the deduction could possibly be paid by HOA if a problem should arise. Most of the roofing is finished. Because of the quality of the shingles, HOA can lengthen time between roofing schedule and homeowners can check with their own insurance for a possible refund.


Comments from Audience:

Gave thanks to all the people who volunteer on the board and committees. All their work is appreciated.


Comments from Board:


Adjournment, next meeting July 26, 2021



Board Meeting, May 24, 2021


Board members present:

Doyle Kepley

Aaron Keller

Jim Twedt

Jeffry Borgmeyer

Cheryl Martin

Fred Johnson

Linda Thrailkill

Jim Billings


Absent: Marlene Johnson


Stone Brooke residents present:

Julia Badenhope

Bill and Jan Anderson

Sharon Axland


Having determined there was a quorum of Board members, Doyle called the meeting to order.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the Minutes from the March SBHOA Board meeting. Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report

Aaron provided a thorough overview of the financial status of the Association. The Board was informed that the Association was $34,000 over budget for snow removal over the winter months.

A motion was made and seconded to pay off the bank loan by redeeming the CD, and sell necessary investments in order to bring in approximately $97,000 to cover the roofing costs, and on-going repair work (painting, siding, gutters, etc) scheduled for 2021. Motion passed


Pool and Clubhouse Committee Report Liaison Linda Thrailkill reported on the May 13th committee meeting. Committed members passed a motion to open the pool on May 29, if it is ready. Motion passed The rules and regulations regarding pool access and usage this summer are available on the SBHOA website.


The Board noted the new and much nicer carpet in the clubhouse.


Linda brought up an issue regarding possible overpayment and cashing of checks to the clubhouse cleaning service for services not rendered from April to December 2020. The person was paid by the Board’s accounting firm directly, not the Pool and Clubhouse Committee. She asked that the Board correspond with this person to clear up this issue, and that in the future all invoices related to the pool and clubhouse be approved by the committee before payment by our accounting firm.  Linda isn’t sure if there is a contract between HOA, the Board, or the Pool and Clubhouse Committee with Vince Simon, our pool operation. If there is no contract, the Committee and Linda will follow up and try to get one in place for this season.


A a motion was passed unanimously commending the Clubhouse and Pool Committee for selection and installation of the new carpet and vinyl. 


Building Maintenance Liaison Jim Twedt and committee chair Sharon Axland informed the Board that all spring home inspections have been completed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment by the Board for the gutters at Bill and Jan Anderson’s home. Payment would cover the cost of uncovered gutters, and the Andersons will pay the balance for the covered gutters. Motion passed.  Sharon informed the Board that the first invoice from the roofing company has been received.


Architecture In Marlene’s  absence, Cheryl presented the committee report. The committee had approved the addition of a 3 season porch at 3909 Fletcher Blvd. A motion was made and seconded to support the committee recommendation. Motion passed.


There was further discussion about the garage door decorations. The Board agreed to look at old Board meeting minutes and find a policy statement passed regarding the look of all garage doors in the Association.


Investments Liaison Fred Johnson stated that year-to-date return on the SBHOA investment portfolio is up approximately $8,400.


Insurance  Liaison Jim Billings said there was no report for this month.


Grounds Liaison Jeffry Borgmeyer presented a detailed report covering the Iowa Native Tree replacement program, the Community Clean-up Day on May 2nd, Planting of Understory Native Bushed, and Iowa Pollinators.  The next committee meeting is Wednesday May 26.


Stone Brooke resident and Iowa State University Landscape Architecture professor Julia Badenhope made a half hour slide show presentation: A pilot project to create neighborhood masterplans for a more resilient and bird friendly community in the Stone Brooke Community. Dr. Badenhope has received a substantial grant from Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, and has requested a $5,000 matching amount from SBHOA. She made a similar prevention to the Grounds Committee prior to the pandemic, and the Ground Committee chair indicated support, and may have even budgeted for the $5,000 in this year’s budget. Julia will attend the Wednesday May 26 committee meeting to follow up. The Board is waiting for final recommendation from the Committee, and will go ahead with it quickly in order to meet her deadline of June 15.


Hospitality  With Liaison Cheryl Martin, Committee member Jan Anderson reported that there will be a Memorial Day parade in Stone Brooke on Monday May 31st, and a food truck “Carlos Casadea” will be at the Clubhouse at 1:30. We have guaranteed at least 100 meals from the truck, so do show up Monday at the clubhouse for lunch!

An Ice Cream Truck - Sweet Treats - will be passing through Stone Brooke on June 23rd.


Old Business:  Doyle will check old Board Meeting minutes to find a policy passed regarding garage doors.


New Business: The new owners of the Class B house across the street from the clubhouse, Friendship Ark, asked Doyle, who subsequently asked the Board, for support to their request to have CYRIDE pass through Stone Brooke. This will greatly accommodate the new residents of this house. The Board agreed to the proposal, as long as CYRIDE only use their smaller buses to pass through our Association streets.


Jim, who is acting Board secretary, requested that the board advertise for someone outside the Board to take the meeting minutes in the future, through the Stone Brooke newsletter. It was approved.


Next Meeting Monday June 28, 4:30 p.m. Stone Brooke Clubhouse


Board Meeting, April 26, 2021


Doyle Kepley opened the meeting, following the SBHOA annual meeting, at 8 p.m.

New board members Fred Johnson and Jeff Borgmeyer were welcomed.


Officers elected by the Board:

President              Doyle Kepley

Vice President      Jim Billings

Treasurer              Aaron Keller

Secretary              No one stepped forward to fill this important slot, so Jim Billings agreed to be secretary for this and the next board meeting (May 24), after which it will rotate among the other board members.


Committee Liaisons:

Clubhouse & Pool              Linda Thrailkill

Hospitality & Welcome      Cheryl Martin

Architecture                       Marlene Johnson

Building & Maintenance    Jim Twedt

Investment                          Fred Johnson

Grounds                             Jeff Borgmeyer

Insurance                            Jim Billings


Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Jim Billings

acting secretary

Board Meeting, Feb. 22, 2021


Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, James Billings, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Cheryl Martin, Ron Schnoes, Marlene Johnson, Jim Twedt


Visitors: Doug Lawrence, Ernie Unger, Loren Donaldson, Kathy Glatz, Tanny Latuska, Andrea D’onore, Bill Anderson


Call to Order:  Doyle called the meeting to order via Zoom, at 4:30 PM.  Minutes of January meeting approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report:  Aaron reported Total Assets of $485,128.00 as of Jan. 31, 2021.  Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.  


Committee Reports

Architectural Control:  Marlene received no requests from committee. Jim B reported his discussion with Dean re garage door decorations. According to our Covenants, By-Laws and Policies, conformity is not specifically defined.  Aaron motioned that an ad hoc committee be created to define conformity and harmony.  Jim B seconded.  Approved.  

Building and Maintenance Committee: Jim T and Sharon, chair of committee, reported roofing costs will increase in 2021, as well as costs for those roofs that should have been completed in 2020, partly due to Durecho. Ice dam damage is responsibility of homeowner. 

Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported committee is still in process of working on repairing floor crack and sliding door, in relation to water damage to clubhouse floor.

Investment: Aaron reported a loss of $493.37 this month and a loss of $493.37 YTD on SBHOA investments.

Insurance:  James reported the committee continues to gain compliance from homeowners. 

Grounds:  Ron reported no meeting held this month. He motioned that board approve the generation of a grounds survey.  Seconded by Jim B. Approved.

Hospitality: Cheryl and Kathy, chair of committee, reported Welcome packets have been updated and are being distributed to new residents. Discussion held re dividing committee into two separate committees. The committee’s workload has been divided informally. Suggestion was made to make the separation formal after this year’s annual meeting. Duties will be outlined by committee chairs, for next month’s meeting.


OLD Business:

Fletcher Court driveways: postponed until next meeting

Draft Policy for Architectural Review of Proposed Exterior Property Alteration: Aaron discussed with Jim Twedt, who recommended that if we wish to proceed, we should also secure a lawyer. Aaron recommends talking with the group of people who have protested the policy. Jim T made motion to remove approval of policy and send it back to Architectural Control Committee for further review. Jim B seconded. Motion passed.


NEW Business

Board member terms expiring in April: Mary Beth and Ron.  Cheryl will lead nomination committee and present at least two candidates at next meeting

Comments from PSA-Chad Marty: not present

Comments from the Board: 

Comments from Visitors: 

Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.  

Next meeting: March 22, 2021

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary



Board Meeting, Jan. 25, 2021


Present: Aaron Keller, Doyle Kepley, James Billings, Linda Thrailkill, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Cheryl Martin, Ron Schnoes

Absent: Jim Twedt

Visitors: Chad Marty, Bill and Jan Anderson, Ernie Unger, Kathy Glatz, Max Schnepf, Loren Donaldson, Char Hulsebus, Robert Bergmann, John and Mary Wilson


Call to Order:  Doyle called the meeting to order via Zoom, at 4:30 PM.  Minutes of November meeting corrected to reflect active board members present.  Minutes approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report:  Aaron reported Total Assets of $461,715 as of Dec. 31, 2020.  Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.  


Committee Reports

Architectural Control:  Committee forwarded report to board and reads as such: Committee approved request by 3908 Fletcher Blvd for deck.  Board motioned and approved request.  Committee recommends to board, removal of garage door decorations. The board recommends the Committee review Covenants, By-Laws and Policies to clarify interpretation of and report back to board. Jim Billings will communicate this to committee.  

Building and Maintenance Committee: Chad reported for Jim that water leak at 4135 SBR was repaired for the utility line replacement of the water supply line and 4013 Fl was temporarily repaired until spring.  Roofing quotes gathered from TMJ, shows costs increased another 8%.  One roof repair from 2019 still left to complete and one completed this month.  List of gutter replacement complete, but waiting on costs to determine number that can be done this year.  Committee recommends SBA have special line item for future roof replacements, that allows for replacements to take place as needed instead of a specific number completed each year.  Yearly inspections are planned to be completed prior to annual meeting.  Current estimate for repairing Fletcher Court, will be gathered.

Clubhouse and Pool: Linda reported discussions of the following issues:  Clubhouse floor viewed after furniture moved out and carpet pulled.  Cracks visible but water source unknown. Options discussed for proceeding with determining water source. Carpet sample selected by committee consensus. C. Marty, PSA, to be contacted to pull exterior boards (ASAP) around Clubhouse to search for previous water damage.

Investment: Aaron reported that the Investment Committee didn’t meet in Dec. Aaron reported a gain of $2,135.73 this month and a gain of $9,137.90 YTD on SBHOA investments.

Insurance:  James reported while most everyone has complied with the requirements set out in the SBHOA by-laws and covenants, there are still a few outstanding: 13 residents have yet to include SBHOA as an additional insured, 13 residents still have too-low (in our estimation) insured replacement amounts for their dwelling, and 17, mostly newly arrived residents, have yet to submit any insurance declarations.

Grounds:  Ron reported that the committee did not meet in Dec. Ron reported on snow expenses so far this year. A sample of path paving material is at the Clubhouse front door, for residents to view. 

Hospitality: Cheryl reported that the committee clarified its responsibilities and outlined them for board review, for purposes of dividing responsibilities to be carried out by two separate committees.  One would be the Welcome Committee, the other the Hospitality Committee.  Also, samples of the Welcome packet were delivered to each board member, for review, prior to this meeting.  Discussion held re packets. Request of dividing committee into two, will be discussed further at next meeting.  


OLD Business:

Draft Policy for Architectural Review of Proposed Exterior Property Alteration was shared with all residents.  One written response to SBA address, was received and forwarded to board. Additionally, Aaron was contacted by a resident representing an unnumbered group of residents who had engaged an attorney to render an opinion on the permissibility of said policy in light of the Declaration of Covenants for SBHOA.  The attorney’s opinion was that the board is not permitted to approve this policy according to the Covenants.  Aaron will talk with Jim T for his opinion as to how to move forward on this issue.


NEW Business

Board vacancy and nominating committee: Cheryl Martin and one other resident will be the nomination committee.  All board members are asked to consider candidates to fulfill rest of Mary’s term.

Feeding deer: Mary Beth inquired if board members had received any complaints re feeding the deer.  Issue was discussed but it was decided this wasn’t a problem, overall.

Comments from PSA-Chad Marty: Made above during various issues discussed. 

Comments from the Board: Ron asked residents to be patient with new snow removal employees as he’s received complaints.

Comments from Visitors: John Wilson asked re ground survey status. Ron will share the survey with all board members before next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.  Next meeting: Feb. 22, 2021.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Secretary

SBHOA Board of Directors

Approved Minutes

October 25, 2021

4:30 p.m. at Stone Brooke Clubhouse

Board Members present: Doyle Kepley, Aaron Keller, Jim Twedt, Jeff Borgmeyer, Cheryl Martin, Jim Billings, Marlene Johnson, Linda Thrailkill

Absent: Fred Johnson

Stone Brooke Residents present: Kathy Glatz, Loren Donaldson, Betty Kepley, Beth Reynolds

Call to order: 

Approval of the October 25, 2021 Agenda

Approval of September 27, 2021 Board Meeting minutes

Jim Twedt moved to accept and Jim Billings seconded.


Treasurer’s Report: Jim Twedt moved to accept, it was seconded and approved. 

-The operating statement for the period ending September 30, 2021 reported $22,044.56 excess Townhome revenues over expenses for the month and year-to-date  $23,005.28 excess Townhome expenses over revenues.

-Additionally the statement reports $2,415.80 excess Common Area expenses over revenue for the month and year-to-date $4,922.89 excess Common Area revenues over expenses.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Control - Marlene Johnson 

-No new requests or concerns.


Building & Maintenance - Jim Twedt 

-The draft of the Gutter and Downspout Policy is not yet ready to send to the residents.


Clubhouse and Pool - Linda Thrailkill

-The committee expressed concern over the epoxy paint problem that appeared in the spring of 2021 after maintenance on the pool was performed in August of 2020 by Jarnigan, Inc. There have been conversations between the company and Dave Martin with little positive results. The committee is wondering if it is time to involve legal counsel. No action taken by the board at this time waiting for  final results of a conversation between the owner and Dave Martin.


Investments- Fred Johnson

-No report


Insurance - Jim Billings

-The Welcome Packets now have a page with Stone Brooke Community insurance requirements for all owners.


Grounds - Jeff Borgmeyer 

-The new snow czar is Jeff Borgmeyer and will be taking over Ron Schnoes’ duties. A well-deserved thanks was given to Ron for handling this responsibility for the past several years. Jeff would welcome a co-czar to consult about the depth of snowfall and to cover time away.

-There was a question about plans for maintenance on the bridges and paths. Jeff said he would pose that question at the next meeting.

-On Friday, Oct. 29th, there will be a hand-delivered survey from the Grounds Committee and the Birds of Iowa ISU students. Please return it in the provided envelope.

-Fall clean-up: homeowners take note that overseeding and aeration is a personal choice and responsibility of  individuals. Leaf pickup along with pumpkin and leafy parts of the plant disposal is a service offered by Hawcott Lawn Services.

-Residents interested in having drive and walks cleared with every snow can contact Tricia at Landscapes By Design, 515.685.2508 to arrange for individual services.

-Interested residents that would like to join the Grounds Committee are welcomed to come to the next meeting at the Clubhouse on Wednesday November 17th.


Hospitality/Welcome - Jim Billings

-The Stone Brooke Block Party was proclaimed a success by all those who  attended! The food truck and the band were slightly underfunded but a couple of donations supplied the balance of support.

-Three events for the remainder of the year are the Halloween Photo Scavenger Hunt and Dress up Party; Lunch Potluck; and the Holiday Cheese and Music Gathering will wind down the year at Stone Brooke.


Old Business:

- In September there was a discussion concerning  possibilities of adding to reserve funds for upcoming expenses. Aaron was asked to invite Dave Klatt, our accountant, to 

attend October's Board meeting to explain how reserves are collected and represented on the financial statement. Mr. Klatt will be invited to present at the November meeting.

-Gutter replacement schedule - Chad from PSA said that he would have the

schedule for gutter replacement completed in the near future.

-A resident representing those living on Fletcher Court is desiring a “big picture” plan for the maintenance of the approach and drive that connects the four driveways to Fletcher Blvd. Chad from PSA will obtain a rough estimate to accomplish the “big picture” plan.

-Chad looked into using Survey Monkey as a tool to be used at Stone Brooke for identifying opinions and interests. The cost could be anywhere from $500-$1,000 for each survey. Another alternative will be researched.

-The 2022 Budget discussion continued. All committees have turned in their budgets for next year. Since the cost of services and materials have increased, there is a need to increase monthly dues. 

-The common area budget is paid by both A and B houses. Current budget requests for Common area exceed revenues available even if common area dues are raised by 7%. Aaron explained the need to increase the Common Area portion of the dues by more than 7% and with the board's approval will send information to all members prior to a vote to do so at the Annual Meeting in April.

-Aaron suggested hiring a Reserve Analyst who would determine the funding necessary to prepare for upcoming common area expenses. The cost for that service is now $5,400. It is available from our professional funds category. No action was taken on the suggestion at this time.


The final budget for 2022 will be adopted at the November board meeting.


New Business:

 -Comments from Property Service Agency: Chad Marty 

-There are five work orders left to finish this fall.


Comments from Audience: Audience members made no comments.


Comments from Board:

Jim Billings excused the audience for a closed door meeting following the adjournment of the regular board meeting.


Adjournment:   6:20 p.m.


Next scheduled Board of Directors meeting  11/22/21


Submitted by Cheryl Martin, Secretary to the Board of Directors

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